
gravebone sideblog of sin

@credencecries / credencecries.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

I still haven't been able to see the second Kingsman, but I loved the first one so much ;~; I'm glad you're back into appreciating Credence land, because it's died out a lot (it'll probably come back soon, I know, but still) and I can't wait to see more of your lovely blog on my dash! (It's the doll anon, btw :))

ahh, you should definitely watch it! I adored the first one so much, ugh. I really enjoyed the second too tbh, but I'm biased because I love the characters a lot. I hope it will!! I think it will. We have a year and that feels so far away, but I will definitely start coming back and posting stuff again. I’m just trying to find footing with my writing muse for FB atm!

Anonymous asked:

You're alive!!! {It's the doll anon, and I did post a few chapter of the non-doll (but still drugged) Credence while you were away! It's on AO3, called Missing Marionette.} Welcome back! We missed you!

I’m alive!! I was consumed by the Kingsman fandom, I’m so sorry

I will definitely have to check that out, oh my gosh. I’m so excited to see it, why even lie.

Thank you!! You’re too sweet, oh my god

Anonymous asked:

(Doll anon) You're alive!!! I'm so glad to see you on my dash again! 😍

i am!! hello!! i'm gonna try and get back into posting on here again, i have missed you all !


trying to kinkshame me is futile. like oh, great, you sure shamed the hell out of me–never getting off to THAT again. u just got like 39489348348 more kinks to shame now until i have nothing but pure, unproblematic vanilla fantasies. It’s like some sort of dark fetish hydra where every head you destroy just spawns ten new kinks, each viler than the last. Give it up, buddy, you can’t fucking win against such a bottomless well of perversion, I’m gross and unstoppable.


um btw i saw this pic on pinterest and i just want to say: credence and graves.

Anonymous asked:

Why hello! I was hoping you could help me with a fanfiction I'm working on. I want to do a Crimson Peak AU with characters from fantastic beasts, and I have most of them in position, but I cannot decide on Graves and Credence. You see, I would like to cast Grindelwald as Lucille Sharpe, Newt as Alan McMichael, but I cannot decide if Credence should be Edith, Graves as Thomas, or Credence as Thomas and Graves as Edith. I'm more inclined to the first, but I would be very interested in your take!

hi there! oh, i’m so sorry but... i haven’t actually seen it.

i will tag this though and hopefully, someone will reply or send in a message as to which they think is a better match for you!!

Anonymous asked:

Post-kitten incident, Credence can barely speak from distress. He insists that he found the kitten that way, he was trying to help it, and though Graves believes him, he can't understand how his doll managed to take enough control of himself to actually leave the home. How he stayed safe. He looks down at the doll's head in his lap, lolling druggedly, still shuddering, and wonders just how much he's meddled with the doll's thoughts, or what he would do if anyone ever stole his doll away.

mmmm that’s so interesting

okay but what if Credence had to give himself it during the day, when Graves is at work

Graves didn’t manage to come back in time, and so he instructed Credence exactly what he would need to do: it was left on the side, exactly the right measurement

and instead, Credence forgot because his mind was numb the entire time until it began to wear off and then

then he comes back to Credence with that cat

Anonymous asked:

Graves comes home one day to find his dolly gone, quite without a trace, and panics. He tears the building apart before finding him in an alley up the street, a tiny, filthy kitten in his arms. Credence is fine, minus the blood smeared everywhere and the tracks of eyeliner on his face, but the cat won't survive. Graves takes one look at it and kills it, the kindest thing he can do. But Credence is inconsolable. When Graves tries to bathe the blood from his doll, he flinches away from his hands.



i’m so !!!!

how to i handle this i can’t

Anonymous asked:

hc - at first credence won't have sex if there's any light illuminating the room and he won't let graves touch him out of shame

oh, without a doubt

Credence is so deprived and… sexually shamed by pretty mucheverything and everyone around him

he wouldn’t be able to handle it in the beginning out ofshame and embarrassment

so I could definitely see him refusing to do anything unlessthe lights were off

Anonymous asked:

Graves wants to try weaning Credence off the drugs, thinking that maybe if he goes slow enough, it'll flawlessly transition from a drugged-out doll to a free-minded doll who wholly wants everything Graves is doing, who is capable of actually thinking about the situation but still wanting it. When he tries, it doesn't work. Of course it doesn't. Credence can't stand the screaming of the monster inside him now he knows what it's like to have it gone, and he doesn't care that part of him goes too.

Credence tries butit becomes too much all too quickly. There’s a darkness inside of him that hecan’t get rid of, even though he wants to

The only way to do it is whatever Graves gives him and nowthat he knows what it’s like, he doesn’t want it to stop

He can’t let it stop


i’m currently working on a longer fic that i’m hoping to be able to finish by the end of the month for a prompt – so please send some hcs/etc into my inbox!!


so, I’ve been asked about this a few times and thought that I would make a ko-fi to accept any donations and/or commissions if people were at all interested. i’m a full-time student, as well as a full-time carer for both my mum and my sister. This means that I can’t get a ‘regular’ job, so I’m not accepting commissions for writing.

I will write anything, any pairing, although I am obviously dominantly writing Credence/Graves right now. I will dabble in other fandoms, so feel free to ask.

For every $3 donation, I will write a 250 word drabble of anything that is requested. This will not be posted anywhere else, nor shared on this blog unless given permission to

Anonymous asked:

Graves brings his doll to a formal MACUSA event. He knows he shouldn't, it could blow his cover, but he just loves showing off, and he loves people knowing the doll is his. Credence's hair is so long by then that with Graves' carefully applied makeup and priceless dresses (with matching panties and stockings), his doll could be a girl-or a real doll. Graves spends all day primping him, drugs him heavily, and swings him around the event, Credence dancing like water 'cause he's so fluidly drugged.

I personally don’tthink that Graves would risk it

not with MACUSA

but i can definitelysee him taking Credence somewhere else that isn’t quite so risky

which I think would be reallyinteresting

Anonymous asked:

Dolly Credence used to like baking and cooking before he was Graves' doll, and in a fit of lucidity, he decides to give it one more shot. Graves comes home to find his doll a mess, flour in his hair, batter on his cheek, dishes and cooking utensils everywhere but he's smiling proudly like he hasn't in months, holding a tray of cookies. Graves who is so Shook™ that he can only think to clean his dolly up, slowly becoming afraid to leave him alone, lest the doll decide to hurt himself or worse.

oh my god

this is both adorable and sad because… imagine if Credence actually had hurt himself

because he’s not fully with it and there are possibilities that he’ll leave the oven on, or cut himself, or just something

but he also looks so damn proud of himself and full of more life than Graves has seen him with in ages

this idea has shaken me to the core, jsyk

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