
Ever’s Spam Account


My misc account to repost random shit! My main account is @eversage which is focused around my life with chronic illness, here I'll mostly post feminism and cute animals!

I don't get seasonal depression, I just get slightly sleepier and more irritable and mopey when I don’t get any sunlight, but when I said this to my doctor she was like “you should still get a lightbox” and I did and now I have way more energy.  The moral of the story is, if you spend time thinking to yourself “well I don’t actually have [diagnosable problem], I have [milder version that I can just ignore]”, you could instead of just ignoring it get the accommodation for the problem and see if it improves your life. I do not expect to remember this next time I “don’t actually have the real problem”, but maybe eventually I will learn.

We treat accommodations like something that you can only have if you’re really really desperately suffering and cannot function at all without them, but that’s… really really not the case. Or at least it shouldn’t be.


Not to uuuhhh highjack this post, but I have some experience with this. Not only does it corroborate the above but I have found that even you don’t have any need for whatever accommodation that also shouldn’t bar you from getting one if you just…

want it

see years ago my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer, and as happens with progressing cancer her mobility was drastically reduced. To help combat this and allow her to retain independence at home Papa (my grandfather) got a shower chair. This is about as self-descriptive as it can get, it is a chair made of metal and plastic that sits in your shower or bathtub. I’m sure those with physical disabilities are already quite familiar with them, for those of you that aren’t just google it.

Eventually my grandmother passed. A couple years after my dad had to stay at Papa’s house for a couple weeks, for his own medical reasons. While there he discovered that Papa had kept the chair. And while Papa was old he was hardly infirm, he didn’t use a cane or have any severe mobility issues. Certainly none that would have affected his ability to stand in the shower. The conversation went more or less as such:

Dad: Why they hell did you keep the shower chair, dad? You don’t need it

Papa: Kevin, you wait until you use it. Then you’ll know why I kept it.

My dad was disbelieving tbh, to him chairs in showers when you don’t need them was a thing that like. Lazy rich people had. wtf could be so great about being able to sit in the shower? Why would an able-bodied person even need to? it’s a fucking shower? wash urself and then get out. Then he used the chair, and according to him it was like he’d had a proper religious revelation. Shortly after his return home (tbh the amount of time it took for him to take a shower sans chair) my dad went out and bought a shower chair.

The ensuing conversation with my mother went as such:

Mom: Kevin why did you buy that? We don’t need it!

Dad: Just use it once, this will change your life.

And it did. After using the chair for the first time my mom straight up wanted to know why they had never thought to get a chair for the shower before. Ever since we have had a chair in the shower.

It has proven itself invaluable.

  • Exhausted but covered in grime from yardwork so you HAVE to wash before doing anything else? shower chair
  • Don’t have the spoons to stand in the shower? shower chair
  • Leg/hip/back injury slowly getting worse over time making standing for long periods a difficult matter? shower chair
  • Home from work and just want to shower but your feet are killing you? shower chair
  • can’t keep your balance when masturbating in the shower? shower chair
  • want to write fic in ur head without your feet starting to hurt because you maybe spent a little too long standing there in spray? shower chair
  • disassociating? shower chair
  • gotta shave your legs? shower chair
  • crying because you’ve now realized how much easier being able to sit down and prop up a leg makes shaving while in the shower? shower chair

I have no current mobility issues, and yet if I had to move house tomorrow a shower chair of my own would be one of the first things I purchase for my own home.

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of “this could make my life easier but do I really need it?” And y’know what maybe you don’t need it. Maybe you don’t need that accommodation, but maybe it would make your life easier anyway. When it comes to things that you keep in your home for personal use does it really matter? Besides there is always the very real chance that buying it now, when you don't’ need it but can afford it, will save your ass down the line when you suddenly do desperately need it.


I would also like to point out: if able-bodied people start using things that were originally designed as disability accommodations, they become normalised. They become acceptable. And then all of a sudden they’re widely available, they usually become cheaper, and disabled people don’t get shit for needing them.

Buy the damn shower chair. Get a JarKey so you don’t need gorilla strength to open the pickled onions. Install soft-touch taps. Revel in your newly comfortable life while also making the world a slightly more disability-friendly place.


This is the golden key. I was a broke boy before I first seen this picture years ago. It’s been said that this golden key wards off broke energy as well as brings golden blessings to those who Reblog this within 4 minutes of seeing it . When reblogging this golden key, think of:

  • Positive vibes
  • New job opportunities
  • Bonuses and raises at work
  • Being able to afford rent and bills
  • Shit like that

everyone who reads this post will get some big spicy joy within 24 large minutes (hours)

Ok y'all but like I’m not even kidding about this I read this post yesterday and today I got an email from the peeps at hamilton and I won the lotto gor $10 tickets and I would like to give all my thanks to the internet’s favorite fish, Goldie Gurston, for making this possible because I totally believe they did this with their amazing gay powers


So I know this is likely a coincidence…but I reblogged this and just now discovered I’ve been given a $150 amazon gift card as a bonus at work. So thank you, fish!


If it worked for them I hope it works for everyone else

Some big spicy joy pls


i request the big spicy joy

please, joy.


as much as the concept of Jesus being a fairly normal lad has its charms, im personally very intrigued by the idea of him being just… extremely weird. not even in a mystical sense, just…….staggeringly BIZZARRE. 

you go to the well to get some water, and here’s Miriam’s boy, staring at the sky, completely still. his expression is unreadable. you hazard a hello and ask how he’s doing, and he slowly, unblinkingly, lowers his gaze on you (he’s 8 and is missing his frontal teeth, not that this is making you any less uncomfortable) and says “I cannot speak of the state of my being, Nathan son of Saul, my brother, but rejoice for the water you shall take today will be as pure as the soul of the children of Heaven”

…you start sweating

normal person in 1st century Nazareth: making my way downtown, walking fast

*sees J boy, 8 yo, staring at you from across the street*

normal person: walking faster 

even funnier, the only person 100% on board with his Prophetic Kid Talk is his mother Miriam, an otherwise placid, absolutely normal woman around 25 or so

kid JC, coming home at twilight, a single white dove following him and chirping with weirdly human-like precision:

 moth̫́er,̦͌ ̮̉i h͙̉av͔̽e ͓͗b̘̃r̞̓o̮͘u̲̒gh̟͒t̺́ you a do̗͐ṽ͙e̢͘ ͈̾m͒͢a͈̽dē̝ ỏ̘f ͈̓c̆͜l͔̂aỷ͇ aṋ̑d̳̿ g͢͞i̹̾fted̖͡ ̻͐it ͓͂w̖̿it̎͜h t̥̃h͙͒e ̨̒m̧̂i̡̍ŗ͒â̫cḷ̔è̤ ̛̻of̞̅ l̘̈i̛̦fè̳

Miriam: ! that’s my little boy :) now let’s go get ready for dinner :) 

her husband Yosef, a carpenter who only marginally got signed up for this: 

This post is so Christian, but it’s the spicy kind of Christian that gets you murdered by other Christians for heresy, so I’m torn.

literally biggest form of compliment i’ve ever gotten


May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨

10 of Pentz came thruuu


Omg this actually works!!! Thank you 10 of Pentacles!!!

I could seriously use this money right now….

Please give me my refund of 400$ soon…

I feel obligated to reblog this every time it shows up in my dash

No bragging, just 100% floored and grateful. Work hard, maintain a positive attitude, and believe that anything can happen.

So I reblogged this exactly a week ago because I thought it was funny and uh lo and behold, a family friend wrote me a big ol’ check just to help me out of a tough financial spot AND my bank refunded me $32 for fees they’d originally taken out. SO UH YEAH. Reblogging this again in hopes that it brings equally good fortune to my followers.


Sure why not? Jobs bring in money and prosperity…



It fucking WORKED.

I have $80 in my bank account and no work on the horizon. Ugh


also ive met lots of lgbt people, the majority being teenagers, and while some of them have talked about being lgbt a lot, not a single one has treated their sexuality or gender as their entire personality. u know why? bc the “gay kid who has no personality outside of being gay” is a strawman caricature

you know that study where like when men were in a room w 50% men and 50% women they perceived it as more women than men? its like that, straight/cis people hear you mention your identity once, or see one gay character, and think its “too much”

can confirm, once talked about being trans to my liberal cousins privately and it was “too much” and “not the place to talk about that” even though they were my age and i had permission from their parents to talk about my life


Things They Don't Teach You in School

•Lincoln believed white people were the superior race •Gandhi hated black people •The CIA brought illegal drugs into the country •Ronald Reagan was the devil •White people mutated from the Dravidian Albinos and would be nothing without POC

•9/11 was coordinated by the Bush administration •The laws written 15 years ago where pushed and backed by the kkk •Black people explored the world before white people where civilized and whitewashed history

•Christopher Columbus ain’t shit.

*The father of modern gynecology experimented and tortured black women during slavery for his findings. *The government was successfully sued for the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. *The CIA introduced crack/cocaine into inner-cities across the US *The US had been sterilizing many WoC *In the Tuskegee experiments, the US gave STDs and other diseases, including syphilis to unknowing black men. *Japan was already in line to surrender when we bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima *The US created the Taliban

Tea sipping shit. I re logged this earlier. But this list got longer


• Native Americans had to register to become American • Black Panthers once watched over the police to prevent unjust arrests and beatings • Native American children were massively murdered when schools got too full • Black people were in zoos • There were Asian concentration camps during WW2


*The World’s largest Great White shark ever recorded in history fed off of slaves thrown over the ships *Gay white plantation owners used to rape the slave men in front of the slave’s wives, children, and friends. They used this method to deter the slaves from revolting or any other unwanted acts. *Plantation owner would make a “deal” with the hardest working male slave to bore 10 children and he will be set free. Creating the stereotype of black men leaving and abandoning their children. *Harriet Tubman’s first husband, a freed man, tried to discourage Harriet’s mission to free as many slaves as she could he threatening to tell her over.

We were taught that about Abe but this is some important info


Male slaves would have their teeth removed - the front two to mark them as slaves if they escaped and the back ones for sale

one of the reasons for landowners to back the revolution was that England had abolished slavery and wanted to bring it across to the colonies - one hundred years before slavery was abolished

the US has been responsible for almost every major conflict of the last one hundred years and interfered in the others almost always for drugs or oil

the great depression was entirely caused by the newly developed aggro farming of the 1920s

the US accidentally sank several ships of Jewish refugees in WW2 including one mostly full of children

•in Africa the white men that were there to “collect” the slaves would give tribes guns. This was in order to have tribes turn against each other so the “weak” tribe members would be sent to America.

•During the Armenian Genocide, families would potentially be spared if the oldest daughter had her face and arms tattooed with blue X’s. These blue X’s signified that the Turkish soldiers could do anything they wanted to her. [I met a woman that this happened to, while she ended up having a husband and children and had some sort of happiness in life. It was hard to look at her. Not because of the X’s but by what happened to her because they were there.]

*Southern black people were convicted of “crimes” (walking by the railroad, looking a certain way) after slavery had been abolished and forced to do hard labor like working in mines for weeks without seeing the sun where they had to drink stagnant water sitting at the bottom of the mines, being whipped and killed if they ran away. A lot of black people were put in jail during the cotton season when men, women, and children were whipped and killed while working in the fields.

*Southern black people were enslaved in this same time period (after slavery was abolished) through imaginary debt that white people claimed that they had and they couldn’t pay it back because the person that they were “indebted” to set all the terms.

*The literally “Constitution” of the Confederacy says that the point of their nation is slavery.  Don’t listen to people who say its about states rights.

*A lot of Republicans switched from being Democrats bc of the integrated military, the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts because they didn’t want to vote in the same party as black people. The literal founding of their party is racism.


because this has gotten longer

- Native children were rounded up by white people and put into boarding schools where most of them were brutally beaten and raped repeatedly while also being banned from seeing their parents ever again.

- White men would rape their way into native bloodlines just so they could be “legally entitled” to land, money and livestock that was reserved for natives.

-Native reservations were purposely established in places that were uninhabitable (i.e. poor soil, sparse food & water etc.) This was a way of forcing assimilation.

-Many cultures of PoC recognized more than just 2 genders before white supremacy came in with that basic shit.

-Ghandi also beat his wife

-America has a very long history of wartime sexual violence

Dear God

Many countries have put millions of dollars behind psychokinetic research. One of the most notable studies was Nina Kulagina which came from behind the iron curtain, and her abilities ranged from moving things under contained places, to reanimation of a frogs heart. LSD came from these types of studies to be made war capable. Cannabis is still illegal in a plethora of places.

You probably weren’t taught the original names of the Americas before it was colonized.

  • During the height of lynching, white people would mutilate the dead body of the victim and often cooked it, and they are bits of the black person they murdered.
  • Priests and other clergy often officiated lynchings
  • Children attended lynchings, often during their lunch breaks at school.
  • The black panther party fed thousands of children through their free breakfast program
  • White women slave owners are why there were “casual killing laws,” because they’d beat black enslaved children to death.
  • Many black Americans, myself included, are 4 or less generations away from an enslaved family member. My mother’s grandmother was born someone’s property.
  • Slavery continued illegally (and technically, in a few states, legally) in the American chattel sense well into the 1960s.
  • Africans who traded slaves to European colonizers typically had no idea the environment or physical/emotional/social abuse awaiting the people they sold. African concepts of slavery were nowhere near as brutal as American chattel slavery.
  • Ludwig von beethoven was definitely black.
Not to be NSFW on main, but this is kinda NSFW, this boy just offered to go down on me if I don’t want to do anything else and let me tell you I’m mush. My brain has stopped. I want this to happen. I had forgotten that some partners will just like, do things without needing to get pleasure themselves and damn adulthood is hitting me.

12:16 am, July 14 2019, mush brain


remember when you were a kid and whenever your parents came into the room while you were doing something for pleasure like looking at something on the computer or watching tv and you’d immediately close the thing like you’d just been caught watching porn when you were actually doing nothing wrong this post was made by strict parents with no boundaries gang


$50,000 immediately dropped into my bank account wouldn't improve EVERYTHING but boy it sure would be a grand, sexy little start to a good, happy life path, don't you think

Reblog for unexpected $$$ dropping into your Bank account.

Actually that would entirely pay my tuition for the next two years and give me the ability to start paying debts




this is the rare $786,708 payday. reblog to receive more money than you were expecting on your next paycheck 💫

Me, if my job ever made that error

hey guys, hope your skin is clear and you get a text from someone you like real soon.

also that your lunch tastes good, you find twenty dollars on the ground, and that thing coming up that you were dreading turns out not so bad

Passing this good karma

I reblogged this 3 days ago and my skin got clear and I got a message from a guy who refers to me as queen yesterday. Good karma vibes all around.


Sure, relationships typically start with a honeymoon phase that then grows into something deeper but a bit more mellow if things work out, but it’s depressing as fuck that this has turned into a really, really common script for straight relationships that says it’s totally normal and inevitable for dudes to just become more and more emotionally checked out of the relationship, and leave it to their girlfriend/wife to perform if she wants to get even a crumb of affection from him. I’m so fucking tired of seeing women constantly being taught that decades of emotional neglect is just our lot in life.


what “getting out of the honeymoon phase” should mean: you aren’t joined at the hip anymore and can spend time apart, but you still greatly enjoy eachother’s company and deliberately make time to be together. you’re not just a unit, you’re a matched set (like, you’re susan and bob rather than susanandbob). you start to see eachother’s flaws and don’t put eachother on a pedestal but instead love eachother as human beings, flaws and all.

what it should NOT mean: you barely talk anymore. you feel like two completely different people, tied together by a frayed thread. you’re annoyed by eachother’s flaws and don’t like to be around eachother


similarly: “relationships are hard, they take a lot of work” means that cooperation on a daily basis in both the practical and emotional realms takes conscious effort. you can’t coast on those honeymoon feelings forever, and you aren’t psychic, so you have to pay attention and communicate so you can honor each other’s wants and needs.

it should not mean that you’re fighting every two days or walking on eggshells to avoid the anger of an unreasonable partner or breaking your back trying to get the slightest sign of affection or respect from someone who’s checked out and doesn’t care about you.

This is so, so important. Dont keep investing in a relationship thats not giving back. You deserve to be heard, you deserve at the very least communication.

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