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@anlamveg / anlamveg.tumblr.com

== Origin ID: anlam1991 | Request: Off ==
Anonymous asked:

what is your tou?

As long as no commercial use or monetizing, I’m open to recolors and conversion to other games of my CCs. No advance notification is necessary. Most grateful if you could credit me by posting the link of my tumblr:)

In principle I’d like more ppl visiting my tumblr so I prefer no mesh is included. 

But since I’m not as active as I did in the past, there may be situation that my CCs being outdated and I being unable to repair them, I wouldn’t mind you include the mesh in regard of this. I would leave the decision to you guys.

I’m also open to showcasing of modifications to my CCs. At my very beginning I had learnt and had fun from modifying others works too.

Enjoy ;)

Anonymous asked:

Hello, I'm the anon who asked about how to reduce polys. I managed to properly google how to lower the polys of curves (instead of looking for sims4 specific tutorials) and I found out about lowering the curve resolution. Idk if that's the method you use but it worked out for me, so please feel free not to answer my previous ask 👍

I just got home and is about to answer it XD and yep lowering the resolution is my approach too. Google and YT can surely spoil you with loads of resources and solutions if you know the right keywords ;)

Anonymous asked:

Hello, have you ever had the problem of a hair strand object changing its position when you join it to another hair strand object in blender? And if yes, how did you solve it? Said strands used to be curves which I converted to meshes if that helps. Please feel free to ignore this if you don't have the time to answer btw, I understand 👍Either way have a lovely day!

My hair strand objects (as curves) sometimes disappear after joining, Idk if we’re running into the same problem. If I have to merge strands, I’d convert them into meshes and use boolean modifier(which is available after 2.79 or 2.80?). Though I haven’t merge any of the strands in my mesh as I may have to add hair physics onto them for importing into UE4 in the future :P


Hey anlamveg i'm wanting to help out making yandere cc!. ive been a fan of you're for a year now and i've learnder how to design a Aesthetic sims characters. I'm about to make a Senpais strime for Yan-chans room. And I wanted to ask if you could help me a little. .-. Im sorry if this is to much of a request.


You’re gonna make your first step of becoming a 3D artist :D You could ask me questions about my modeling method, though I’d recommend you to seek for youtube tutorials (Like those from Blender Guru who are currently posting a series of hard surface modeling tutorials for beginners, which is totally applicable to your shrine; or Royal Skies LLC who can slap you with some straight-to-the-point tutorials within 5 minutes, in case you need some quick demonstration) while running into problems, as I may not be able to reply promptly, and my approaches are probably not the most optimized since I’m still a noob. Really.

Your first creation could be very time consuming as you have to develop basic concept of modeling, examine what your have learn from the tutorials, and develop your own workflow. But believe me, a neat workflow will save your time in the future and speed up your progress of seizing the skill. All your time invested will pay off while you gain the ability of executing any of your ideas without restriction. Damn that blank ceiling and 2048 x 1024 single texture>:(((

Anonymous asked:

Hello! Your hair cc has always been my favourite, it brings my anime boy sims dreams to life! Would you ever consider a tutorial on how you do it? (No probs if not, it’s a lot to ask for!) And one more question (I’m sorry!) In your latest post with the shaggy hair, where can I find the shirt you used for the screenshots? Thank you very much for your hard work, we all appreciate your generosity ;u;

I’ve followed the workflow in this tutorial. Though I’m still using the texture from Maxis for consistency, I do want those fancy shiny textures in my own render(´・ᴗ・`)

And the shirt is from @bear-sims. Their cc contain some eeeexcellent mesh with excellent normal map, enjoy! :D



Anonymous asked:

Are you planning on making more traits? Also, once you finish making the rivals will you decide to do another game for cc or will you make more of the yandere simulator character like the ones from the clubs?

Since I barely have time to actually play sims, at this point I’m not planning to make script mods like trait, sorry(´・_・`)

My next project is to make school uniform, that’s why I’m building the school crest. It’ll be a reference when I get lost during modeling. I’m indecisive, constantly changing my mind during process is a norm for me. TBH, the only thing that can last for eternity is my obsession with anime bois lol Trashy model for them is such a disgrace.

After uniform, there comes the school. Lots in sims is too small for the whole school. I may build it as a stage in unreal engine just for more possibility.

I’m currently learning Blender and Substance Painter as the tools for me to build my own models and renders, and I start feeling sims is not enough for me. I mean, we still can’t paint that fucking ceiling in 2020, no hair and cloth physics, and only one texture map for one sim whilst multiple maps for a husbando in other games, OMG.

All of these works are for a fan story I’ve written, though my writing is too crappy that none of you would understand and I wouldn’t even try posting it(´_ゝ`) I’d like to present it in a graphical way instead. I’d consider any asset I can create for this purpose. 

And I’ll still sharing my models for spreading yaoi and bois, don’t worry(ゝ∀・)

BTW, here’s my son in Code Vein.

And here’s the husbando I’ve just referred.

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