
Everything has an Origin

@o-origin-o / o-origin-o.tumblr.com

Art Blog or something | 20 | Rune | ♀

I don’t hate the concept of ebooks per se but what bothers me is how our society is shifting from actually owning entertainment in tangible forms like books and CDs and DVDs and game discs, to having to download everything so basically we’ll get to the point where everything is intangible and all of our property can be taken away by a website crash.

“Almost exactly ten years ago, you may remember, Amazon came stealthily along and deleted e-copies of 1984 (no seriously, they did) and Animal Farm from people’s Kindles — copies they’d already paid for and downloaded — because it turned out that there was a rights problem with the e-publisher. Jeff Bezos wound up apologizing all over himself and taking it all back and promising never to do that ever again, but the fact remains that Amazon has some kind of access to your Kindle files and can literally remove them, if they feel like it, which is downright creepy, and if it were your computer you would not like it one little bit.” 

I’m sure that someone already said this in the notes, but you guys are aware that you don’t actually own e-books, e-movies, etc. Right? What you’re purchasing is a license to have that file on your device. Not the actual object. 

I’ve also posted about it multiple times.

Plus, Amazon, Google, Kobo, B&N are all explicit in their user agreements that they have the right to terminate your account, seize your library, and delete anything and everything off of your account at any time, for any reason, without giving you anything in return, including paying you back. 

Like, it super scary that they not only can do that, but are legally allowed to. 

I’ve seen people suggesting using the program called Calibre  to transfer and  convert your files from whatever program you purchase them on, so that if one of those companies do decide to be a dick, you will retain your e-copies safe and sound on your hard drive. Just don’t be an asshole and post those copies to pirate sites. 

So read your content agreements and digital ownership laws cause they’re not great. 

Paper books still have their uses.

And that very fact, my friends, is why products like Epubor Ultimate DRM removal tool (my personal choice) are legal to write and sell and use. 

Because yes, the terms of service sure say that. But every time they’ve /tried/ on a significant scale, they’ve been challenged and backed down. And every time they tried to stop DRM removal tools from being made and sold, they’ve failed. What they’re doing relies on keeping off enough toes that a significant bloc never gets pissed enough to push through a class action suit.

So, yes, absolutely, know this and, if you (like me) have book-gasms over having my library of 2000 books always at my fingertips to read whatever I like, get Calibre (https://calibre-ebook.com/) and then get one of the DRM removal applications. Jailbreak your library, back it up in at least three locations, and then pass this tip on in the joyful knowledge that all the major distributors are praying you don’t tell anyone else how easy this is.


Computer nerds have been screaming at tye world about this for 20 years and none of you listened to us, and you called us crazy. Have fun with your streaming services!

As an author, I will say this.

If you buy an ebook from me, take and keep a screen shot that proves that purchase.

If for any reason you lose access to your copy, contact me, provide that screen shot, and I’ll send one your way. I’d rather risk somebody doing this to get a second copy to pirate than have my readers lose their books.

My books are also DRM free unless you buy them through Apple, which puts DRM on whether the publisher likes it or not. Because DRM, in my experience, inconveniences legitimate users more than pirates.

(Another thing. Get Calibre. If you have an ebook that won’t open, sometimes opening it in Calibre and reconverting it will fix the problem. Not always, but often enough to make it a useful rescue tool).


legitimate fucking lifehack: discord server literally just for yourself to keep track of stuff over devices. links. reminders and checklists. all neatly divided into categories. search function and dates. why didnt i do this earlier oh my god.

op here. everybody adding passive aggressive comments like “just use [other thing]” or “wow u dont know [other thing] exists get well soon ❤️” owes me 5 dollars

everybody else especially adhd folks are very welcome and i hope u see something beautiful today


ive been doing this lately and it works pretty well!


these r the channels i use

basically organisation has my schedule and any random stuff thats happening or i gotta do

media is where i drop a youtube video, episode of a show, or fic im reading with the time of where i am in the video that i need to close so i can focus

plus it doubles as a catalog of stuff to when I’m bored!

then document is links to things i need open to do work or any slideshow links i get for school

and formulas are the formulas i always search for those classes like a wavelength formula or molar mass or smth!

I first made mine as a way to test bots but it’s soooo useful and I cannot recommend it enough


Dungeon Master Essentials

I decided to make a list of DM stuff that I personally use or think are important to know when it comes to being a DM. So here’s my list:

Medieval Fantasy City Generator: This generator is now my LIFE. It generates incredibly complex cities with good customization. (Thanks to plantkat for sharing this site in their post here)

Naming Your Towns/Cities: Now that you’ve made your city, time to name it and give it some character! This post contains lots of great information.

Index Cards Rule: Fuckyeahdnd shared a SUPER convenient way of keeping track of turns and HP in combat. I use this system now for every single session I run.

Tricks & Traps: I am AWFUL at coming up with good Dungeon traps and challenges, this PDF includes some incredible ideas. The original poster, Courtney C. Campbell also runs a blog where she shares tons of great stuff. (Thanks to we-are-rogue for sharing the PDF in their post here)

Playing Different Types of Characters: Writeinspiration has a masterpost on how to write/play lots of different types of characters.

Unique NPC Jobs: Lauraharrisbooks wrote a list of different Fantasy Jobs which can help populate your world with some unique characters! Another similar post by Thewritershandbook also covers Common Occupations in the Middle Ages

Developing Characters by Threes: Monticusrex’s method of creating characters help you really flesh out who they are. Useful for Players and DM’s.

Troublesome Players? Speak Up: Dicebound brings up an incredibly great point. If someone is being a jerk, speak up and call them out. This is especially important and relevant now to crush awful behavior before it even has a chance to show it’s ugly face.

List of D&D Resources: And finally, pretty much anything you might need for D&D.  (Character stuff, spells, online communities/ways to play, etc..) A lot of people contributed to this post but thank you Mushroomancy for posting the original list.

Donjon: And finally, this site is a great resource for looking up Spells and Monsters along with tons of other generators. Not every single Spell or Monster is on here, but most are listed.

(I tried to give credit to the original posters or the actual URL for websites, unless those sites or URLs were no longer active)


Incredible list!


Donjon is great. I use the loot and dungeon generators there regularly. Gonna have to look into some of the other resources!


I feel like adhd bored is different than neurotypical bored because like. You don’t understand. I have a billion things I could be doing. I turn on the tv. I stare at the Netflix screen for five minutes. Flip through shows and movies for the next thirty minutes. Nothing looks good. I put in a video game. Play for two minutes. Not feeling it. I load up YouTube. Watch half a video before closing the app. Maybe I’ll read a book? I stare at my giant bookshelf. The thought of starting a new book seems too hard. I lay in bed and play phone games for six hours. Nothing has gotten done. Still bored.


british summer is here.

[rain pouring] [thunder rumbling] [car horn blaring] “go on. wheyyyyyyy!! Oh no.” [in distance: “YOU IDIOT”, uproarious laughter] “why would you go through that. what are you doing. ahhh no, he’s actually floating!” “well of course he is. what a fucking bellend!” “what a knobhead!” “fucking hell.”


ASMR. Rain AND instant cosmic punishment.


Apparently my account got semi hacked or something and was posting about glasses? lmao

if you got a message from me just ignore it, thanks


how to draw arms ? ? 

holy fuck

holy fuck is right… but… does it work with legs???

yes !!


but how much extend






finally. i can be accurate

This is too fucking great to not reblog


I give it MASCLES





Okay but for anyone who legit wants to know how to calculate it correctly:

The elbow joint on average rests a couple inches higher than the navel, so if you measure how long the distance is from the middle of the shoulder to that point then you have the length of the upper and fore arms!

So if anyone’s wondering about legs too, the simplest rule of thumb is that the length from the top of the leg to the knee is equal to the distance between the top of the leg and the bottom of the pectorals:

And I wanna stress that when i say “top of the leg” i’m not talking about the crotch (please don’t flag me tumblr it’s an anatomical term) i’m talking about the point where the femur connects to the pelvis, which is higher up on the hips:

It’s easier to see what I’m talking about in this photo of a man squatting: 

So yeah if you use that measurement when using this technique you should get fairly realistically proportioned legs:

But remember! messing with proportions is an important and fun part of character design! Know the rules first so you can then break them however you please!


Licherally in the midst of drawing a guy and crying at how bad the arms are. Thanks Tumbles


I only ever saw the part where people started drawing the limbs outrageously long and genuinely wanted to know how to fix that, so I’m really thankful to see the rest.


I found the craziest seed

ok so I was just goofing off and entered the latest snapshot name as a seed and I found the craziest shit

so first off u spawn in a village with no blacksmith sadly, but it gets crazy from here

there’s a mcfucking ocean ruin just above the fucking ground. and it has decent loot

It has Mending????? What?????

but then, get this

theres another ruin right next to it, and it has another fishing rod

that one has Lure I. so u could already just combine those two to get a p good fishing rod but then

theres a- fucking nother one

????????? but it gets better

2 more ruins, sadly with no loot but u will forgive me

if u go into this cave right here (keep in mind this is still very close to spawn) u will find this

and this ravine happens to have

9 diamonds, just out in the open cave, no mining necessary

that was a lot so maybe take a break and look at this turtle

feel better? anyway the seed is 18w47b

again, I repeat 18w47b

thank u for ur time


cheat code

This will work, I used to be a recruiter. Recruiters don’t got time to read every single resume they see, they look for keywords, find what they want, Call and do a preliminary interview. That’s it lol


This is amazing


Boosting this!


I will remember this tip!

I have no idea if this works at all, but I don’t see how it could hurt. I’m all about resume cheat codes. Here’s some more advice:


But also use those resume buzzwords too!

Words like: manage, maintain, coordinate, monitors, processes, etc can be used in your resume to draw attention to it!

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