
Tiny World


This was the first thing that came to my mind

I was playfully flirting with some guy who was flirting back and a girl next to him looked at me and said, "I am his girlfriend!" in a very upset voice. I looked at her and looked at him. The situation was awkward. I didn't even know their names. It was innocent flirt(if we can call it flirt).

Now maybe this is why I am still single but I don't think it is correct to speak like that. And that is exactly what I told her, " I'm sorry, but why are you telling me that? Doesn't he know that he is dating you? Why are you talking to me, looking at me, that way, as if judging me! As if I had to know that you and him are dating. Honey, you don't walk around with a stamp saying your taken, people use actions to define themselves, not stamps. If you don't like to see your boyfriend talking to other girks like he talked to me than you tell him that! Don't go telling a stranger that you guys are dating! Unless you trust a stranger more... Unless you think "If I tell her to stay away she will!", Why? Don't you trust him enough to believe he won't cheat on you?"

Now I have never been in a relationship, so maybe I can't fully understand her.

I don't always read manga because I love it. Sometimes I read it because I'm lonely.

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Shuu please don’t open your mouth. You’ll lower the IQ of the whole street.

-Reiji to Shuu at some point (Originally from Sherlock )

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