

@hellomissmabel / hellomissmabel.tumblr.com

Marvel fan fic writer. - They call me the Queen of Plot Twists. - Click here for my masterlist - I reblog all fics I read here - Portrayed Mabel in the musical Fame.

The best part is the fact that out of the two of them Martha Stewart was the one who went to prison.


Wiiiiild. He did commit murder (in self defense - no judging) and America‘s Best Housewife was sent to jail because of insider trading, securities fraud, obstruction of justice and conspiracy. This is wiiiiiild 😄😄😄

also he has every right to make fun of kanye west considering snoop has had a successful career for about two decades including his own cookbook and appearing in movies whereas kanye is a flat earther who had to crowdfund another album because he ran out of money despite kim kardashian being with him, not having the money to produce another album should be the metric when you know you can tell a musician has failed somewhere in either money management or actually being a musician rather then a famous trainwreck

snoop dogg is a good man who loves cooking, nature, and supporting the dreams of young children in poverty. kanye west helped get trump elected.

seriously though check out his cookbook its beautiful

and filled with lgiht humor, legit cooking, and charming life stories

Whenever I think about snoop I remember that episode of cribs where he lived in an unusually modest house compared to everyone else on that show, spent the entire time with his young daughter hugging onto his leg and dragging her around as he walked. He even talked about how he didn’t want his kids to be musicians and that he just wants them to have a chance at a normal life / he doesn’t wish music career drama on anyone

The dude is mega down to earth for having a networth of 135 million dollars and staying relevant for longer than some of the top charting musicians have been alive

he says he keeps a supply of poptarts in the house for his nieces/nephews and grandkids but admits theyre really for him and then goes on to discuss what selection of condiments your fridge should have to jazz up leftover takeout hes one of the most thoroughly human humans ive ever known of

Doesn’t he also coach football for kids, and stops smoking during the season to set a good example for the kids?

all these people going on about how Hozier is the peak representation of musical soft masculinity when Snoop has been out here rocking the smoothest braids and most hype manicures for decades

Have you seen his Planet Earth voiceover video? It’s the best thing I’ve ever heard. Man knows nothing about otters

Plizzanet Earth is a joy. Here’s the playlist:

Why has no one ever told me about Plizzanet Earth oh my god

Snoop is legit; don’t come for him. 

He also did an episode of Storybots and my kids adore the computer man. Which is wild to me. Cuz I remember gangster rap Snoop. And we love and support Snoop in this house.

Love him, great man

plizzanet earth

Hozier is the peak of good white masculinity. Snoop is the peak of good Black masculinity, and on top of what Hozier does, Snoop adds something a lot of Black children never get to see—you can be a man, you can have “cred,” you can be cool, and also know how to make cookies. (Hozier is great, but he’s never been cool a day in his life and he freely admits this. The two of them have very different kinds of good masculinity both culturally and personally.)

There’s this idea—and the tweet opening this thread exemplifies it—that being “gangsta” means being self-absorbed, materialistic, and violent. Snoop is just like “nah, I have bling and street talk and I’m higher than a kite and also I love my kids and cooking and FUCK your toxic masculinity,” and that’s an important message. You can have the look, if you like the look, but you don’t have to be a stereotype to have the look.

“You can have the look, if you like the look, but you don’t have to be a stereotype to have the look.”

I don’t think anyone has ever said that better.

Good to see this thread scroll up on my dash again.


I MISSED YOUR FICS!!😭 how are you? I hope you’re doing well ❤️


Hi!!! I'm doing okay, it's been incredibly busy so I haven't been able to update my fic recs. I still intend to do so! I miss writing and interacting with my readers ❤



A little update <3

I still read all of your lovely replies! I have not given up on art my friends! I have even started my own webcomic on webtoon! It’s called Seth In Space and it would mean a lot to me if you would support me there! Love you all and happy halloween!!

I’m so happy to tell you all that I’ve made great progress with my mental health!! To genuinely be able to say that I feel happy is so liberating and free! I know a lot of you are still in that dark place. I’m here to say that it does get better. Much better! I still have some tough days but progress is progress! Be kind and gentle to yourselves. I love you all and thank you to everyone who’s supported me over the years!


Happy halloween 2021 everyone!! As for some good news, I came out as genderfluid this year!! I hope everyone has a magical halloween!! Patreon

Ahhh hell yea-! I was wondering about this!

This is such a strong post that I couldn't share fast enough. You're doing great and I believe in you ❤


reblogging because sex ed is usually shit but it’s really really important

I don’t consider this nsfw because this is actually important and people need to get educated.

Because I’m pretty sure our desi parents won’t teach this

Latine homies and/or ppl who grew up in strict Catholic households.

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