
TV addict from France

@lonelymel / lonelymel.tumblr.com

26 from France SPN - Sam girl at heart Buffy the Vampire Slayer The 100 SVU / Oz / Desperate Housewives HTGAWM / ... Always Keep Fighting


Which memory spell should one perform in order  to remind the writers that Sam Winchester is a main character ?

He is not just a glorious piece of prop to just hang around somewhere in the background ( we have baby for that and she is pretty darn awesome)

Sam’s actions, reactions, emotions and opinions matter.

His story-line matters.

Sam Winchester matters.


Reblog if you understand the difference between being obsessed with fictional relationships and being obsessed with real ones. One is called “shipping” and the other is called harassing celebrities


is anyone else just going through life like “yeah i just gotta get past this last difficult week and then it’s smooth sailing from there!” but like… every week


Sansa Stark's character development is epic and beautiful

Reblog if you agree.


well I’m screwed 


Donnie, Leo, Mikey, and Raph


Horatio cane. csi Miami.


Sheldon Cooper, Big Bang theory Ugh…noooo

The people from the Zoo. 

I may or may not be ok. (seeing as most of them died in the show o-o;;;; )

Yeh I think I’m good. these ponies can kick anyone’s asses~ 


They’re fucked!

Doctor who. Oh hell Ye y'all are screwed


// I don’t think I got too many worries.//


Yup theyre fucked XD

I think I’m good… Oh… Wait…

I am watching family guy… Weeellllllllll shit


People from The Office….


Well…. Steven universe crew….

Supernatural people? What the fuck am I kidnapped by?!


No, the show supernatural. Dean and his brother…. Probably not a ghost.


Danganronpa. This could go good or bad

Maya the bee


Well, if King Mickey is coming to save me, I guess that means I’ve been kidnapped by Maleficent.


I think I’m good lol

I’m very good

I think I’ll be alright. =)

I’ve got the Impractical Jokers… can I have Game of Thrones instead?

Oh yeah, I’m good


The last show I watched was either supernatural or shadowhunters so I think I’m good

These guys would probably fuck up along the way but I’d be fine by the end

I’ll be fine don’t worry about me


The last show I watched was blacklist. I think I’m good


 I mean, I guess I’ll be okay. And they are cute

Well it was nice knowing ya! I’ll be the dead one then!

Guys I’m set to be rescued :) 


I’m not too worried.


Well, at least someone will be able to treat my injuries if they ever find me...


Okay but you know what I’ve always wondered? Were there any Mondler shippers among the people who watched Friends when it first aired? Like was anyone desperately hoping that they’d interact this week or that maybe they’d have some sort of moment? And then was their mind blown when they first slept together in London? Like I’m so curious about that, if there were people who always hoped/saw it coming…


I was always low-key rooting for them! And for once, I was rewarded 😊


Fears of Hogwarts houses

Hufflepuff: Being alone. Letting people down and not being able to help when you feel like you need to.

Gryffindor: Not being able to live up to the expectations that people have of you.

Ravenclaw: Not suceed in things at work, school or home and not being listened to.

Slytherin: Letting people in, cause you think they will reject you or see you as weak.


Guess I really am a Slytherin then...

I started following this girl and her whole dash ended up these. And her last post. I can’t even say words. Anons took her life. If that okay with you, then carry on with your day. If you agree this is unacceptable and okay, then reblog and spread the word. What you say can actually change a persons life! So help out

I don’t care if this makes your dash look ‘ugly’, no matter what type of blog you have you should reblog it.

If you can’t reblog this, I pity you as a human being.



This is honestly soul crushing. People who send hate like this have dog shit for souls.



Summary: As a teenager you’d been best friends with Sam Winchester, particularly since your mother and his father hunted together whenever they felt they needed backup. But then you’d moved country, and all interactions with the Winchesters were of the non-physical kind. So when they call on you for backup, you jump at the chance to see your best friend again, not to mention see his big brother, on who you’d had a mild crush on. The hunt goes well, the rest of the evening, however, doesn’t exactly go your way.   Pairing: Alpha!DeanxOmega!Reader Words: 3963 Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics. Smut. AN: This was an Anon Request! I’m quite pleased with this one, and kinda tempted to write a sequel… let me know what you think of that idea!!! Constructive Criticism Welcome!!!


Your phone started ringing for the third time in a row, and you couldn’t suppress your exasperated groan as you tugged a sweatshirt over your wet hair and damp skin. Snatching it up off the scuff-marked plastic table you chanced a quick glance at the caller ID before answering.

Sam Winchester.

Of course.

“You better have a damn good reason for disturbing my day off, Winchester,” you teased, tucking the mobile between your shoulder and ear so you could return to the damp towel you’d tossed onto the bed and set about drying your hair more thoroughly. The bastard knew you were taking a day to pamper yourself, yet still decided to drive you mad with your own ringtone. How very rude of him.

On the end of the line, Sam just chuckled, and you could just picture him shaking his head slightly in amusement.

“Yeah, sorry about that,” he laughed, but you could detect genuine regret in his voice. “It’s just that I know you’re nearby, and me and Dean could use an extra pair of hands on this one. Dean will hate me when he finds out I rang… he doesn’t like thinking there are more Vamps than we can handle,” he said. A faint scraping sound in the background suggested that he’d just taken a seat, too.

As you once again dropped the towel onto your bed in favour of your hairbrush, you let out an amused titter. “Certainly sounds like Dean,” you mused, “sounds like he’s well on his way to becoming one of those stereotypical stubborn Alphas you get on TV.”

Once again, you heard the distinctive rumble of Sam laughing. That was when a thought hit you, and your face lit up in a smile so broad that your cheeks actually hurt.

“Hold up… does-does that mean I actually get to see you guys? And I mean see you, not just skype or a screen-shared movie?”


OMG! That was hot as hell, please tell me you will be writing a second part (and if so, would it be possible for you to tag me?) !!!


I’ve said it before, but I’m saying it again. Apologize to your children when you are in the wrong. The minuscule hit to your pride is nothing compared to the impact you will have on your children. You are not an all powerful supreme being. You are human. You’ll make mistakes occasionally, and you’ll have to apologize for them. It’s ok to own that. You’ll be teaching them how to register wrong doing, how to correctly apologize for it, that admitting fault is an ok and necessary life skill to have. Most importantly, you’re showing them that they can trust you to do the right thing. 

I will preach this to my dying breath. Apologize to your kids when you’re in the wrong. 


I wish my parents knew that things would have been better if they apologised when they were in the wrong...


This is really not okay.

I think some people fail to realize that men can be sexually assaulted, too, and not just by other men. This girl shoves him against the wall and slaps him three fucking times when he pushes her away. Heck, he has to push her away twice before she backs off for a moment. Then she goes right back to kissing him.

If the genders were reversed, everyone on this site would be flipping a shit. And if anyone dares to tell me that it’s different when a girl does it to a guy, I will personally write you a three-page essay on why it is still not okay.


I’m just going to REBLOG this all the fucking time


This is not okay. Gender does not matter. Forcing someone will never be okay. Never.


I’m looking at every single one of my 290+ followers right now, and I’m expecting you to reblog this.

Hey I hope you all reblog this AND DON’T IGNORE THIS.

if you think men can’t be victims then please unfollow me right now

Men are victims too



Always reblog


freaking unfollow me if you don’t think men can be victims. as a female victim of this, i’m here for any of you if you ever need to talk, regardless of your gender.


Finding Home - 10

Chapter 10

When two worlds collide and life is turned upside down, you’re faced with the reality that you may not be able to make it back home again to the one you love. But then a familiar face shows you that love can span more than just one universe; it can cross them all.

Pairing: Castiel x Reader, AU Cas x Reader

Warning: There will be some angst, but this is more of a love story told with the ups and downs of what two people have to go through to find each other again, and the love that could be lost along the way. There will also be some strong language and light sexual references. It’s a slow burn this time.

Word Count: 4,885

Chapter 7   Chapter 8   Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11  Epilogue


Three months can be a very long time.

To a child, three months feels like an eternity, each day an endless waiting game. They watch the clock and track the hour, counting down the days remaining with painstaking diligence. Playtime, bath time, meal times, they’re temporary distractions. There is nothing that can completely alleviate the pain of waiting for something they want.

For an adult, things are different. Waiting for something is a necessary evil at times. It is a part of life and no matter how much they want the time to pass, there is an understanding that what they want will eventually come. But for you, there is no weight of patience.

Three months was never a goal for you, it was a string of days that continued in a steady flow, never promising to end. Three months have come and gone, and you are no better for them.

There was no lesson to be found today. There was no wisdom that you could glean from such a trial, and there was also no guarantee that there ever would be.


Noooo what is happening???? I need to know!!!! Other than that, as usual, great chapter and I loved protective Dean.... Il have a feeling than no matter the ending of that story, it's gonna be both happy AND sad...


There’s two lamps.

External image So while Dean destroyed one lamp


The lamp in the background is left to mourn the other lamp.

May it rest in peace.


I ship these lamps so hard.

It’s a very tragic love story really. I mean, they only had each other for company all those years in which the Bunker was locked without occupants. Then the Winchesters come. And they’re so happy because for the first time in decades they can shine brightly, and help lend light to the research of Supernatural creatures again, as was originally intended. And for months everything is bliss.

Until one day that tall man, but slightly shorter than the really tall man, gets into a rage for reasons the lamps can’t understand.

And lamp one watches in horror as the man throws the books and papers off of the table. But it breaths a sigh of relief because he just barely misses the other lamp. But then the man turns back around and swings his arm in an arc, knocking the lamp across the room so that it slams into the wall, shatters, and falls to the floor.

The lamp cries out in horror, but no one hears it over the sound of more furniture being thrown around.

His companion all those years, his lover—taken from him in an instant. He felt he could just burn out right there and then and no longer lend light to the Winchesters. And at the same time, he felt he needed to get revenge. All these emotions burning intensely inside of him.

But sadly, he could do nothing. For he was only a lamp.

did you just write a lamp fanfiction

you gotta love this fandom

Didn’t this start out talking about Cas and Dean? Screw that ship, Lamp and Other Lamp it is, maybe the dead Lamp will come back from hell and they will reunite..

Lamp stood at the crossroads, Shovel by his side.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Shovel asked, pushing dirt aside.

The lamp look wistfully at the horizon. “Yes” he muttered. He nudged box with a picture of himself and other items inside. He covered it with dirt. He muttered the incantation, and a crossroads demon appeared.

The demon looked around, confused for a moment because there was no human in sight.

“I’d like to sell my soul for my lover,” the lamp sternly said.

The demon looked down to where the lamp sat on the ground.

“You…can’t sell your soul.”

“Please!” The lamp begged. “My first born. Anything!”

The demon shuffled awkwardly. He had seen a lot of weird things in his time in hell, but never this. He didn’t get paid enough for this.

“Sorry cupcake.” And he disappeared with a snap of his fingers.

“Damn it!” the lamp shouted towards the heavens. “Damn it,” he muttered, softer.

“Oh dear…” Shovel said. “I know that look.”

“I’m going to hell myself.” Lamp said. “I’m going to save him.”


Shovel sighed because he knew that there was nothing he could do to stop Lamp from going down into hell. And yet he felt obligated to at least try. “Please. You had an eternity together, just let him go.” Shovel begged of his friend.

“An eternity.” Lamp muttered under his breath. “It doesn’t feel like it. We knew each other since we were made together as a set. But it hasn’t been near an eternity.” Lamp’s light suddenly turned on as he came to an epiphany. Shovel’s heart filled with dread as he realized what his friend planned to do.

“Come on. We have to get back home.” Lamp said, voice determined as he knew what it was that he had to do.

As they arrived back at their home in the bunker, Shovel had already tried and tried to convince his friend against his plans, but it was too late. Lamp knew what he had to do. He shook as he stood where his lover once stood collecting dust while there was nobody inhabiting their home.

There was a loud, deafening crash as Lamp threw himself off of the table, landing in the same spot that his friend turned lover had died. Shovel let himself fall against the wall as he saw the life light go out of Lamp. Shovel felt responsible for putting the idea of an eternity in his friend. But he knew it was bound to happen eventually, whether by Lamp’s own doing, or by the hands of the slightly shorter angry human who’d killed Other Lamp.

Shovel hoped that Lamp got his happy eternity with Other Lamp in death.

The taller man walked into the room. He looked at the floor to see a lamp in pieces.

“Dean!” The man yelled.

What the hell is a Dean, Shovel thought.

Dean came running into the room, gun in hand. “What?” he said.

“Dean. I just fixed this lamp here.” The tall man said, a lamp in his hand. It bore cracks from where it had shattered into pieces, but otherwise, it was glued back together and ready to take its place back on the table.

“That’s great, Sam, but why the need to yell?” Dean huffed.

Sam rolled his eyes, and then pointed at the floor where another lamp lay shattered. “Dean. You have got to stop breaking the furniture!”

“I didn’t do this,” Dean said, slightly offended.

Sam set the lamp in his hands on the table and plugged it back into the socket. It glowed brightly. He then turned his attention back to Dean.

“Oh really. So the lamp just threw itself off the table?”

Shovel drew in a stunned breath, dread settling over him, staring at the two men as they walked out, still arguing. Shovel only had a few seconds to collect himself before he heard a relatively cheery “Hello!” He looked guiltily over at Other Lamp.


Other Lamp frowned slightly at Shovel’s tone, but otherwise didn’t respond to it. “I wasn’t expecting to be fixed, I thought it would all be over. But the tall one mended me.” He explained.

“That’s… It’s good. Er, it’s good to have you back.” Shovel shuffled nervously. “I- I mean we, uh, we missed you.”

“How long was I gone?” Asked Other Lamp, feeling elated at the notion that he was very much alive. He couldn’t think of anything that could ruin this moment.

“A few weeks.” Sighed Shovel. “A long few weeks.”

He knew he would have to break the news, he knew he couldn’t hide it. He was surprised Other Lamp hadn’t noticed the shattered pieces yet, but then Other Lamp wasn’t always the most observant lamp. Still, the pieces were there, and it was only a matter of time.

“A few weeks?” Repeated Other Lamp. “It felt like longer!”

“It sure did.” Muttered Shovel.

“I missed you guys - especially Lamp! I’m not used to not seeing him every day.” Other lamps light flickered with cheeriness. Shovel dropped the false smile, unable to keep it up when every word felt like a stab, but Other Lamp didn’t seem to notice. He did, however, frown and look around. “Where is Lamp?” He asked suddenly. “Did they move him to a different room?” The heartbroken look on his face made Shovel feel all the worse, knowing the truth was no where near as good.

“It was a long few weeks, Other Lamp.” He muttered. Uncertain, Other lamp moved slowly to the edge.

“W-what do you mean?” He asked, his voice quavering. In response, Shovel merely looked down at the shards on the floor. Following his gaze, Other Lamp let out a shocked squeak, feeling like his world was crashing down around him.

“I’m sorry.” Sighed Shovel, feeling like it was all his fault. Other Lamp slowly raised his eyes.

“I can’t live without him.”

A darkness settled over Other Lamp. Try as the taller man may, his light just wouldn’t burn. Countless light bulbs and muttered frustrations… And a consideration to throw Other Lamp away. But the taller man never did.

Shovel had been moved back into the Impala when he was suddenly needed for something the men called a case, and Other Lamp sat alone staring at the spot where Lamp used to sit. The men seemed to be out more and more leaving Other Lamp enveleped in his darkness… His loneliness.

Other Lamp was quickly approaching his end. He’d never been able to throw himself from the table like his lover had. Instead whenever the shorter angry one would begin to shout with rage… That’s when Other Lamp felt a spark. He held his breath waiting for the man to knock him to the floor.

But it never happened.

It had been a month and Other Lamps bulbs were dying more and more frequently and his glow was getting more and more dim.

“I thought for sure I had fixed this,” the taller man muttered. He examined Other Lamp in his hands. Other Lamp couldn’t bare to look at him. He tried to make himself heavy, in hopes he would fall. Instead he was sat back down into his spot.

“What about the other one?” the angry one asked, “Didn’t you fix that one?”

Other Lamps heart suddenly took off, pumping a mile a minute. Could it be?

His lights flickered, briefly catching the attention of the men in the room.

The angry man took a drink from one the familiar bottles he always had and the taller man left the room for a while.

This was the man… This was the monster that ruined everything…

Other Lamp lights were suddenly burning very bright as he bubbled with rage. Maybe he could zap the man where he sat. Maybe he could melt something important.

“Hey,” the monster smiled. “There ya go, now you’re burning bright.”

That smile, the kindness in the monsters eyes… Other Lamps fury burned out and he fell back into sadness, diming as he did.

The taller man had appeared back in the room. Something was in his hands.

A familiar Lamp Shade? Was that… His cord?

The imagine of Lamp shattered on the floor flooded back, it couldn’t be…

The taller man was so burly and turned in such a way that Other Lamp couldn’t see, couldn’t be sure. But hope somehow managed to burn within him.

Then light began to spill into the room shining brightly. A light Other Lamp knew… a light Other Lamp loved.

That taller man moved away, smiling at the lamp in satisfaction. And when Other Lamp beheld his love with his own eyes suddenly he could not shine bright enough himself. He was different… Dinged up, and put back together like Other Lamp himself, but it was him.

Their light spread across the room until finally they crossed. Their light became one once more, beaming into this dark room. They held each other’s light dearly and chased away all the shadows of fear and loneliness. Finally… Finally they were together again..

They could only beam at each other with joy, eyes watery from tears of pain and bliss.

“Look at that,” the angry one mused. “It’s almost like they missed each other.”

Both he and the taller one smiled.


Here I am, reading Furniture fanfiction... And liking it... I need a spin off or a whole franchise about this !!!


Finding Home - 8

Chapter 8

When two worlds collide and life is turned upside down, you’re faced with the reality that you may not be able to make it back home again to the one you love. But then a familiar face shows you that love can span more than just one universe; it can cross them all.

Pairing: Castiel x Reader, AU Cas x Reader

Warning: There will be some angst, but this is more of a love story told with the ups and downs of what two people have to go through to find each other again, and the love that could be lost along the way. There will also be some strong language and light sexual references. It’s a slow burn this time.

Word Count: 5,385  (I’m not even sorry)

Chapter 7   Chapter 8   Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11  Epilogue


Castiel rubbed his eyes.

The bunker was silent. Dean and Sam had both gone to bed almost two hours ago.

Castiel sat on the edge of your bed with his face resting in his hands. He hadn’t moved from that spot since he sat there forty-seven minutes and thirty-two seconds ago.

He raised his head to look at the myriad of photographs that you had plastered over the dresser mirror. The pictures spanned the years that the four of you had been hunting together. Even Bobby had a place among your memories there.

The mirror wasn’t even visible anymore. The pictures were spread out in a giant collage where only slivers of the glass behind could be seen.

You never really used a mirror anyway, and he loved that about you. He preferred the way you looked when you first woke up in the morning; hair mussed, no makeup… You were beautiful just the way you were.

Nine hundred and two hours, twenty-nine minutes and fourteen seconds.

That’s how long you’ve been gone.


Well... That Hurt A LOT so thank you for that... I do like angst so I guess I'll eagerly wait for the next part :) I really love this story 😁😁


She’s Not Me, part 2

Dean Winchester x Reader

Summary: You meet up with the Winchesters to help out with a few hunts, only you had left things with Dean on the iffy side. The two of you in close proximity seems like a terrible idea - but maybe it will be a chance to set things right.

A/N: I haven’t written Dean in a while, so sorry if it’s OOC.


Officially intrigued... Can't wait for the next part :) I already like where this is going :)

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