
“Do you want coffee?“

When Geoff was recruiting a new member to the crew, he tried to intimidate him with the Vagabond. It just turned out that Jeremy knew Ryan but not the Vagabond. And Geoff didn’t even know his name was Ryan.


Did you miss RT Extra Life 2017? Were you like me and missed a few hours?

A kind soul, NinjaNinja01, has recorded and uploaded all 24 hours of the stream AND the BTS stream!! They uploaded it by hour so you can go watch the hours you missed or watch the whole thing if you’d like! Want to give them a huge thank you and let you all know, so go here to check them out!


fun fact

im weirdly knowlagable in the history of soda i dont even drink soda why do i know so much about it

coke and pepsi taste different because coke was invent before refrigeration so it was designed to be drunk warm, while pepsi was designed after refrigeration was invented so it was designed to be drunk cold. as a result the tastes are different but if you drink pepsi cold and coke warm theyll taste the same.

Why the fuck do you know this

i honestly have no idea

coke’s recipe was originally green but the designers made it brown so it looked more like tea

Had they never seen green tea?

i dont even know if green tea was invented in 1886 but they wanted to make the public more open to eating the fizzy drink

alan i know about soda not green tea

i will trade u information abt bees and carrier pigeons for information abt the history of soda

no one knows where the origin of the name ‘7up’ started but it did have a mood stabilizer in the original recipe found in present day anti-depressants

i want facts about bees and carrier pigeons now

Carrier pigeons come from a species of Wild Rock pigeon, and their flights could be as long as 1800 km and were used as early as 3000 years ago. 

You know in old cartoons where a character throws a beehive at someone, and you think ‘lol, but that wouldn’t work in real life’. Turns out it would, and did. People used to lob beehives at the approximate location of the enemy forces to expose them. 

this is amazing thank you

Remus: That's a mean question! I'm not answering that!
Sirius: Come on, it's just a question. If you had to punch someone in the group- if you HAD to- who would you punch?
Remus: I'm not answering that. We're all friends. Why would I punch anyone?
Sirius: It would be Peter, wouldn't it?
Remus: Yeah, but I don't know why.

Saw this somewhere else and felt the need to post it cause no one else ever really tells you this stuff

My mom never really noticed. She noticed when she was breast feeding my little brother and blood started coming out instead of milk. 

My mom said she felt and saw a little lump in the shower. She was lucky enough she found it at stage 2

My mom had a mammogram. The radiologist thought the spots were just regular calcium deposits. 

Turns out it was triple negative breast cancer that had spread to her lymph nods. Mastectomy, radiation and chemo saved her life.

This could SAVE a life.

dont be embarrassed to reblog, this post could be life saving


Signal BOOST and pass it on. I had a breast cancer scare before (luckily it was just scar tissue…) and information like this kept me calm and collected at the doc’s.

As a cancer patient myself, who found my own cancer through a supposed LARPing injury last year, i know how scary it is and how important it is to catch it early. Please spread this around!

listen to ur boobs

its all in the boobs


Always reblog! 



Don’t suffer in scilence.


Know your body, don’t let anything for tomorrow!

Sharing this because it’s important ♥

I lost a friend last year to breast cancer because she ignored the lump she found in her breast while showering. Don’t ignore it, see a doctor and get it checked before it becomes too late.

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