
the cola


Finally a new descriptor. I don't really do much but ily my mutuals. I'm more just roaming after the plague during like 2021 or something (not the pandemic. I mean GCs getting removed) also I'm currently IN LOVE with the song 6up 5oh cop out (pros/cons) by Will Wood. makes me feel things man.

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I wanna see something.


*scratching my skin because of random itches* I wonder if this is what other organs would feel like if exposed to air.

Anonymous asked:


Sorry bud I don't trust random links. Just, tell me what it is. Also, it does not bode well that an anonymous ask is the one with the random shady link.


this gets funnier every year 

The year is 2042. Your daughter is awkwardly silent as she eats her dinner. “Something wrong sweetie?” She sighs and puts down her fork. “I was digging really deep in AO3 last night…Why didn’t you finish that coffee shop au?” It happened. Your past has come back to haunt you. Nay, it never truly left.


OKAY BUT WAIT. This has happened to me. Recently. Because I am old and I have things out there from previous fandoms with previous pseuds and one day my teenager begins a rant at me about people never finishing any WIPs on the pit of voles (which he does not call the pit of voles because he has No Knowledge of such a thing but yet he still reads on which I didn’t think anyone did any longer) and he points out an example to me of something I WROTE AND LEFT WIPing for ages and he has NO IDEA #1 that his mom wrote this and #2 How much it still haunts me to this day that it will. sit. there. for. eternity. because I am too lazy to pull it down.

oh my god

Every year, this becomes both more funny, and more painful, and for both of those reasons, it should never be lost or forgotten.

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