love and truth

@waxlet /

tina | ♐ | 24 | she/they

Larkspur -   Lucy Culliton , 2014.

Australian,b.1966  -

Watercolour, gouache on thick white wove paper , 56.0 x 76.6 cm.


White-crested Helmetshrike (Prionops plumatus), family Vangidae, found throughout much of Africa

Photograph by ASalfa Deri


I really feel tremendous grief for friendships that kind of petered away in the face of life's currents. There are people with whom I formed deep, unique, vibrant, life-changing connections, and then we had to go our separate ways and it was too hard to maintain long-distance. There wasn't a fight, it just sort of faded. And I feel like I have more friendships like this than friendships that have endured, so maybe I just have to get used to it. But if grief is all the love we have left over - well, I never did get to finish loving them. I love them, and I miss them, and I probably always will.


I love you rain I love you thunder I love you foggy skies I love you dark green I love you chamomile tea I love you leaves rustling in the wind


that picture of the little boy holding a puppy and smiling with the writing on the bottom that says hi daddy this is my doggy chelsea isn't she cute i love you and the picture of the cat with the writing that says our michael... pet photos of all time

these ones

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