
I Should Be Working Right Now

@youkoartemis / youkoartemis.tumblr.com

BUT I'M DOING THIS INSTEAD. Hey there! I go by Youko! I'm an illustrator. I am also a proud feminist and supporter of LGBTQA+ rights. This is my personal blog, so you'll be seeing a lot of random things from me. (She/Her or they/them pronouns, please and thank you!) (I am cis and white, btw, so if I say or reblog anything insensitive, please let me know! I'll delete the post and do what I can to do better in the future!)  (Edit March 4, 2016): I wish I didn't have to write this, but given what happened on Free Play, I feel like I have to state that MY WRITING AND MY ART ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR ANYTHING OR POSTED ANYWHERE BY ANYONE EXCEPT ME WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION. If you want to write a spin-off, or something like that off of any of my works - written or otherwise - please ASK ME FIRST.

my beautiful mediterranean siblings Greece & Egypt will soon receive the same. like to charge reblog to cast 🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🏛️𓀛📜📜📜🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🏛️🏛️🏛️🏺🏺🏺🧿🏛️𓀛📜🧿🧿🧿🏛️🏛️🏛️🏺𓂀𓂀𓂀🧿🧿🧿🧿𓂀𓂀𓂀🏛️🏛️🏛️🏺🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿𓂀🧿🧿🧿🧿𓂀🏛️🏺🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿


this is so fucking funny

i can't stop thinking about this. this kind of shit is not like milsim plane nerds with their own super-expensive desktop cockpit recreations. that kind of hardware makes sense to exist.

this does not. they're playing world of tanks which is like the "call of duty" of tank games (casual, players only slightly bad-smelling). it also doesn't have support for tank peripherals. no game does. no trainers do afaik. which means that (assuming this isn't just a video editing) all of that shit they are fucking with translates into mouse/keyboard inputs that the game understands. that's weird/hard and perplexing, uh, and considering that "tank peripherals" aren't a thing that exist i can only guess they built them theirselves

which is fucking hilarious because why are they so good. why does the fucking cannon breech have a little dry ice smoke effect when the breech opens like they just shot a shell. what. manual turret traverse crank?? did they build a fucking ready rack!! they're even using the correct phraseology which means one of these mofos read a PDF file


A long time ago I was in a typography class and I had an assignment to draw a word out of its material. Like writing "Rock" and drawing it to make it look like it's carved from stone. I chose "Hair" and I was proud enough of the result that I ended up posting it online to Twitter. Whoever I showed it to online, I got a weird reaction like "Oh...cool." which was strange cuz I was expecting to get complimented on it. It turned out that no one thought it was a drawing. For months, everyone I showed it to thought that I was playing with wet hair clippings in my spare time like some nasty little freak.

This is the drawing btw

Guys I fucking swear it isn't real hair


I have OCD and with that comes quasi-hallucinations, and I grew up watching a ton of horror films so some of the worst of mine are the standard white skin/black hair demon girl type shit.

However, because a lot of them are based on horror film I have found comfort in doing things that “go against” horror films and being like “see? This could never happen.”

(It’s irrational. I know that. But shut up. This is how I cope.)

For example: I started hearing garbled whispering from beneath my table, so I started playing the muppets sound track. Because they would never play Movin’ Right Along when the protagonist is about to get attacked. That won’t happen. Disney, who owns the muppets, wouldn’t give them the rights.

And it fucking worked.


Y’know what…

Yeah. I want my tax dollars to pay for the healthcare of the person who started smoking and kept smoking because they think it looks cool and doesn’t give a shit about all the warnings. I want my tax dollars to pay for the healthcare of the person who destroyed their liver because they just love drinking and didn’t stop even if they weren’t addicted. I want my tax dollars to pay for the healthcare of the person who never drinks water, only regular cola. I want my tax dollars to pay for the healthcare of the person who missed the trampoline when they jumped off the roof to impress their friends. I want my tax dollars to pay for the healthcare of every single person who had to have a surgeon remove something without a flared base from their assholes. I want my tax dollars to pay for all the kinds healthcare needed by all the kinds of people who decided to have sex without any kind of barrier. I want my tax dollars to help fix the teeth of meth users. I want my tax dollars to help everyone who’s been noncompliant with the doctor’s recommendations, everyone who’s been a hypochondriac in the ER, everyone who let things get bad before getting help.

Everyone is deserving. 


I hate every single person who doesn’t feel like this. Fuck you if it bothers you.


re: google AI. seriously. do you want machine generated misinformation or do you want to come here, to our beloved tumblr, and receive specially hand crafted misinformation. support real artists, guys. come to tumblr for your misinformation

Our blessed handcrafted misinformation vs their barbarous machine-generated lies


guy who's stuck in a timeloop for so long he stops wanting to leave it. guy who started out trying to escape but slowly grew used to and became comforted by the familiarity of the repeating day. guy who is no longer who he was before the timeloop. guy who is offered a way out and violently refuses it because he can't leave, doesn't want to leave. guy who escapes the timeloop by chance or force or accident and doesn't know how to live anymore. guy who keeps going through motions that don't match the situation and keeps having conversations that aren't actually occurring. guy who panics every time he realizes he can't predict the next instant. guy who left the timeloop but still lives with it.

okay but what if girl

and also it was a movie and I was in it?


A new cat color has been spotted in Finland. This is really interesting. A lot of common cat coat patterns have only evolved in the last 1,000 years. The tabby cat coloration only evolved in the Middle Ages.

they’re calling it salty licorice because of its visual similarity to the popular Finnish sweet, it reminds me of blue tick coloring in dogs or the blue roan coloring in horses and cows.

Could you elaborate on what you mean by “tabby cat coloration only evolved in the middle ages”?

The standard black (“brown”) mackerel tabby is the default, wild-type appearance for cats inherited from their African Wildcat ancestors.

So black-based agouti is the original, natural flavor of cat.

I’d also like to note that salmiak (previously described as the finnish mutation) is not newly spotted. It was first documented as early as 2007. We’ve known about it for over a decade, it’s just that recently we identified the genetics behind it.

Sorry, that refers to the common blotched/swirl tabby pattern instead of the striped tabby pattern. My apologies for spreading misinformation. I just got too excited about rapidly evolving cat genetics.

No worries, I absolutely understand getting excited about cat genetics. It is exciting!

I figured there was a reason for the claim that I just wasn’t familiar with - so thank you for sharing! I didn’t know that about classic tabbies.

This is very interesting, and i'm happy to learn about it, but i want to add that there's another bit in the cited article that's very easy to misunderstand: "[the blotched] pattern, which is in 80 per cent of present-day cats".

According to wikipedia (citing this article i'm unable to access unfortunately), "80% of modern-day cats have the recessive allele responsible for the classic pattern". This is a little more clear - the 80 percent includes not only cats with the blotched phenotype, but everyone who carries at least one copy of the allele.

So to calculate allele frequencies (P(mackerel) = p, P(blotched) = q):

p² = 0.2 -> p ≈ 0.45 -> q ≈ 0.55 (which would mean the blotched allele is more common than the mackerel, still a little hard to believe for me, but let's roll with it) -> q² ≈ 0.3

This gives us 30% blotched, but without considering all the epistatic genes: spotted, ticked, agouti and dominant white. The actual percentage would be lower.


I haven't seen this version anywhere so I made one!

This flag is pissing off TERFs of course but i am seeing so much colorful JOY from trans lesbians and other lesbians in the notes like I've never seen a set of tags so happy before omg

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