
Lot of nonsense, lot of fun

@sarcasm-vending-machine / sarcasm-vending-machine.tumblr.com


Ok I tried to make a presentation with carrd, but I have no patience with those kind of things so hey, let's just write a post.

27 | she/her | 🇮🇹 Italian | ENFP | personal blog

Profile picture by the best noodle in the world @tsunderedoctor ♥️

I'm a university student who's trying her best. Am I succeeding? I don't know. I also work at a pub and I hate it, mostly because of annoying costumers, but the drinks and the beers are a blast.

Hobbies: watching films and anime series, playing and reading. Also complaining. Aaaaand I know have a side blog where I post film and TV shows reviews!

Favourite films: Pulp Fiction, Hercules, Howl's moving castle, Mulan

Favourite m/a series: Bleach, Saiyuki, One Piece

Favourite videogames: Detroit Become Human (which I’m playing for the umpteenth time) and Persona 5. Currently playing Judgment and Borderlands 2.

I also speak English and Spanish, so if there's a native Spanish speaker who is more comfortable their language it's perfectly fine, I might have forgotten a lot of words but hey, the Internet is there for a reason ✌🏼

I talk about anything really, so don't be shy ✨👀

Tag: #waitress life, if you want to witness my rambles and vent about stupid/shitty/deserve-to-be-anihilated costumers ✨


Some union basics:

1. Striking is the LAST RESORT. If a union is at the place where a strike is being proposed it is because they have been bargaining for a long time and exhausted all their other options.

2. Before a strike happens, all the members vote. Everyone is very aware of the status of negotiations long before they’re made public. But if a strike is occurring it’s because an overwhelming majority voted to strike—you want almost everyone in the union to agree before you take such a huge step.

3. Strikes are difficult but necessary demonstrations of workers’ collective power. The hope is that your labor is so essential that the bosses lost profits will make them come back to the bargaining table. The bosses are hoping that the workers will starve to death.

4. Working during a strike is called scabbing. Coming in from an outside industry to do work during a strike is sometimes called crossing the picket line. Both send you straight to hell.



This is how you do a blog up to where you can still read and NOT get blocked. This gives me all the info I need to know you’re not a pornbot/spambot.

Newbies to Tumblr, this is all we ask. Let us know you aren’t a bot!

Many thanks to you @livinginlilaccove - you get a gold star ⭐️ for your excellent blog setup!


Italy's PM probably freaked out at the sight of Marco Mengoni holding the LGBTQ+ flag on stage. I am so glad he did that.


I just had an interview for a promoter position and they offered me 6 €/h. Companies really have some guts these days


Hello dear people

I’m sorry I have been barely present here these months, but every job-related thing went downhill. I’m kind of exhausted and angry about many things. I miss you and will catch up with all of you once I find a job..

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