
i love my dead gay son



I'm away on holiday this week and have limited time on tumblr, but I just wanted to say I like you people I've come to know and shout about Jarry with, and it sucks that that's going to change. It was fun while it lasted, I guess. <3

Anonymous asked:

Crazy post kidnapping theory where he tracker became useful with James saving Harry’s life with it. Post kidnapping James and harry bound where they are not together. James is pining and harry is resenting James because betrayal but you know he is still James so still love here. On both side. And ste luring. ‘’ He is a nazy you deserve better. You always deserved better’’ ‘’Really you are the one to talk ! ‘’ ‘’I am not saying that I am it. Obviously I prouved that it’s not the case.

I love this drama. So much potential for pining and emotions that just can’t be suppressed. And then another passionate reunion!

Anonymous asked:

The only thing keeping me going is the comedy gold we could get if Harry gets kidnapped

I don’t want to get my hopes too far up since we don’t know what’s actually going to happen, but certainly the potential is there for greatness.

Anonymous asked:

So with people panicking about breda and harry, she was gonna kill tony after witnessing tony break harrys heart and seems to ble blaming tony for how harry is. So maybe she thinks if tonys is gone then harry will be able to be a dad and thinks harry needs time first to be a dad

Breda trying to kill Tony for Harry’s sake is honestly the kind of support and protection he deserves.

Anonymous asked:

Would sadie still be there for the remaining episodes if harry had died cause she hasnt been in 12 yet. This feels like the lead up to storm week all over again

The devil’s advocate answer would be that she’d need a couple episodes to react to his death and then decide to leave the village, but I hear you.

Anonymous asked:

Even if harry is fine or gets kidnap, I want him and tony to report james for the abusive drugging etc but I feel like harry wont because even though hes not hes feel responsible and thats its his fault james did it

James is definitely going to have to face some consequences and poor Harry needs someone to sit him down and let him know he’s a worthy person who deserves happiness.

Anonymous asked:

What if Breda stabs Harry in the dog car park and its his body thats found in the lake. Im hoping it's Laurie but Harry is also wearing a suit.... im only holding onto the fact that it was meant to be Romeos baby and that they couldnt show the flat in the fb live stream but idk at this point

Do we know that the body is wearing a suit? Whoever the body is I’m assuming it’s Breda’s victim, so I’m not sure we can extrapolate too much from that.

Anonymous asked:

Okay so tonys looking at harry at james flat near the dog so maybe breda shanks tony there and not harry(laim kidnap harry at this point). Cause broad daylight out in the open murder seems way too extreme even for breda and shes a little lady

Okay, but imagine the comedy potential of short little Breda trying to Weekend-at-Bernie’s Tony’s bulky ass to somewhere less suspicious and passing basically every other villager along the way.

Anonymous asked:

James saying I thought he come back if he loved me, like James you drugged him called him defiled and try to make go to prison. What do you expect

Read him for filth, anon.

Anonymous asked:

Do you think Breda kills harry tomorrow? Cause the episode/clip for tomorrow just feels like harry saying his last goodbyes. That clip with ste harry saying I love you would be way for ste to fall deeper with jonny if he dies(since bk wants ste to be victim). But then no one has been filming a funeral at all

Tomorrow’s Saturday, so no. But seriously, if HO kills Harry on my birthday I will sue every single person there for emotional damages. On the other hand, if Liam and/or Breda injure and/or kidnap Harry on my birthday instead, I will instantly forgive them.


The most heartrending thing about that whole scene of James destroying Harry’s psyche is the instant and straightforward way Harry accepted being told he was a trash human. My little baby kitten who deserves the world :((((( And yet, even with James being a full-bore psycho (complete with menacing marigolds!) I still got affected by that single tear of anguish after kicking Harry out.

That Harry and Tony fight didn’t make any sense, but at least they made explicit Harry’s desperate desire for his father’s approval.

James looks very good crying and full of grief, but it’s still like, “Bud, you made all these choices yourself. Try not drugging the people you love!” Marnie is being about as nice as it’s possible to be to him.

Whatever you want to say about the plot, Parry been killing it this week, it can’t be denied.

Anonymous asked:

Oh my god imagine the affair.2 with harry like always who cannot stay away from James and James being himself again then vulnerability showed And all the I always loved you despite everything and I will never stop thingy

In an AU where Strry and McNight are back together but we don’t have to spend the 8 months or whatever watching it actually happen, seeing James and Harry keep running into each other and having off-the-charts chemistry would be so good. Any amount of time they spent together would just remind them how much they actually like each other as people, and James wouldn’t be able to help himself from looking out for Harry any time he had troubles or was in a rough patch with Ste (which would be often). It wouldn’t take long until they were both in fights at the same time and then they’d probably get stuck together in some private space and sharing one searing, passionate kiss. They’d both vow it was a one-off, that they were committed to their other boyfriends, but that would last all of two days before James showed up at Harry’s place and they were tearing each other’s clothes off, christening another living room floor.

Anonymous asked:

So with the different theories of harry running away, harry in prison or getting kidnapped by liam which do you think is most likely?

I’m still not good at predicting things, so I really couldn’t say. I think the fact that he intends to run away means the something probably prevents him, whether that’s just hearing Mercedes confess or something else as well. 

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