
this is peak Craigslist


I want to know if they got answers. 

I really wanna know how this turned out.

Just so you guys know.


cracking open 500 cold ones with the dads


irish folk song cd

  1. Fuck The English
  2. Fiddle
  3. Amusing Narrative That Honestly Only Counts as a Song Because There’s Music in the Background
  4. One (1) Somber Easter Rising Memorial Song
  5. Something Irish American Soldiers Wrote Back When They Thought The US Would Help Them In Return
  6. Song About Drinking With A Catchy Chorus And A Beat You Can Clap To
  7. Drank And Made Me Wife Mad… Shunna Dun It
  8. Wild Rover, invariably
  9. Song About The Most Beautiful Girl In A Small Rural Town 
  10. Song That Trigger a Sleeper Agent Like Reflex to Bash in the Windows On English Cars
  11. Song About Leaving Rural Hometown Sweetheart To Go Fight In A War
  12. Song About Drinking That Really Bangs, But You Feel More Inclined to Stomp to the Beat of This One
  13. Fuck The English - Reprise

i think we should go back to the time-honored tradition of bread riots. the cost of essential goods gets too high? we all just show up at our leaders’ houses and threaten to haul them and their family to the guillotine if they don’t fix it. i think we’ve become too polite, as a society


the hacker magazine 2600 has compiled a list of all the customs and border patrol stations in the US, with their addresses, phone and fax numbers, at http://concentrationcamps.us/

Please don’t call pizzas out to these places or send them reams of black faxes! For heaven’s sake, you mustn’t mail them envelopes of glitter and pubic hair! Please don’t use this knowledge to impede or impair the basic functionality of these outposts of fascism!


I certainly won’t. I’m reblogging this so people see what they should definitely not do.

(Do not do that to pizza drivers, they don’t deserve to have to go there and then get shorted for their tips they need to live. and ICE doesn’t deserve Pizza)

don’t send them copies of statements made by survivors of the last concentration camps in this country. Or in Germany and Poland. Or all the other places this kind of thing has been done. Don’t send them giant printed out Bible verses pointing out why imprisoning and terrorizing Children, the needy and the poor and the refugee is a Bad Thing.

Unrelated, I need to buy a fax machine all of the sudden.


@smitethepatriarchy and everyone else lacking a fax machine, you should definitely not use FaxZero or other free fax websites and a burner email address to inundate ICE facilities with useless faxes. Not at all. 

Oh snap yeah that would be terrible, thank you so much for telling me not to do that.


What to do if you find yourself homless- written by someone who has actually been homeless

Most important: Spend the money you have on a motel. Churches probably will not actually help and shelters can be dangerous or turn you away. At a motel you have free breakfast, access to running water, and a lockable place to sleep. Do not waste money on a gym membership like the popular version of this post says to do, YMCA memberships are like $40.

2. Contact family and friends. Now is not the time to worry about being a burden. Your survival and safety comes first and that is all that matters, anyone worth having in your life will agree.

3. Start a gofundme. Even if someone can’t offer you a place to stay, they might be willing to toss out $5 so you can eat today.

4. Libraries have free wifi. Apply to any and all jobs you can think of if you aren’t already working.

5. Any home is a good home. Even if it’s a dingy apartment in a bad neighborhood. If its cheap and you can afford it, snatch it up. 

6. Pancake mix and peanut butter are filling, cheap, and last a long time.



I don’t agree with tumblr’s whole “you can’t enjoy this thing because it’s problematic” vibe, but watching Friends is weird now knowing that the actor who played Chandler led an invasion of Japan in 1863, which led to the forceful Westernisation of the isolated country.


I’m sorry, yes, the actor who played Chandler in Friends invaded Japan in 1853, not 1863.



Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. Those are the countries. It will be drought-resistant species, mostly acacias. And this is a brilliant idea you have no idea oh my Christ

This will create so many jobs and regenerate so many communities and aaaaaahhhhhhh

it’s already happening, and already having positive effects. this is wonderful, why have i not heard of this before? i’m so happy!

Oh yes, acacia trees.

They fix nitrogen and improve soil quality.

And, to make things fun, the species they’re using practices “reverse leaf phenology.” The trees go dormant in the rainy season and then grow their leaves again in the dry season. This means you can plant crops under the trees, in that nitrogen-rich soil, and the trees don’t compete for light because they don’t have any leaves on.

And then in the dry season, you harvest the leaves and feed them to your cows.

Crops grown under acacia trees have better yield than those grown without them. Considerably better.

So, this isn’t just about stopping the advancement of the Sahara - it’s also about improving food security for the entire sub-Saharan belt and possibly reclaiming some of the desert as productive land.

Of course, before the “green revolution,” the farmers knew to plant acacia trees - it’s a traditional practice that they were convinced to abandon in favor of “more reliable” artificial fertilizers (that caused soil degradation, soil erosion, etc).

This is why you listen to the people who, you know, have lived with and on land for centuries.


^ The bold.


Absolute madwoman that I am I went and gone and done did it

The Watermelon Manifesto (solarpunk and a future worth fighting for)

The culture around us, most especially the worlds of speculative fiction and independent music, is replete with trends ending in -punk, representing alternative visions of the world, and one of the newest, having entered the public discourse only about five years ago, is solarpunk. But aren’t there enough of these punks floating around already? What is it that makes solarpunk so special?

Put simply, solarpunk is a rupture with these other subcultural trends because it presents an alternative vision of the world which is both desirable and achievable, unlike its predecessors. For example, steampunk presents a Romantic vision of an alternative present based on a retrofuturist reimagining of the development of industry, while cyberpunk presents people moving through and surviving within a grim and dystopic vision of the future. The former is pure fantasy, whereas the latter, though imminently possible and becoming ever more relevant in these the waning days capitalism in decay, is deeply undesirable.

The world envisioned by solarpunk is imminently achievable, reliant on technological and social developments that are not only well within our reach but that, in many places, are already in use today. And from these building blocks, it presents to us a vision of the world that’s based in the most radical, most revolutionary of all human emotions: Hope.

Solarpunk is a rejection of the crawling chaos of Silicon Valley’s third-positionist technocracy as well as the liberal and settler-colonialist nature of mainstream environmentalism and the toxic and hopeless nihilism and creeping ecofascism and natioanl-anarchism of primitivism or so-called “post-civ” anarchism. Fictioneers dream of a world where technology is neither abused for profit and excess nor abandoned, but serves human need; where goods and services are produced not in service of profit, but rationally, in service of the needs of our communities; a world where we are no longer alienated, no longer have to live our lives alone, but can exist genuinely as a part of our community, free and equal, a world decolonized and repatriated where we no longer oppress one another on bases of race or gender or ability. And it’s a green new world, a world of social ecology, where we recognize that human beings with all of our constructs and our technology are not stewards of the natural world nor need be its expropriators, but are a part of it, blood and bone, as much as we’re a part of any human community.

And this can be more than idle speculative fiction. As I said above, solarpunk’s alternative vision of the world is based on futurist speculation of technology that has been developed, of sociopolitical structures that are already extant in miniature. For the movement to become a reality, to become a real force in the world, requires rational implementation. But, sadly, implementation will require a radical change in the economic base.

Our present mode of production will never allow this future to come into being so long as it stands, ever lumbering ahead under the oppressive weight of its own failure. All of the carbon taxes and Green New Deals the bourgeois state can dream up will not save us, for the rough beast of capitalism, ever-hungry to generate more capital and concentrate that capital into fewer and fewer hands, will ever lurch knowingly towards its own destruction so long as more profit can be squeezed out of our dying planet, so long as the bourgeoisie remain convinced they can weather the storm they are dragging us all into the heart of. It is incumbent upon us, the people, to save ourselves. As the coming crisis deepens, extreme weather ravages the land, populations are displaced, moribund empires shake at their foundations, it is incumbent upon us to learn how to weather the storm. 

And misanthropic nihilism gives us no liberatory solution. The retreat of the bourgeois state as crisis deepens will highten capitalism’s contradictions, will reveal more cracks in the armor, presenting ever more opportunities for us to assert ourselves. The rank defeatism of the post-left will pass these opportunities by, leaving capitalism unchallenged to adapt to the new conditions as it has done so many times in the past; is it not the great failure of Marx, that he failed to anticipate how well and quickly capitalism might adapt? Moreover, the crises of capitalism in decay will cause, are already causing, mass displacements of human life, and the deep misanthropy of primitivism as well as primitivism’s wholly wrong and unscientific Malthusian ideological base provides a ready breeding ground for reaction; primitivism is merely the boneless cousin of national-anarchism and ecofascism.

Our revolutionary watchword is hope, hope based in the knowledge that we have to tools to save ourselves at our fingertips. We must dare to invent the future. Our job is first to dare to imagine a future that’s worth fighting for, and to then fight for it. The path forward, the road out of the darkness and into this new world, is simple enough to say: Organize.

This isn’t going to be an easy journey, not by any means. We are in for the fight of our lives. The place where decaying capitalism is leading us is not a good place. We will have to walk through wire and fire to make it through this, and we’re gonna bury friends along the way. But we will make it.

We can make it through together. All we have to do is organize, and we can fight, and when we fight, we win.

In our hands is placed a power greater than their hoarded gold Greater than the might of armies magnified a thousandfold We can bring to birth a new world from the ashes of the old For the union makes us strong

The best time for neighbors and co-workers to become friends, for friends to become better friends, for communities to come together, was yesterday. The second-best time is today. Soon, nothing else will matter.

But that’s not a message of despair. It’s a message of hope. Because when we fight, we win.

And we will win.  And someday the fight will be over.  And someday a new generation of babies will be born, and they’ll grow up knowing nothing but freedom.

Somewhere outside right now is a sapling growing up through a crack in the pavement. Someday it will be a tree, towering over the street, its branches kissing the balconies of the buildings nearby, with the pavement that once tried to restrain it shattered and thrown up in slabs to either side, crumbling in its shade.

But for now, it’s just a little sapling, just an acorn that happened to roll into a little crack, just a little bit of green barely visible in the smoke and smog. But every day, our little sapling gets just a bit taller, and the crack just a bit wider.

It knows hope, and it’s not afraid to dream.

We have always lived in slums and holes in the wall. We will know how to accommodate ourselves for a while. For you must not forget that we can also build. It is we who built these palaces and cities, here in Spain and America and everywhere. We, the workers. We can build others to take their place, and better ones. We are not in the least afraid of ruins. We are going to inherit the earth; there is not the slightest doubt about that. The bourgeoisie may blast and ruin their own world before they leave the stage of history. We carry a new world, here in our hearts. That world is growing this minute.” –Durruti


Get organized, get involved!

More about solarpunk

The ideological base

Karl Marx, Wage-Labour and Capital (text) (audio) Engels, Socialism: Utopian and Scientific (text) (audio) Lenin, What Is To Be Done? Trotsky, The ABCs of Materialist Dialectics Kropotkin, The Conquest of Bread (text) (audio) Kropotkin, Mutual Aid: A Factor In Evolution (text) (audio) Bookchin, The Ecology of Freedom

How to invent the future

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