
All this and Nothing else.

@fizgig1202 / fizgig1202.tumblr.com

Things that amuse me. Things that sadden me. Things that make me rant and things that make me silent. This is where my fancy takes me . . .

I think a very important unwritten piece of locked tomb canon is that corona and ianthe are absolutely both writing home regularly to mummy throughout the entire series - not with any helpful plot points or anything, they just want pocket money. Their mother, hatefully running a planet that she also hates, has the knack of silently wiring pocket money in an incredibly nasty and hurtful way - despite not accompanying it with a note or anything - just a sort of careful psychic warfare involving timing, amounts of money, the transfer service, etc.

(Although at at one point she asks if one of them has Babs, or if he’s dead or what. Corona ghosts her and ianthe texts back “who”)

Anyway, breaking off your meeting with god or the rebels or whatever because mummy has just sent you $465.73 in THEE bitchiest possible way

the idea that one moment Mummy and Daddy Of Ida receive official condolences from the Emperor Undying, the Kindly Prince of Death, the Necrolord Prime that both their daughters and their cavalier have tragically died during their glorious pursuit of Lyctorhood, look here are their coffins isn't this sad :( and then like an hour later a note flutters in from Coronabeth all "mummy dearest please forward my pocket money to this address, xoxo your favourite child" is, as the kids say, sending me

this is exactly it.their psychic waves of triangulation and nastiness already transcend death, truth, spacetime & etc. so it’s completely unreasonable that the secret spacebase of the emperor undying not receive a shipping container of ianthe’s shittiest party dresses and half used makeup , spitefully packed. Yes of course we know she’s dead it’s very unfortunate (many such cases) she’ll definitely need her half used makeup from her ‘thought I had deep winter mystique with a light spring skintone’ era in the afterlife. mummy x

@hound-of-heaven tag promotion. Also Mummy does have some regular interaction with God, since the “wealth” of Ida is relentless resource extraction to fuel a system of lifeless planets and an unendingly expanding Empire, and also they aren’t allowed to be too overtly “rich” because God sees red about that, so they have this delicate balance of placation and conciliation while still being cunty and power-crazed.

Anyway whenever the conversation touches on the dead twin princesses, he knows she knows and she knows he knows, but she is actually quite insulated by genuinely not caring, and therefore when probed with increasing urgency about the dead twin princesses she simply says things like “oh, she’d do anything for attention”.

Where is Coronabeth? “Oh, making an exhibition of herself, I’m sure.”

Are you in contact with Ianthe? “Oh I never talk to dead people darling; they’re so self-absorbed and all they do is howl. Not that you can tell the difference with Ianthe.”

It’s just that her bedroom is neverendingly full of cheap fast fashion and the mithraeum doesn’t have a Primark and Primark hasn’t existed for 10,000 years. “Dreadful for you, darling…”

How are you in contact with Ianthe? “Who?”

We think the twins have eaten each other and vanished again and are possibly seriously undead. “Anything for attention,” Mummy says contemptuously, instantly firing off half the normal amount of pocket money into a joint account in a way that neatly criticises whatever disgusting new kind of incest they’ve invented while pointing out that neither of them look good in babs


my record player is cheap as shit and the needle keeps skipping so i put a tiny pig on it as an arm weight

it’s lighter than a coin and working perfectly so i’m just gonna. not bother the pig

Glad to know that record player technology has seemingly made zero advancements since I was taping pennies to mine back in the 70s


The technology has advanced a lot, there's a pig now.


Wild strawberries are a Dionysian orgy of sweet flavorful delight compared with the insipid, hellish store bought strawberries.

Most of my wild strawberry plants' flowers failed to pollinate for some strange reason (I guess there's not very many strawberry plants in the surrounding area?) but the few strawberries I did get tasted like a strawberry starburst but tangier and better

@ace-of-bass Ah...you probably have encountered the plant known as Mock Strawberry

You can tell it because the flowers are yellow and the berries point upwards, whereas with "real" strawberries the berries grow downwards and the flowers are white

Contrary to common belief, the mock strawberries are not poisonous, they just taste like water.


Hey I didn't know this! Thanks for making me one of today's lucky 10,000. :) I will now have to find some actual wild strawberries.

They like wet lowland areas that are sort of rocky and partly shady, and tolerate trampling and being run over but not mowing. I found some 1) in my Mamaw's driveway next to a drainage ditch, 2) on the side of the road near a creek, 3) on the border of a gravelly area that used to be a gravel parking lot located in a floodplain, and 4) in a floodplain field with compacted soil in a place where the deer go to lay down for the night.

birds and rabbits love them, they overwinter well, so you can track how the yard is doing by their greening leaves, and they’re low enough to be a groundcover alternative to your lawn while increasing biodiversity

my yard is 1/5th wild strawberry, not planted just wild, my parents sucked at lawn care but hey it fostered an interest in nature in the kiddos, the area “used to be” wetland and other loamy soil wetland plants do well here, so if you see them growing wild they can be an indicator species of what ecotypes to prioritize

to propagate wait for the fruits to get overripe and the seeds to darken, this’ll be late summer, the seeds are on the outside of the fruit, crush the fruit and put in a ziplock bag to overwinter, then scatter after frost has passed, over hardpacked soil, a good berry can have 15-25 seeds,

only downside is if you have an early shift you will be jumpscared by Peter Cottontail and could spill your coffee


Seconding the idea of a wild strawberry “lawn” because ours has been casually creeping up on and overthrowing the grass for years and are now sitting comfortably at 30%

(They’re only the very tiny ones, the biggest berries are about the size of my pinky nail but they are sweet and delicious and wonderful)

Ours are also “pollinated” by the dogs, who love to throw themselves vigorously onto a patch and roll around, during flowering and then later in the summer to make jam

They have been instrumental in the takeover of the strawberry “lawn”

Our tiny little wild berries do extremely well in sandy soil, full sun, shade, and everything in between, they like it wet but haven’t been even mildly deterred by our heatwaves or heavy winters

They’re actually out growing the mint

Oh, and you can finger-pollinate them and also the regular larger berry plants you get at the store. I know this cuz I got my mom one for Mother’s Day once and kept it alive and producing berries for 5 years as an indoor plant

(However, if you’ve never had a bullshit-enormous Japanese strawberry you simply have not lived

Fist sized or bust)

Yeah it's such a strange thing about strawberries, they seem to love to be laid on and trampled by animals.

I bet that explains why they are overall SO rare and hard to find in the USA relative to how they used to be (when colonizers first came...there were strawberries EVERYWHERE, it was one of the dominant plants they mentioned.) There is such a big strawberry patch in the place where the deer like to lay down ...and in other areas where they've been trampled and such...

Makes me think of today's post about the bison wallowing and how bison create special habitats in the spot they like to roll around...


adult hood is just

*buys a half gallon of milk* *uses it all within a few days* *decided to buy a gallon of milk to not run out before next shopping trip* *uses a teaspoon of milk that week and it goes bad somehow* *buys a quart of milk instead so it won’t go bad* *uses it in one day* *buys a quart and a half gallon of milk because the gallon was too much but the half gallon was not enough* *only uses the half gallon* *gives up on milk for a few days in general* *buys a gallon of milk again just to tempt fate* *somehow uses all of it without realizing and then has to eat sad cereal with like the 5 drops of remaining milk*


Bodice Ornament & Hair Comb

René Lalique


The Art Nouveau style caused a dramatic shift in jewellery design, reaching a peak around 1900 when it triumphed at the Paris International Exhibition.

Its followers created sinuous, organic pieces whose undercurrents of eroticism and death were a world away from the floral motifs of earlier generations. Art Nouveau jewellers like René Lalique also distanced themselves from conventional precious stones and put greater emphasis on the subtle effects of materials such as glass, horn and enamel.

René Lalique, 'the admitted king of Paris fashions', chose his materials for aesthetic effect and artistic refinement, not for mere preciousness or brilliance. Credited with introducing horn into the jewellery repertoire, he dazzled the public with a collection of ornamental combs made of horn. They were moulded and sculpted in the shape of flowers, waves and butterflies.

Victoria & Albert Museum (M.116A-1966 & M.116A-1966)


“If you have time to watch Netflix you have time for a side hustle” my side hustle is relaxing so that my body and brain can heal from by this nose-to-the-grindstone bullshit. I refuse to feel guilty for being a human with the need to relax sometimes. my side hustle is no.

whenever i hear about hustle culture i always think about this post on r/antiwork


it takes me like 3 days to wake up in the morning

oh my god

fucking fandom references



This is the post that killed me

This is the post that killed him.


randomly remembering the time in 2012 when everyone kept saying the world was going to end at midday that day and like, i didnt really believe it, but i didnt want to be a complete fool if i was wrong, so i excused myself from class to go sit the field and perfectly timed the beat drop to a skrillex song just in case something happened. and im just. retroactively amused by the idea of ushering in the appocalypse with skrillex. most 2012 thing you could possibly do.

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