
@suavetoxique / suavetoxique.tumblr.com

my teeth in your heart

His low spoken words triggered a great transformation within her. Her skin split at the jagged seams, tearing apart and falling away in shreds. She stood before him, dripping the remnants of her old self like blood onto the stone floor.


Fostering a Nightmare: Chapter Twenty-One

As Tom thrashed through the ankle-deep water a little less carefully than he normally would of, he told himself that he needed to calm down. It was hard, because he was still so angry. The problem was, he didn’t know who he was angry with anymore. Hermione? Lestrange? His parents? Slytherin? Himself? The world? His anger wasn’t as solidified as it usually was; it was more…permeated. Spread out, like a dense fog dispersing across a field at dawn. It made it much more difficult to distinguish.
He ran a hand through his hair as he walked through the murky pipe, and took several deep, steadying breaths.
Once he put into perspective as to why he was down there, he calmed somewhat. He was down there to find anything he could about his birthright, to find any proof of who he really was.

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Anonymous asked:

fav cliches for tomione in fanfics?

oh i like this one

1. tom and hermione corrupting each other gradually.

2. hermione exploring her darker side, not necessarily by becoming “evil” but by tapping into some deviant tendencies. and of course, exploring her sexuality too. 

3. tom making her very angry 

4. hermione making him very angry

5. dueling scenes where both of them lose control

6. creepiness & general unease

7. no clear good vs. evil teams (show that the “good” side also has to grapple with some ethical issues) 

8. i also guiltily enjoy albus dumbledore being taken to task for some of his choices regarding tom 

9. tom being very careful with his appearance. hermione being a slouch. tom criticizing her unkempt looks, but also finding them enticing because of the contrast. yes, i’m predictable. 

His profile was very handsome to someone looking from a distance. But up close, like this, his appetites bloomed under his skin and his beauty was seized by the throat and made to choke. Sometimes, that monster digging a put inside your chest is your only friend in the world, he had said. Well, his monster was suffocating. She had called it out, and robbed it of breath.
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