
Hello there

@world-dominating-kitty / world-dominating-kitty.tumblr.com

This place is my second home.
Gay Trans Man (He/Him)
T - 6/10/21, Top Surgery - 2/4/22
Aquarius. Artist.
I like the color purple and cats.

anyway the funniest detail from the Fallout show is the fact that when Lucy is threatening the organ dealers in the super duper mart, there's a tv next to them playing security footage and it's just cooper laying facedown in the parking lot


alright hold up hold on — its actually insane that under all the layers he collected thru the wasteland the ghoul is still wearing the same thing he wore when the bombs fell (and potentially the last day he saw his daughter)…..two hundred odd years later


Fully intended to reblog this with a silly comment and then stumbled upon the replies 😭


Twitter users will not survive the winter

What do they mean it’s impossible to have conversations there’s at least three different ways to do so here

"It's impossible to have conversations there" -person coming from a website where DM'ing is now paywalled behind Twitter Blue.

"Your timeline hasn't moved in 45 minutes" Then follow people?????


skill issue

Stares at car, "why isn't the car moving!?"

"Sir you have to drive the car yourself to get it moving"


algorithms are fucking people tf up


one time when I was a barista I was telling my coworker that I suddenly really missed cows. I used to work with cows all the time back home and then I moved away and suddenly it had been four years and nary a cow.

15 minutes later this old guy came up to the counter with his address written on a napkin & he said “me and my wife have a whole herd of dexters and a couple of new calves. come on over any time”

so after work I was like ok fuck it & I drove to the address and I parked at at the gate & I walked down the driveway to the barn and this woman was like “oh my husband told me you might stop by! come see our cows” and she introduced me to every single cow. made my whole week.

thank you cow couple


My friend sometimes brings her six-year-old to our DnD sessions and my husband (the DM) lets her roll for all enemy attacks and sometimes he will show her a few figures and let her secretly pick what creature we meet next. Who needs encounter tables when you have a first-grader around

She cheers when the monster is winning.

DM: *places an ugly, slavering, repugnant, spine-tingling creature on the battle map*

Child who can barely see over the table: ᵗʰᵃᵗ’ˢ ᵐᵉ :)


♦️can't see straight♦️

Someone asked me why I give my creatures top scars and it's to remind people of the trans existence. Should my work ever become widely popular, I want it known a trans man created the art. If my art is still loved when I'm gone, I want those scars to remind people of my identity and existence. To give these creatures my scars is a reminder of trans existence baked into the work itself. It cannot be removed. My creatures are protectors, warriors, and carry with them a greater existence than a simple two-part binary. With their scars, I call out to all the trans people who live in this generation with me. I pay homage to all those who paved the road before us. I plant a message to those who will come after us that we were here.

So, yes, I give my creatures top scars. Not as an aesthetic or fad, but as a permanent mark of who I am. And, as a signal to all my peers that we are not alone and we will always exist.

My beasts see you. I see you.


the year was Two Thousand and twenty-four. I took a puff of my Electronic-Cigarette, inhaling the vapours. my mobile terminal buzzed in my pocket, a flat slab of microchips and glossy touchscreen. I ignored it....... probably another Electronic-Mail


Spirit Animal is racist.

Patronus was invented by a transphobe.

I think it’s time we all suck it up and say what we mean: fursona.

I know this is a jokey post (rip OPs notes) but a fursona is typically an animal REPRESENTATION of YOURSELF, not an external animal that is strongly meaningful to you and your life/journey.

I've seen daemon and familiar proposed, but to keep in line with the cursedness of the original post, may I suggest: spiritual tamagotchi

do you have any idea how refreshing it is to see a correction/suggestion to this post that actually understands the assignment


i think some of you dont like narratives or stories or characters i think you just like fanfiction tropes

protagonists can and will be sexist, racist, insensitive, cruel, stupid, etc, especially towards the beginning of a story. these are called character flaws and they are a surprise tool that will lead to narrative fulfillment later


First you procrastinate on the task because it is not a big enough deal to get done urgently. Then you procrastinate on the task because it has become such a big deal that doing it is overwhelming. You would think that this implies a middle point where it is just big enough of a deal to get done easily, however the inherent perversity of the universe's causal geometry prevents this


The drake Kendrick beef trending on tumblr is like finding out an isolated village in the middle of Siberia with no internet or television access knows who Michael Jackson is


Look, we joke a lot, but really, "you were born evil, wretched, worse than the scum of the earth, and it took killing a god to make you salvageable, so now you'd better be grateful to that god and thank him 10,000 times a day for it and fill your thoughts with him 24/7 and abide by the letter of his every word, lest you suffer unimaginable torture for all of eternity" is a truly horrendous thing to believe about yourself and other people


when i say i like hiking, i don’t mean “eight mile backpacking trip with special gear and an emergency beacon” sort of hiking, i mean a three mile loop to go look at pretty things and then a huge brunch after.

this is in no way a slam on hardcore hiking, it’s very fun, but i mostly just need to lower people’s expectations when i say hiking is a hobby of mine

"No no, that's ranger hiking. I like hobbit hiking."

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