


| BLM | bisexual💖💜💙 | she/her | Ig I’m doing incorrect quotes now | check out my ao3: @LetsgoRavendors | if you’re an asshole, get off my blog | CREDIT FOR HEADER GOES TO OC
Writing Masterplot


Parrlyn one-shots

My Heart, It Will Be Open - [1/2 chapters completed]

SIX one shots

Parrlyn stories

Kiss - one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven

Totally Platonic - one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixteen | seventeen | eighteen | nineteen

C8 H10 N4 O2 - one | two | three | four | five

SIX stories

Who Said It Was Murder? - one | two | three

Six Unread Messages - one | two | three | four | five | six | seven

Love Languages - one | two | three

Nonsense - one | two | three | four | five | six | seven


Updated - Jul 16th, 2022

(I feel so cool making on of these—hey look I’m cool now!)





Image ID:

You're only done talking about Palestine when we see a free Palestine.

Plain text:

Don't stop talking about Palestine! Don't stop talking about Gaza! Don't let them make you forget!!


Keep your ‘I am neutral and want peace on both sides’ sentiment to yourself. There’s a genocide happening. If you still can’t see it for what it is, it’s because you don’t want to.


"objectively physically attractive but in possession of negative rizz" is one of my favorite character concepts. i think it's so great when there's an absurdly hot person who's just a complete fucking loser. the mood is unsalvageable the moment they open their mouth kind of deal. you get no bitches because you're so sucks.


"i was a transtrender" no you werent. you were just questioning your identity and then you decided that wasn't for you. that's a fucking healthy thing to do. fuck off lmao

Questioning is:




Questioning isn't:

-an excuse to be transphobic towards often young individuals

I once thought I was asexual and it turned out I actually wasn’t ready to have sex before I had transitioned to a point where I was more comfortable with my body. 

And in that time, the asexual community welcomed me, supported me, helped me feel good about who I was, protected me from the harm I would have done to myself if I had pushed myself to have sex. That made a huge difference.

If I see an opportunity to support asexual organizations, I do so not just because it’s good but also because they were there for me in a difficult part of my life without judgement. I owe them for that.

If you at one point identified as transgender or questioned your gender identity, maybe you too sought a home in the wrong place because you were struggling with something else. And it is very likely that the people in that home, the transgender community, believed you and welcomed you and listened to you.

And then when it turns out that you were searching for the wrong thing, you don’t just leave that community behind but you turn around and shit on them? Shame on you. What a shitty thing to do.


i feel like it’s common for teenage girls to be uncomfortable and dysphoric for a lot of reasons that overlap with trans boys’ experiences! double standards, increasing pressure from adults and peers to conform to a very narrow and confining standard of ‘good’ that their male peers aren’t held to, the sexualization of their developing bodies that feels gross and scary, the pressure to fit into the roles of girlfriend, wife, and mother that can seem really unrewarding. being constantly dismissed and invalidated in ways boys aren’t. growing boobs hurts, periods hurt, a lot of shoes and clothes that are supposed to be desired hurt. being a teenage girl sucks shit on a lot of different interconnected levels.

given all that, it’s always seemed perfectly reasonable to me that plenty of people under those circumstances go ‘hey! this sucks! can i quit?’ i didn’t think i was allowed to quit for most of my life and that is why i didn’t realize i was trans until i was 28. i wish when i was fourteen someone had said ‘hey. fuck it.’

so like, go for it. go on strike. just walk out. fuck it. maybe you’re not trans. maybe you are. but the more people who realize that being a woman shouldn’t actually be a lifelong sentence of unrelieved sacrifice and suffering, the better. you should actually enjoy being a woman! if you don’t, fuck it. walk out.

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