
LoT/Superflarrow Dragon Week


An entire week dedicated to dragons in the LoT fandom! Superflarrow of course included. JANUARY 2-8, 2017! (special thanks to kickingshoes for header/icon)
Anonymous asked:

Do you think you'll be doing another dragon week?

ooo, I don’t know. It depends on the interest level, really!

Anonymous asked:

Is this strictly a Coldwave event? And, can we post late? Cause I just stumbled across this and would like to participate.

Definitely not strictly coldwave!! Lots of the participants just ship it lol.

I myself just posted late and it’s a coldflash fic! We would love to have you, whenever you post! Just make sure to put #dragonweek2017 in the first five tags so I can reblog it later!


Coldwave Fic Prompt: Mick teaches dragon!Len to fly via the tried-and-true method of throwing him off a skyscraper.


Sorry this one is so short, but I’ll post another dragon fic today to make up for it :D


“I’m serious,” Len says.

“You’re not serious,” Mick says.

“No, really, I’m –”


“I am not. How else will I learn?” Len says, like he’s being reasonable or something.

“Jump off yourself,” Mick suggests.

“I can’t,” Len says. “That’s the problem: I’m scared of heights. Because of that, I can’t fly. I want to fly. Therefore, the obvious solution –”

“Is for me to throw you off a skyscraper?”

“Yes, exactly!” Len says.


“But –”

Consent, Lenny. I said no.”

Len pouts.

Mick crosses his arms.

“Maybe if it were something smaller first?” Len suggests.

Mick eyes him warily.

Len beams at him.

“…what were you thinking?”

(two days later)

“Barry,” Cisco says. “I’m getting reports that Heatwave and Captain Cold have been sighted on top of the neighborhood jungle gym. Heatwave appears to be tossing Cold off of it.”

“You know what,” Barry says, after a long moment. “I’m not even going to do anything with that.”

“But –”

No, Cisco. Let them be weirdos if that’s what they want.”

(two weeks later)

“Barry,” Cisco says.

“No,” Barry says.

“Captain Cold just sprouted wings and flew away, Barry.”

“No,” Barry says.

“But Barry –”


“Just saying that isn’t going to make it not have happened.”

“I’m going to pretend that it will,” Barry says.

“Seconded,” Caitlin says weakly.

“Actually, he has very pretty wings,” Iris says.

No, Iris!” Joe exclaims.


Dragon Week 5 (coldwave) - the Pest pt 2

For @oneiriad, who wanted more of the Pest story, here’s The Pest part 2, the interquel or whatever they’re called when they’re not before or after

Will presumably only make sense if you read The Pest pt 1 here (tumblr) or here (ao3)


When Rip Hunter came for Heatwave, he came for a master thief.

One of the best of all time, some said. The heists he pulled were clever – almost fiendishly brilliant – and perfectly executed: timing, planning, contingencies built on contingencies, everything. They were even stylish. And then his turn towards supervillainy was nothing short of impressive in itself: to continue to operate as a thief in Central City when faced with the full might and speed of the Flash, to broker a deal with him in order to continue operations and then to maneuver that deal into a band of meta-humans who considered themselves indebted to him..! Nothing short of brilliant.

Despite the man’s somewhat unusual personal eccentricities – he was well-known to history as a pyromaniac, thus the nickname ‘Heatwave’ despite his possession of both hot and cold guns, and of course his habit of taking his pet dragon (only in Central…) with him everywhere he went was very nearly as well known – Rip was certain that Mick Rory would be a valuable addition to his team of Legends.

very belated day two/three for @superlotdragonweek! i chose the prompts “holiday/flight” and squished them together. 

“Happy hatchday!” Wally purred, nuzzling Jesse’s ear. She ducked away from him with a small squeak of indignation as he accidentally (or not-so-accidentally) sent a small static shock into her. Jesse tried to shove him away with a push of her wings, making him purr in amusement and duck away, tail curling up. “Now you’re finally old enough that Harry can’t say no when you tell him you want to go out flying on your own.”

Jesse huffed. “I’ve been going out without his permission for years and you know it, Wally.” She looked around. “Where’s everyone else?”


If you don't already have plans for the rest of dragonweek, could I request a sequel for seeing eye human where mick is kidnapped by eobard as revenge and Len has to rescue him?


As it happens, I do not in fact have any more plans for the rest of the week, so here you go! :)

Will only make sense if you’ve read part 1 here (tumblr) or here (ao3)


It’s a very good thing that Len knows the flight path to STAR Labs by heart, because he flies it now, alone and at top speed.

“I need your prototype,” he says abruptly, bursting into the Accelerator lab through the dragon entrance.

“Uh, dude, rude much?” Cisco says. “No hello?”

Cisco was Lisa’s beloved, and so he did not fear Len.

That is a mistake.

Len bares his teeth and mantles his wings, full-on threat display, and he might not be able to see the picture he makes anymore but he can feel the slick layer of mud and drying blood that sticks to his scales, and no one ever found him less than terrifying before his blindness.

Cisco’s frightened gasp of air indicates he hasn’t lost his touch.

“I need,” he says levelly, albeit through a mouth full of sharp points, “your prototype.”


Daily Suggestions: Final

What a week! Turned out it was a terrible one for me scheduling-wise lmao but hopefully you've all enjoyed it despite my clumsy organization! I'm posting this before my 7th day even gets started just to be sure it's posted both on time and is actually posted because screw the app. 1. Ending/Beginning Some endings are beginnings in themselves, just as some beginnings are the premise for a foreseeable end. Is your dragon involved in a situation like this? What is it? 2. Story Could range from "how I met your sire" to something as serious as a LotR story. Or it could be a mix! Who knows? Dragons make it all the more fun. Are they telling the story around a fire, or at a fancy celebration? Again, thank you so much for participating in this week. I really hope you enjoyed it. I encourage you all to keep up the dragons!


I just realized the suggestions post didn't post

Mobile screwed me over. I was gonna suggest stuff like Abilities, Talent, and Winter. Sorry guys.


Daily Suggestions: Day 5

Hey guys! Sorry again about the mishap of not posting this yesterday. By the time I could properly sit down and post something, it was 7 pm in my time zone and I thought that was too late!

Here are my suggestions! Like always, you can take them or leave them :D and don’t worry about posting late!! I’ve been doing just that myself.

1. Family What kind of dragon is the dragon you’re writing for? Solitary or social? How do they behave with family? Found family or blood/adopted? You could do them defending their family or their family defending them, or just have a fun flight. Maybe if they’re more solitary, a fight with the family instead. There are all kinds of things you can do!

2. Training How are riders in your ‘verse? Do they force dragons into service or get their willing consent? Maybe it’s an all-dragon force instead. How do your dragons train, and what are they training for? You could make up your own aerial maneuvers and formation styles! 3. Horror I love horror myself. BUT you don’t have to take this as dark! Maybe your dragon has a hoard of baking equipment and is horrified that somebody else dares to use it! (or you could do a bloody massacre, whichever strikes your fancy ;D)


Wing Your Way To Me

read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2iI05t9

by LaShaRa

The one where Mick is volcanic and gorgeous, Len needs a lot of cuddling but is also gorgeous, Lisa is badass, and Lewis Snart gets what he deserves.

Words: 1794, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English

read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2iI05t9


Dragon week 3 - Seeing Eye Human

Dragon week 3 - Coldwave - Seeing Eye Human

For @oneiriad, who requested it


“Sir, are you sure you want that one?” the parole merchant says doubtfully.

“Yes, yes, I’m quite sure,” Len says. “He’s the one.”

“But sir,” the merchant says, his voice taking on the sugary, condescending tone they always did when they noticed how Len’s eyes were white and blue all the way through. Like his reason was impaired just because he was blind now. Fuck them. “I don’t think he’s entirely the right fit for the use you’ll have of him-”

“And what use is that?” Len drawls.

“I – that is –” the merchant coughs.

They both know why he’s here, but dragons are supposed to be invulnerable. That’s how they were born out of the eggs of the sky, and that’s how they were supposed to remain. To speak of another dragon being anything less than whole and hearty and able was just unthinkable, no matter how many dragons pretend they’re not limping, risking permanent damage just to avoid being seen with a brace. No matter how many dragons wear corrective lenses while claiming it was just a fashionable fad. No matter how many dragons can’t seem to get themselves out of their hoards for weeks on end, their friends helping them where they can, but no official support or funding whatsoever.

Fucking ableism.


Sorry for lack of daily suggestions today. It wasn't a good day for me and I just couldn't find the time.

Anonymous asked:

Please, Please could you do a fic with ColdWave as dragons and adopting the rouges as eggs?? I'm dying for this AU and hatchling!Axel.

I saw this prompt and went “sure, but I’ll wait till dragon week to post it”, so I hope you don’t mind the delay, anon!

“Mick,” Lisa says.

Mick ignores her.

He knows why she’s here and he’s not going to listen.


No. Absolutely not.

“Mickey Mouse…”

Mick turns with a snarl.

Lisa beams at him, flicking her golden tail at him in a calming sort of way.

“I don’t care,” he says, preempting her. “I don’t, I don’t, I don’t.”

“He’s your mate,” Lisa says.

“He’s just getting broody,” Mick says dismissively.

“Yes,” Lisa says. “He is. Literally. That’s why you need to go back and talk to him about this.”

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