
@nepeteaa / nepeteaa.tumblr.com

𓆝 bird/kaelin warde | illustrator | maine |ttps://linktr.ee/nepeteaa

wore your "magic of migration" shirt to IDBF and everyone loved it! saw a camp mustelid "loony" hat too :]


wow!!!! i'm so glad :') i'm out in the wild!!!!


Random request but, I love your tits and boobies shirt design. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get it when it was being sold.

I understand it was a product being sold to raise money, but I would adore if it was restocked. :) thanks for the consideration, I adore your art style!


heya! I actually restock them pretty frequently. it's one of my favorite designs and continues to support me as a trans artist :-)

a new batch is in print right now!


hello!! i just wanted to say that i really adore your autumn quilt art! i was wondering if you were inspired by any specific quilts or artwork? i want to start doing quilt-like nature layout art but i'm honestly not sure where to start


hi! it wasn't inspired by any real quilts actually, but I find pinterest has been a good source of finding unique old quilts to reference!

also for that one I literally drew the fox in the square and just slowly added little things around it until I felt like I could close it off haha

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