
One In Five Billion



ISO an msr fanfic spreadsheet. There are so many fanfics which I love and adore but it makes it hard to sort through when I’m looking for specific tropes and ao3 filters aren’t specific enough. Can anyone in here help me find one? This fandom is over 30 years old there must be someone who made one. And if there isn’t one are there any people who would want to team up and take the time and effort to make one?

Also is there a discord or group I could join?



Thank you for tagging me, @calimanc and @randomfoggytiger! I started leaving a reply but had too much to say.

My masterpost of X-Files fic rec lists sorted by episode and category isn't quite what you're looking for, but it's something.

X-libris has searchable genres, tags, and categories for some X-Files fics.

Also, so they're not overlooked in the replies, there are two spreadsheets from @cecilysass (here) and @banannie_x (here) that organize and categorize some X-Files fic.

There isn't now and has never been a comprehensive spreadsheet or anything else organizing or categorizing X-Files fic.

Gossamer was how X-Files fanfic was organized for many years. It's hard to overstate how central it was to the XF fanfic community and how large an archive it was (and still is). Everybody reading XF fic used Gossamer - there was no AO3, there was no social media, but there was Gossamer. Fanlore goes through its history.

atxc was also hugely important. It was a hub that pretty much everybody who knew about X-Files fanfic knew about, and it was extremely active 24/7. Like, extremely. For a string of years during the show's original run in particular, if anybody wanted a specific fic or kind of fic, asking the question at atxc was practically like asking everybody in the fandom.

Web speed and online tools changed dramatically after the show ended its original run in 2002. Collaborative, sharable documents like Google docs did not exist. Loading or downloading a spreadsheet would have taken minutes, probably hours if it had any significant length, on dial-up Internet. Wholly not feasible. So: Gossamer.

By the time website speeds and document tools became viable web options, there were already many thousands of X-Files fics posted online. And many of the people who might have been keeping track of fics on their own, locally on their computer (or, gasp!, on paper) were no longer in the fandom (and their computers with that info may have been long replaced).

So the good news is that there is a huge amount of X-Files fanfics and that, if you want a particular kind of story, there's probably more than one of them out there. But the bad news is, X-Files fanfics can be hard to find, and that's not even considering how many of them are hard to find because they have been lost on deleted websites.

TL, DR: The links at the start of all this are the most helpful user-curated lists I know about for finding or sorting through categories of X-Files fic. And X-Files fanfic has been both blessed and cursed by riding through the Internet's capabilities for decades.


We also just didn't tag things by trope back in the day, beyond basics like AUs. The length of the fic was more important then because people had limited internet. Fandom has transformed since the 1990s in terms of depending on tropes to curate your reading experience. Just having an archive like Gossamer was a big deal. It focused on classifying stories by genre (angst, romance, etc.) and length. A shared document like that would have been impossible to manage and all the webrings and rec sites are gone. @lilydalexf posts great recs that are likely to help you find some stories, but there is no master spreadsheet classifying 30 years of fic by trope.

I absolutely was not expecting this to take off as quickly or as much as it did. I got into The X Files back in 2016 just before the revival came out and just demolished it as a whole and sort of just dove in but I was a baby so I didn’t have the preferences (or diagnosis’s lol) as I do now. With the show being moved to Disney + and needing something mindless but not totally mindless to watch I thought a rewatch was in order unaware it would reawaken my hyperfixation/special interest.

The best way for me to get into any fandom is by reading fanfiction to continue my interest without depleting my interest (I hate endings the amount of series books or tv that I have just dropped because I got too close to the end is too numerous to count). Currently in my rewatch I’m still in season 2 and I adore the baby agents and I like to read in conjunction to my rewatch I was hoping there was someway to filter fics more specifically than ao3 can allow.

I’m also VERY picky when it comes to the fics I read and since I do know the show has been pretty much the reason fanfiction and fandom as it is today exists and has been around for 30 some years I thought that there might be some archive or spreadsheet that had been made over the years. The only reason I thought it might be a possibility is because another fandom I’m a part of has made one (granted it is a much smaller fandom time wise and population wise).

For some reason when making the original post I had completely ignored that the show predates/grew with the internet and that would affect accessibility to the content. Since I’m sort of re-jumping into the show and fandom I had no idea where to begin, which blogs were still active, which tags got the most traffic, if the fandom itself was even still alive considering the revival ended 6 years ago.

I am actually so shocked and pleased at how much traction my original post has gained in like one day and I am so grateful to everyone who shared their own lists and tried to help me find what I was looking for despite me not being totally clear or knowledgeable about what I wanted. I would love to continue to chat and learn in this fandom with all of you. I just wanted to come back and actually thank y’all for the effort.

There are 33000 stories on Gossamer (give or take) and 26000+ on AO3. I assume there's some overlap, but assuming 50k stories archived between those sites, that still doesn't represent or preserve all the fic that used to exist - some people had their own personal sites and didn't use Gossamer or Ephemeral or ff.net. There's not really a centralized way to categorize all of that without it being unwieldy, although it would be an interesting project for some fandom historian(s). Like @lilydalexf said, there are also plenty of stories that are just gone now. I think your best bet is following people like Lilydale and @randomfoggytiger who do a lot of themed rec posts and adding to your follows based on who chimes in on their posts.

If there was interest, I'd be willing to start a spreadsheet to categorize the Gossamer stories with more modern tags and organize them by season, but it's not a one-person project.


Can we talk about how Mulder and Scully had one tiny little insignificant fight and Mulder got so depressed over it that he started spooning orange puree into a vodka bottle

And scully broke out the cigs because she thought Mulder was flirting with a fake blonde?


Why do people need subtitles to watch a show in English? I don't get it. What is wrong with the ears of young people?


ooh this angers me so much. so let's make a poll of it.

edit for clarification: the Deaf/HoH option includes any hearing impairment and d/Deaf people ^^

Given the insane level of volume in commercials and music in a show half the time it's either entirely too loud or you can't hear anything. Also I put them on for my kiddo because it helps with spelling and pronunciation. Some things are whispered somethings are not what you think you heard. Every found out the lyrics of a song are entirely dark because you never heard the actual words before? Yea...


NEW FIC - WIP! Hand To Your Heart (Chapter 1)

Hi all,

This is my take on the classic trope of “Mulder and Scully decide to be friends-with-benefits. Surely they can keep their emotions to themselves, right? Oh, and add in a little Fowley angst.”

This isn’t totally canon-compliant because I genuinely don’t understand the mytharc and don’t care to get better acquainted with it.

As usual, this is a WIP and will have a happy ending (MSR). My last fic proved to me that I shouldn’t promise any true regularity in updating, but I do try to update about 2-3 times a week.

Enjoy, and as always, thank you for reading and commenting! Find me on AO3 (oohnotvery)!


Excited for the next chapter of this.


Scully, you have to believe me. Nobody on this whole damn planet does or ever will. You're my one in five billion. DANA SCULLY and FOX MULDER | The X Files, Season 5


this episode gives me heart palpitations. the pure, selfish concern on her face oh my GOD.

and he knows she's worried, he's trying to joke around because if she's worried then HE'S worried about HER in return and why do they always separate jesus fucking christ

Anonymous asked:

Hiiii! I insanely love your work! Would you like to write a fic of scully always saying “oh my god I’m coming” when Mulders rubs her when fucking? Our man Mulder can tell the exact time when she will say it 😂

She's beautiful, raw, and vulnerable. He doesn't know what makes him feel luckier: the fact that he's able to read her so readily, or the fact that she trusts him enough to allow him to see her like this.

He's grateful for either option.

She's pliant and warm in his lap, her skin velvet soft and dewy with the light misting of perspiration that has gathered from their exertions. Her previously shower-damp hair has become humid and mildly frizzy, contributing to her beautifully wild look as he runs his palms up and down her bare back. She's panting as he thrusts, her little hands resting on his shoulders for leverage. Each exhale of her breath brushes lightly in his chest hair.

"Oh..." she whispers, "Oh...Mulder...oh yeah..."

Her voice is husky, devoid of oxygen, and he can discern the little twitches in her pelvis that denote her impending orgasm. She feels so damn good, so hot and wet and snug, and he knows the minute he feels that first pulse he's not going to last.

Gotta make this good for her. Always gotta make it so good for her.

He peppers kisses along her jawline and down her throat, knowing she responds positively to passion-coincided gentleness. He feels the vibration of her moan against his lips as he skillfully edges his middle finger to where they are joined, seeking out her slick clit. He knows she's sensitive tonight when he feels her nails dig sharply into the ball of his shoulder. Her other hand clasps his wrist, holding his rubbing fingers in place between her legs.

"Oh—" she gasps, "Oh yeah...oh—"

Any moment now, he prays as he concentrates on kissing, stroking, and thrusting, any moment now she's going to make that sweet little grunt and she's going to come un—

"Oh...oh my god, I'm coming..." Her eyes slip closed as her brow furrows, her hips writhing against his. Almost immediately the very-rare-to-impossible happens and he feels his balls seize, his body melding to hers as they slowly fall headlong over the cliff of blissful oblivion. Their mouths meet messily, not so much kissing as it is sharing their frantic breaths.

She breathes quiet little "oh my god"s against his lips as she slowly, steadily descends, and he does his best to brush her hair from her eyes in a somewhat coordinated fashion. He shivers with aftershocks, the ghost of her voice telling him she's coming threatening to pool his blood again well before he's ready.

"How do you always know," she breathes against the crook of his jaw, "exactly what I need?"

He chuckles into her sweat-dampened hair.

"Let's just say you make it easy for me," he replies affectionately.


Fic: in conclusion

Fandom: The X-Files

Pairing: Mulder/Scully

Rating: T

Word count: 3.370


“What were you thinking about?” she asks.
He lets out a small laugh. “I was thinking about…you know. Human connections. What they are and how we define them. And why we need to put them into neat little categories that we specifically make up for them. Don’t you ever just wonder what makes relationships – any kinds of relationships – what they are?”
It's the middle of the night in a freezing cold motel room and they both haven't slept. The best time and place to figure out how relationships work -- theirs in particular.

Note: I have written another one! I guess I am so far down this rabbit hole that I may as well buy some furniture, because it seems I live here now. How I have ever stayed away this long is a mystery to me. I love those two. Set this wherever in the timeline, I don't think it matters much.


Okay this is my new favorite fic at the moment. Please read!!!!!!!


👽 X-Files Season 7 Fic, Part 11

There are so many great stories set in season 7 of The X-Files! Here are even more, following seven prior sets of season 7 fic recs. There are a lot of good season 7 stories. Enjoy! Parts 1 ** 2 ** 3 ** 4 ** 5 ** 6 ** 7 ** 8 ** 9 ** 10 Aquinnah by Anjou Axiom by allimarie Birthday Series by @syntax6 Hallowed by OnlyTheInevitable (@gaycrouton) Harmonice Mundi by @aloysiavirgata Into the Light by @msrafterdark keeping count by scullyism Learning Curve by JLB Mezzo Luna by msk Secret Spots by @baronessblixen Strangers and the Strange Dead by Kipler throat, eye and knucklebone by audries (@audriesfic) Untitled by @aloysiavirgata Untitled by @aloysiavirgata Untitled "Millennium" fic by @aloysiavirgata Untitled "Orison" crossover fic by @aloysiavirgata Wishes by @baronessblixen

Ah - this is awesome!!

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