

@misskumikosixteen / misskumikosixteen.tumblr.com

Loves cats, traps, and seiyuu. And Pikorin. Ask box: OPEN. Rules here. Follow my writing blog and on twitter!

sometimes people chose to ignore the ones that cry silently 🌹 the trauma and disappointments that Ino faced throughout the series were constantly pushed aside due to screen time and popularity of others /:


best weirdo kurama moments

  • eavesdropping on the roof across from yusuke’s house just to see if a total stranger thought he was a good boy
  • coming out the bushes at genkai’s when they’re all arguing about going to demon world . how long was he standing there
  • coming out of nowhere when they’re all talking right before the DT finals. how long was he standing there
  • telling everyone his mom is getting remarried only to prove he wasn’t an imposter. he didn’t even send out invitations like a normal person
  • the 86 times he manipulated hiei into doing something instead of just asking
  • when he called his mom from demon world and she was like oh there was an earthquake near our house are you okay and he was like “ahaha no there wasn’t” as if she couldn’t fact check that by asking literally anyone else in their neighborhood
  • ‘i reap what i sow’ while a plant is eating him from the inside
  • when he started laughing cause genbu’s head was where his dick should be
  • taking time during his matches to talk his enemies ear off to learn their weakness but also bc he doesn’t have a therapist
  • whenever he mentions how good his sense of smell is. don’t like that
  • after killing amanuma he’s like NO I’M NORMAL I’M FINE and then goes apeshit on elder toguro
  • every time he loses a game to kuwabara and starts pouting bc he can’t beat a psychic
  • having a crush on a girl who marathons ghost adventures while being a literal demon who knows that ghosts exist
  • when zeru is trying to flex and kurama’s like “this guy thinks he’s so tough but fights in the human world what has demonkind come to”
  • he and kuwabara deciding to trick yusuke into thinking botan and keiko were dead
  • stringing yomi along for months aiding him in his demon world coup only to walk out like ‘nah i’m actually over this’ the second yusuke showed up
  • in general seriously contemplating being a demon world king and then being like tee hee :) i was just playin
  • when he tried killing karasu with a plant that looked like That????????
  • thinking it was totally okay to just die because his mom got a new boyfriend like if there’s any evidence kurama is in fact having teenage reactions to things this would be exhibit a
  • the way he was thinking he might really have to kill kaito but then made a silly face instead

i think a lot of writers have like. ideas that reoccur in their work a lot. and i don't mean anticapitalism or grief or whatever i mean very specific ideas like intimacy through combing hair or mangled limbs which usually originate from a rl experience (the examples are things i use or think of using a lot)

Anonymous asked:

so ayato can be a menace,,,,,, but like, imagine ayato with a tsundere for a s/o

mans probs went from enemies to lovers with them and enjoys teasing them ldnsldnflnfldn

i love ayato teasing an easily flustered s/o its such a great trope
summary: your best friend's brother is an important man, and yet he spends so much of his time flustering you instead of doing paperwork | f!reader
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