


She sells her body

Her glistening eyes that once were a calm ocean now behold a burning rage

Cover your legs they said, no crop tops they said, it’s not the right age

She ditched the stilletos for they were provocative they said

But that didnt prevent it from happening, nor did the saffron on her head

Neither the concrete structure she’d go for praying with flowers and her soul to offer

Nor did the society she desperately tried to fit in tried to take the pain off her

Her cries for help were answered by pretentious display of sympath

But they soon dried up , along with the expectations of their empathy

It’s strange how she was left alone to fight her battles by herself

And now since she finally stopped trying and decided to give in to her fate

She sells her body they say

Got no morals, just a will and a way

She aint fit to live in our society they diss

Holding her guilty for enjoying such bliss ….


21 Questions Tag Game

I installed tumblr again today after a few months and was overjoyed to finally see a notification😂

A biggg thank you to @asoulinthemistofbodies , one of the most talented writer out there who , my lucky ass also gets to call a best friend❤

Okay.. so getting back to this game, here are my answers:

Nickname - my friends called me baby dall back in high school as I was this chubby and plump little girl (although other names included grade A nerd and bhains ie buffalo by my brother😂)

Zodiac - Scorpiooo

Height - 5'1 almost.. yeah

Last movie - Due date starring sir Robert downey jr and zach galifianakis ... its a really amazing story about two guys forced to go on a road trip and the adventures that follow

Last thing I googled - the surname galifianakis, to check if I got the spelling correct!

Favourite singer - ahh man! I really can't name one.. there are so many talented and mind blowing artists out there..but to answer the question,  some of my current favourites include: linkin park , eminem, taylor swift , jack and jack and imagine dragons

Song stuck in my head - Hunger by Ross copperman

Other blogs - I do have a blog on wordpress.. here's the link : https://3amendeavors.wordpress.com

Do I get asks - Lol , nope! Never got one ... I don't know anyone here and apparently noone wants to know me either😂

Following - around 150 blogs

Followers - 16 😌

Amount of sleep - anywhere between 0 to 20 hours depending on my mood and luck

Lucky number - 5, I guess

What I'm wearing - Night shorts and my brother's tee (it's one of the hottest days of sunmer here😥)

Dream job - To own and manage a cozy little cafe

Dream trip - One that covers France and Chicago, the former for the delicious flavourful cheeses and the latter for its well known deep dish pizza😋

Favourite food - Anything covered in or containing loads of cheese

Play any instrument - Not in a while, but I played congo a few years ago

Languages - English, hindi , marathi and to an extent gujarati

Favourite song - I don't have an absolute favourite one , but one that I've been hooked on to for a while is a cover of the song "To make you feel my love" by the nashville cast

Random fact - I hope to become a vampire one day (hopefully while I'm still young😂)

Describe yourself as aesthetic things - Umm.. I don't really know about this.. does a freshly baked gooey cheesecake count? I mean I am myself a kind of a warm person who is full of calories too.. so

Okay now that the questions are over, firstly I hope you liked going through the answers and about the part where I am supposed to tag 21 other fellow bloggers, I'm really sorry but the only other person on tumblr I know was the one that tagged me in the first place. So I don't think I can fulfill that part of the game. Never the less, if any one reads this and is up for a little Q&A session, go ahead and consider this an open tag sort of a post

Thank you!


Mirage called love..

How could you be dumb enough

To beleive him when he said you were special,

that there existed between you a common denominator

To forget all those times he ignored your calls and texts just because he was "sorry" later

How could you be so blind

To look past all his wrongs just because deep down you wanted him to be your "right"

To tolerate patiently all his mood swings for you fall all over again at his mere sight

How could you not realise,

The strings that you thought were attatched strongly had infact many loose ends

"The one" for him you werent, for you, none of his rules he'd ever bend

How could you be so reckless

To give up on your friends who meant the world to you to fit in his tiny dingy heart

To keep hiding all those scars he so obliviously gave

For the fear of everything falling apart



The colour of love, the colour of roses

But also as a symbol of danger it poses

A sign of life in the form of blood

Is there even a soul who dislikes it in the world?

It can empower a woman, taking a spot on her forehead

Or make her impure, confining her for days to her bed

A control freak by nature, loves to be in charge all the time

It sets boundaries for even the rainbows that shine

Who else could dare stop vehicles on busy streets

Or make women too ominous for even God to greet


Life vs you

There are a lot of things no number of books can ever teach us and this I think is one of them

Our life is what we chose it to be , what we build it to be and the poor stars are not to be blamed

It will always give you challenges and throw tantrums even , only to sit back and enjoy waching you stumble and fall , when

"Haha You Lose!" It will have claimed


Love, really?

I've always wondered what love really is

Is it the helpless smile that gets plastered on your face whenever you talk

Or the unknown sadness you feel when you are away?

Is it the little dance your mind does when you spot them in a crowd

Or the tears that u supress when you cant express it out loud!

Does it give u wings or instead have u tied

Does it help u flourish or dry up inside,

"It hurts" said a broken heart, "it heals" said another,

So does it come with conditions necessary to abide?

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