

@kookamunga-blog / kookamunga-blog.tumblr.com

27 | Female | United States
Anonymous asked:

I'm so sorry but I won't be able of get your gift done in time, you deserve so much better. I'm sorry -ss

Don’t be hard on yourself, no rush! I don’t have any specific Christmas plans anyway, it’s mostly just a day off work for me :)

Anonymous asked:

Heloo, I'm fine thanks. I'm glad to hear that you get time to relax and I hope next week's less stressful for you. What were/are you watching? I also gotta say that when u was looking briefly around your acc and I saw some of your art and it's seriously AMAZING! Btw what are some other interests of yours outside of the mark & jack fandom(s)? Sorry for the long post but I'm just gonna start signing my asks "ss" for secret Santa so you'll know that I'm the same person as before -ss

Hey Santa! :) I’ve been watching Jack’s Doki Doki playthrough lately. Really looking forward to today’s episode since weird things are starting to happen! I've been avoiding any spoilers, so it’s really suspenseful. As for other interests... well, you already saw that I love art - thanks for the compliments! Are you sure you saw my own paintings though? (Was it tagged #myart?) I reblog a lot of people’s work that is inspirational and way out of my league, haha. Aside from digital paintings, I make things out of glass - fused glass and blown glass both. It’s really fun! I’m also an animal lover. What about you? What other interests do you have? Do you have a favorite video/series from Mark or Jack?

Anonymous asked:

Heyy just your secret Santa checking in ^.^ how are ya?

Hi there! I had a stressful week, but everything is fine now that it’s the weekend. I’m just relaxing and watching YouTube right now actually :) How about you?


And now the question is do I finish the art I started with the green or do I start over with brown?

This is a good time to address it. For anyone drawing me with green hair please don’t feel bad about it. I LOVE all the fanart with green hair and even though I dont have it anymore, you can draw me however you want. Green, Brown, it’s all great :)

Im just flattered to be drawn at all.


mentally develop your plots/character interactions by listening to your favorite songs and imagining an amv to it

Don’t call me out like this

someday I might post a playlist of all the songs I do this with

but it will only make sense to me because of the pictures inside my own head

Whoa, other people do this too? That’s awesome!

I’ve actually created multiple playlists organized by the type of scenes they go with, like “battle scene,” “gentle/recovery”, “training montage,” “escape scene,” “plot twist”... hahaha :)


things english speakers know, but don’t know we know.


That is profound. I noticed this by accident when asked about adjectives by a Japanese student. She translated something from Japanese like “Brown big cat” and I corrected her. When she asked me why, I bluescreened.



Jumping back into the JSE/tumblr community :)

Hey guys! Sorry I’ve been away so long. Things have been really busy lately. After PAX and surgery, I started applying/interviewing for new jobs, my international friends moved here, and now I’m creating a board game!

A few weeks ago, my local community had a competition for teams to make board games within a 48 hour time limit. I was in a team with two of my brothers - they worked on the game rules and I did the art. We didn’t sleep much, haha. But we won the competition (both the art category and overall)! Next step is to polish up our prototype and show it to publishers… we got invited to a private game convention for exactly this purpose. There’s a lot of prep work to do for that, but it’s a ton of fun. :)

It feels weird to go so long without keeping up on JSE videos, but I suppose that just means there’s a lot of content waiting for me on the channel now! Haha. Looks like I also missed a #septicart event, oops… but I’ll get back to doing JSE fan art once this board game stuff is finished :D Also planning on finishing up some older projects (I haven’t forgotten, @lyssadee and @vsarmi - sorry for the wait!)


A BOARD GAME? That’s so cool!!! Do you have any pictures of it?

Thanks! I do, but unfortunately I can’t share them - we haven’t nailed down the copyrights on our game concept yet, so we don’t want to post things online until that’s handled. I’m excited about the way things are going, though! My brothers and I have always loved board games, and the only thing holding us back from making them has been our doubts. After this competition we’ve realized that we ARE capable of making good games (even in 48 hours!). We want to do more after this one is finished. :)

How cool would it be to make a JSE board game?? Where you can choose to play as one of the egos, each one having unique benefits/strategies/goals that suit them? If you’ve ever played Pandemic, I’m thinking of a mechanic similar to the character roles in that game. Or possibly like the corporations in Terraforming Mars. There are loads of concepts floating around in my head now! :D


Jumping back into the JSE/tumblr community :)

Hey guys! Sorry I've been away so long. Things have been really busy lately. After PAX and surgery, I started applying/interviewing for new jobs, my international friends moved here, and now I'm creating a board game!

A few weeks ago, my local community had a competition for teams to make board games within a 48 hour time limit. I was in a team with two of my brothers - they worked on the game rules and I did the art. We didn't sleep much, haha. But we won the competition (both the art category and overall)! Next step is to polish up our prototype and show it to publishers... we got invited to a private game convention for exactly this purpose. There's a lot of prep work to do for that, but it's a ton of fun. :)

It feels weird to go so long without keeping up on JSE videos, but I suppose that just means there's a lot of content waiting for me on the channel now! Haha. Looks like I also missed a #septicart event, oops... but I'll get back to doing JSE fan art once this board game stuff is finished :D Also planning on finishing up some older projects (I haven't forgotten, @lyssadee and @vsarmi - sorry for the wait!)

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