
Not quite a 'Chef-Sir'


Cis male, 39. Grumpy 'old' man that is happily committed to my best friend. I like too many things to put in a basic profile and I'm happy to talk about anything, try me.

SCCWriting is Back!

Good morning all!

The Submissive Coffee Club (sccwriting) is back from hiatus. While the SCC you know and love will resume unchanged, the behind-the-scenes support has undergone a small transition.

I want to take a moment to acknowledge the immense amount of time, love, and countless words spicenwolf has given to support sccwriting. I thought it would be a fitting tribute for spice to hear from all of you about what the SCC has meant to you over these many years. Please feel free to add your thoughts, memories, and well wishes in the reblogs.

Now for a few reminders -

You can find the writing prompts here. The prompts were always intended to be a jumping off spot for introspection. Anything you write about your submission is worthy of a reblog. As nice as erotica can be, we’ve always tried to avoid posting fantasies of Dominance and submission. This blog is intended to be a resource for the submissive’s daily life and provide realistic expectations for those just beginning to explore their submission.

We search the sccwriting tag at least twice a week, but links and tags are currently problematic with tumblr’s community guidelines. If you want something reblogged, you can send a note to nurseaware or submit directly to sccwriting. To our new followers, welcome, we hope you find yourself at home in this amazing community!

On a personal note - 

The Submissive Coffee Club has been a safe space and amplifier of submissive voices, including my own, for many years. Taking on support of this blog is an extraordinary responsibility and I am humbled by the trust Spice has placed in me. I will do the best I can to continue to support this beautiful legacy. Please feel free to reach out any time with questions or ideas.

Love and light to you all,



A Rant.

Some folk like "traditional" relationships, and that is absolutely fine. Every body is, after all, expected to live their best life, and if a trad lifestyle tickles their toenails, more power to them.

But when a body insists that women submitting to men is natural - biology even - then we have a fukken problem.

A big one.

Every body may be entitled to their own opinion, but opinions are not facts. And thinking that one's opinion takes precedence over fact is the epitome of hubris.

Women submitting to men - strong or otherwise - is not biology.

It is not natural.

It is sexist propaganda rooted in misogyny.

If you as a woman wish to submit to a man, have at it. But do not think that every woman should submit to a man. Because you would be wrong. And a misogynist...

And that Frens, is a fact.


Not gonna lie, I cried like a baby when he said we’re going to utilize “experts” and “scientists”


This sums it up


So much this


Being a decent human being matters. Words that I would've never expected to hear on national media.


To put it simply, this year has been a lot. And I have no doubt that there will be more in store. I have struggled. I have felt overwhelmed with the constantly changing landscape. At times, I have wondered what more could possibly happen. At other times, I’ve simply stopped wondering, instead embracing the reality that most things in this world are out of my control.

What helps me get through, day after day, is focusing on the things that I do have control over. For example:

  • I can’t stop time and keep my kiddo from going off to college, but I can talk to her about how our relationship will change and how I can best support her.
  • I can’t control whether or not I get a serious illness, but I can try to incorporate healthy practices into my life and accept help from people who care about me when I do get sick.
  • I can’t magically fix the friction that comes with adding another adult to our household, but I can commit to communicating as openly and honestly as possible, and acknowledge that this is a challenging situation for all of us.
  • I cannot stop my mom’s progressive illness, but I can encourage my parents to utilize their Palliative Care options and genuinely listen when they express their fears and frustrations.
  • I cannot carry Sir’s burdens for him. I cannot ‘fix’ his mental health, but I can give him a safe space to feel what he’s feeling and a firm nudge to reach out for professional help when it’s needed.

This world is pretty damn ridiculous right now tbh. But even though there are many things I cannot control, I have to remember that I am not powerless and I am not alone.

I might not be the only one who needs that reminder right now, so if you need to hear it, here you go-

You are not powerless. You are not alone. No matter how overwhelming things may feel, you will get through this. You are so much stronger than you know. Always keep fighting 💜


I made a ghost today! Hoping to make a sort of “Design your own ghost” thing on etsy where you can choose the face and accessories. I’m starting to work on my second one now. 


This is so cute!!


You could add eyebrows, like slant down to the middle for angry ghost, slant out for sad ghost. So many options. They are adorable, stick with it. Let me know when they are for sale and we'll get one for Princess (@nurseaware)


I challenged a Director on his (inappropriate) handling of a project today. He called me “bold” and “passionate” a few times during our hour-long conversation. I do not think he meant it as a compliment 😂


A perfect example of the dichotomy of the life we live. Daddy's prefect little toy at home, "bold" and intimidating to the misogynist director at work. I'm proud of you Princess!


Everyday Dominance

*TW surgical procedure, needles, pain

Today was a rough day for me. I finally had the Mohs procedure to remove cancerous cells from my nose that were identified a few months back. Originally, I had debated whether I needed Sir to go with me to the appointment at all. Part of me felt like this was a minor procedure and it didn’t warrant him taking time off work. But he had heard the uncertainty in my voice and to him there was never a question. I am so grateful bc it ended up being far more intense than I anticipated.

Prior to the appointment, Sir made sure I had everything I might need; snacks, a drink, something to read, etc. Once we got there, he quietly stood guard as I was numbed up and the first layer of tissue was removed. I thought I did pretty good that first round. The numbing needles hurt (you aren’t numb when they stick them in and the nose is so sensitive) and cauterizing the blood vessels caused a terrible smell, but overall it went well.

We waited less than an hour before finding out the results. Thankfully, they’d gotten all the cancer cells on the first cut. My relief however, ended up being short-lived. The surgeon went on to describe the options that we had to choose from next to leave the least amount of scarring (keeping in mind, this could permanently alter how I look). I chose the method that didn’t involve stitches or skin grafts, but instead used, I kid you not, surgical sandpaper. Things got intense after that. The numbing took so many injections on the top of my nose, my cheek, my septum, inside... ugh. There were tears pouring down my cheeks. I whimpered, I stomped my feet on the table, I nearly broke down sobbing, it was bad. Sir stood by me the whole time, holding my hand, telling me what a good job I was doing in his calm, reassuring voice. When the surgeon came back and Sir couldn’t stand at my side any more, he moved to the foot of the table and firmly squeezed my legs (he later said he wished he could have used rope to hold me, but his hands proved to be just as calming).

The pain and endorphins from that procedure were as much, if not more than, as any intense scene. As soon as I was released, I was in Sir’s care. He sheltered me with his body as we walked out, he kept a hand on me as we drove home, then he tucked me in to rest with my blanket, stuffie, and a hot cup of tea.

This is the dominance I often fail to put words to when people ask me about our D/s. He is my daily protector and my strength. He helps me be brave when I need to but also gives me a safe place to fall apart. He’s not just here for the floggers and blow jobs (though those are definitely perks), he’s here for the tough times too. He shows up and puts in the work every single day.

Thank you @sous-sir for taking care of me today and every day. 💜


These stories are focused on the little things that make up our D/s and/or make me feel submissive. A big part of my D/s, and a big part of me, is the little side.

Today Daddy and I were getting ready to go look at flooring. When we run errands he usually spoils me and let’s me get coffee from Dutch Bros. As we were heading out the door, I started doing my excited, jumping up and down coffee dance.

Me: Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, COFFEE!!!

Him: *frowning* Decaf.

Me: Nooo!!!!!

Him: You don’t need any more energy.

Me: Yes I do! I need the coffee AND the sugar!

Him: *walks away shaking his head*

Me: *keeps doing the coffee dance all the way to the car*

Him: *buys me a sugary coffee*

Our D/s isn’t complete without Daddy spoiling me from time to time and indulging me in my silly, goofball behavior 🤪


TL;DR writings by nurseaware

I asked for help creating a post of my writings and Sir did not disappoint. Here’s the TL;DR, courtesy of @sous-sir  


“Good morning, sunshine!”

“What’s your status?”

arrest DeJoy for felonious tampering with the USPS!!!

“7 meetings down, 1 more to go.”

Kinda of suitable, actually.

"No, he broke the railing in half and two of the brackets."


“There are some Hershey’s bars in the fridge. You should have a piece of that”

Hmm... guess you should have been faster in telling me where to find the chocolate!


I got the last of it.


While camping this weekend we saw a flock of sheep off in the distance so I hopped out to take a picture.

Little did I know the rest of the flock was waiting around the next corner!

You can hear our poor doggo just dying to get out and play with the floofs 😝

Source: nurseaware
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