
i’m wearing the smile you gave me


kate - she/her (20s) bi?
multi-fandom (mainly marauders, hunger games, & marvel)
writing account - smile-child-13-writes

Sirius Black x Reader

WARNINGS: just fluff, FEM!R + use of Y/n, the title is the tiktok trend, this was inspired by Remus' version that someone else wrote who's username i don't remember sorry. Also R is a sweetheart and a bit sensitive for the sake of the story, if you don't like it just ignore it or write your own story^^

English is not my first language so feel free to correct me.


Wolfstar x daughter!Reader

(But it's mostly uncle Regulus and uncle Barty here sorry)

- yes i know there's David Tennant but i'm in love with the fancasts leave me alone (you can imagine whoever you want though) -

WARNINGS: nothing just fluff, FEM!R but no use of Y/n, Regulus and Barty babysitting Wolfstar daughter, Barty being Barty but we love him for it. This is sort of connected to this post but it can also be considered as a single piece.

English is not my first language so feel free to correct me.


❝we can't be friends (wait for your love.)❞

[credits to @artofpan for the lovely art! title is taken from ariana grande's song, we can't be friends.]

summary. fortune favours the bold, so they say. but you're an awkward ravenclaw in yearning.

pairing/s. poly!marauders x reader (james potter x reader, lily evans x reader, remus lupin x reader, and sirius black x reader.)

word count. 11.4k

tags. childhood friends to ex-friends to lovers, fluff, minor angst, happy ending, not proofread we die like remus and tonks, also a bit of spice ;3

note. asdhjf while im working on the last part of the time traveller au pls enjoy this fluffy piecee ueueue

‘TIS THE SEASON OF raucous jeering and gaudy paraphernalia in the corridors, the unmistakable scent of overly-polished brooms, mud trekking through the cobblestone floors, and jerseys soaked in sweat, rain, and grime after hours of vigorous training. The dreaded second week of school where arrogant fledglings end up in the infirmary on account of broken noses, dislocated shoulders, or sprained wrists.

In other words: Quidditch tryouts. 

You’re just not fond of the havoc wreaked in every corner and alcove of the castle. But to your relief, the library remains untouched through it all. 

Needless to say, you absolutely hate Quidditch. 

It is a fact you simply will not elaborate on. The skies are blue, the grass blades are green; you and the Marauders are as different as night and day. 



Alpha Simon who’s overly protective of his omegas, you and Johnny. He never lets anyone give him shit about how he has two omegas, they’ll just end up with a bloody nose.

He’ll hold both you and Johnny’s hands while out in public, making sure everyone feels uneasy at the ominous and deep scent he emits to drive people away, a dark contrast to the sickly sweet smell of you and Johnny’s scents.

Alpha Simon who purposefully triggers your heat to match up with Johnny’s, so he has two toys to play with instead of one. ❤️


Cuddling with Simon and Johnny, waking up to being squished in between them.

Johnny’s legs are over your body, Simon’s arms around your waist. You blink and try to shimmy out of their tight grip, but they just hold you harder.

“No escaping, love,” Simon says softly in your ear. Johnny’s still asleep, snoring a little.

You smile in return, wiggling back into his grip. “I’d never,” you reply.


when simon ghost riley gets accustomed to slip his balaclava off his face when being with you, he straight after gets addicted to the feel of your hands on him, and that's meaning head scratches.

he's melting into the feeling of your fingers in his hair, burrowing into the thick roots to scratch at his scalp, dance with his growing strands and tug at them lightly, only to hear the way he straight forward growls.

you let yourself test his limits, gliding from the back of his head where his hair thickens the most, to slide to the back of his neck, letting your nails scrape his skin gently, as you watch the way his flesh flushes and then covers in goosebumps.

but when a growled moan slips past simon's thin lips and gets lost in the crook of your shoulder, your hand stops, just for a slipping second, until it gets swallowed by the warmth of his thick palm, tugging at your arm to get it back on his burning skin, ordering, pleading gruffly — “don't' stop„

𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵. 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴.
Anonymous asked:

Hii! Could I please, pretty please, ask for more metmorphmagus non-binary reader? I really loved your drabble!

this is my chance >:) i'm using this ask as my excuse to yap, yap, yap about being a genderqueer shape-shifter on halloween. genuinely my favorite thing that i've been thinking about for years, thank you for requesting darling <3 this got a touch steamy so i hope you don't mind and pleeeaasseee enjoy!

"a vampire needs their victim"

2.2k words, poly!marauders x reader, kind of bottom james, some making out and hickeys, underage drinking, consent!, reader generally having a very sexy, powerful vibe, doing a lot of flirting, showing skin and such, steamy fluff with a hint of angst!

You plucked at the fishnets that covered your legs, glitter drifting off from the small movement. Looking into the mirror all you saw was gorgeousness, upon gorgeousness, upon gorgeousness. Deep red lips stretched into a wide, pointy grin across your face, your eyes sparkling in the most literal sense.

With ears stretched to a point, some creatively colored irises, and very sharp, very real fangs, you deemed your vampire costume ready. The way your skin glittered was less magical than your physical differences, but you felt delightfully alien. The mini-skit was skirting in the most boyish way, and your chest looked exactly how you liked it to. Your hair was delightfully androgynous, swept and layered to perfection.

A flash of insecurity washed over you as you glanced over your outfit one last time. So rarely did you feel you could present like this, not entirely a girl or boy, just because it was easier to stay one thing for other people. Easier for them, at least.

Your train of thought was quickly cut off, however, by a short knock on your door.

"Dovey, I hope you're ready because I've been sent to collect you naked or-"

James's eyes met yours as he slammed the door open, coming to a complete stop, stunned.

"Naked or not."

You giggled and did a spin for him as his gaze raked up and down your body. Finishing it off with a little pose and a kiss blown his way, you couldn't help but laugh again at your sweet, slack-jawed boy. His hands lifted and fell back to his sides before he blinked slowly and swallowed.

Anonymous asked:


this went a little angsty! thanks for requesting :)

cw: mentions of chronic pain, painkiller use, mentions of car crash, brief mention of post-car-crash-trauma, scars

remus lupin x f!reader, 1.5k

Remus is propped against your pillows, the room glowing with the light of the television, when you exit the bathroom. He turns the volume down when he hears the door click shut, turns his head until he’s looking at you with a tired smile. He looks so soft, buried in your nice, clean bed sheets; hair a mop of curls that’s starting to rest on his forehead the longer he avoids going to the hairdresser’s. His eyes bleed with exhaustion from a busy day.

You’d spent the morning in a cafe with Sirius, the afternoon at the park with Harry, and the evening having dinner with Hope and Lyall. It’d been nice, both in company and in weather, but the excessive walking and being on the go has taken it out of Remus. That much is obvious by the way he has a throw cushion tucked under his knee, poking out from under the blanket. He tries to throw the blanket over his leg, tries to hide the obvious admittance of pain.

You slide into bed next to him, a frown on your lips. “You’re in pain?” You ask, pulling the shoddy attempt at a cover up job back until his elevated leg is on full display.

Remus jolts with the blast of cold air, his stomach muscles flexing. The skin of his torso is on full display, the moonlight coming from the window showcasing his skin in a silvery light. There hasn’t been a day since you met Remus where you haven’t found his beauty astonishing. He is truly the most stunning person you’ve ever come across, even if he refuses to believe you when you tell him. The scar on his hip bone juts out from the band of his boxers, followed all the way up by a collection of raised scars that litter his skin like constellations.

Your fingers brush the particularly jagged scar across his rib cage as you lean in to look at Remus’ swollen knee. He huffs, clearly irritated that his plan of hiding the pain has been foiled. His knee is warm to the touch, the skin around it swollen. “I’m always in pain, dove.” Remus replies, flatly.

Anonymous asked:

hi you gorgeous gorgeous ray of sunshine i hope your day is majestic and awesome <3

I come bearing a request hehe

So can i please get a poly!marauders x fem reader where she has alot of work or something to get done lately and its just sucking the absolute lights out of her (uni is beating me up help) and she os sort of just dimmed and out of it and one of them asks her if she is okay and she just breaks down and they comfort her like the sweet loving boys they are (just cuddles and fluff to save my day pls) THANK YOUU

sorry this is so late gorgeous! i hope things are better now!

cw: anxiety attack fluff, stress

924 words

Despite your best efforts, you knew that you weren’t any fun right now. It felt like you were a black hole, sucking all of the joy out of the room with no end in sight. It made you feel horrible, especially since you were surrounded with copious amounts of love and affection. Way more than you could ever hope to ask for, and for some reason, you couldn’t allow yourself to fully appreciate it. You were trying your best, but every attempt at levity didn’t feel quite right. You could see it in your boyfriends faces too, and though they were gracious enough not to comment on it, you knew they desperately wanted to. You even noticed James placating Sirius earlier when he recounted a funny story and your laugh came out awkwardly pitched. 

You were now attempting to relax, but your muscles refused to un-tense. You were laid on the couch, curled tightly into a ball with your head on Sirius’ lap and your legs pressed against Remus’ thigh, James’ laughter ringing in your ears. You resisted the urge to shift around in discomfort, hoping that the more content you appeared the less distraught you would feel. It wasn’t working very well, if the burning sensation welling in your eyes was any sign of that. You squeezed them shut in hopes it would help. You flinched as cold fingers brushed over your face unexpectedly. 

“You okay, babydoll?” Sirius’ voice was hushed and terribly gentle in the way it was when he’s feeling particularly tender. You nodded a little too aggressively to be believable. He cupped your cheek with his hand, the cool feeling of his palm over your heated face being a little too comforting. A crease appeared between your eyebrows and he made a worried cooing sound. 

“What’s going on?” James turned the TV down. You were being watched and inspected and you hated it. You covered your face as the first sob escaped before you could repress it. 

“Shit, baby.” Sirius stiffened. Remus’ large hands pulled yours away from your face. You held your breath to refrain from sobbing, your shoulders shaking. 

“What’s wrong, lovie? Are you hurt?” James sounded panicked. You hated that you were doing this to him. You shook your head. “What’s happened?” 

Anonymous asked:

request: was thinking about that one video that’s like “my wife, she’ll get upset if she sees you touching me like that on my chest” “i am your wife” and then the heart monitor starts going crazy and that put a doctor remus idea in my head after r gets out of surgery/is on anesthesia for something or other

Thanks for requesting!

cw: hospital, mention of surgery

doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 855 words

Lots of people would probably be happy to have their significant other visit them at work, but as it turns out, Remus really doesn’t like it. He’s used to seeing patients post-op, and yet somehow when it’s you it feels sad, all those tubes and wires connected to his girl. The fluorescent lighting turns your complexion wan and the wary frown on your lips as a nurse checks your vitals makes Remus’ heart feel like a bruise. 

It helps some when you notice his entry and they stretch into a dopey smile instead. 

“Hi, dove.” His voice is soft and smitten, an automatic reaction to seeing you that he’s already heard the new residents commenting on in the break room. “How are you feeling?” 

tw: implied age gap, talks of future cuckolding, coercion-coded, talking through it, female fingering, alcohol consumption, part one / two

As much as John hates to admit it, he’s getting older, and that age is beginning to take its toll.

For starters, he’s complaining a lot. Crinkling his nose as his latte is even slightly cooler than boiling, or when the barista didn’t say ‘please’ when asking for £3.50 from him ( seriously, £3 fucking 50 pence? )

He also finds himself tutting at the sight of teenagers hanging around at the local park, sharing a joint and blacking out after downing the cheapest, aldi rosé available ( hypocritical, as he spent majority of his youth passed out on park benches and waking up in puddles of his own vomit. )

The last straw was the morning that he’d received two over-50’s life insurance plans, and he’d ended the day spiralling in self-pity, drowning such feelings in cheap tv porn and neat whiskey.

Anonymous asked:

omg i'm SO obsessed with roommate james like you don't understanddddd 😭💗 i've been loving the shy reader fics so far i'm so excited to see more of them!! i don't know if this would make sense w/ shy reader so honestly just write it however you want but i would loooove to see something w/ roommate james where he has friends over but is always like talking about her and checking on her and everything and his friends are just teasing him about it hahaha i think it would be so fun!! anyway tysm and i hope you have a good day!!!

Hi sweetheart! I had this scene already written but I did implement a couple of the things you requested, hope you like it <3

cw: alcohol

part 1part 2part 3part 4 part 5 part 6

roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 1.3k words

Somehow, you’ve wound up basically in James’ armpit. 

“Falsehoods!” James is laughing, nearly shouting, but you get the sense one needs to yell a bit to communicate in this friend group. Everyone except Lily and Remus, that is, for whom the others seem to quiet reflexively every time they start to speak. “Lies and falsehoods! If I recall, I wasn’t the one who left a pot in the sink for so long it grew mold.” 

“It wasn’t my pot!” Sirius defends himself, propping himself up on Remus' shoulder to make his point. He’s somehow managed to recline on the arm of your couch, his boyfriend’s arm wrapped cautiously around his waist to keep him from slipping off. “You cooked pasta in it and then forgot!” 

“Y/n,” says Lily, sitting across her girlfriend’s lap, “blink twice if you need help.” 

Mary laughs, hooking her hands under Lily’s knees to pull her closer and then intertwining their fingers. This is another thing you’ve noticed about James’ friends: they have a tendency to pile. Not even necessarily with their respective significant others and seemingly regardless of the seating available; last time you came home Sirius was half across James’ lap and Lily and Remus were sitting together on the rug as if the rest of the couch wasn’t empty. 

You laugh too, self-consciousness making you slip further down James’ side when the others look your way. So, it’s possible you have some idea of how you came to be basically in his armpit. 



Just because Simon and Johnny kidnapped you doesn’t mean they won’t treat you like a doll…

There’s no cold basement floor, no, you have the comfort of their soft bed to lay in. Handcuffs are unheard of, you’re tied up in silky ribbon. You’re given baths, despite against your will, with gentle hands.

It’s so hard not to fall for them when they kiss you softly on your forehead when you start to cry, missing your family and friends. They tell you that everything you need is here now.

And when you start to come around and stop crying, they fuck you gently and hold your hand through it. ❤️


That’s that shit I like 🤤

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