
Heavenly Hunter


I'm vidder 🎬
“Cholernie boję się tego, że jakaś inna zobaczy w Nim to co ja, a On zobaczy w niej to czego nie widzi we mnie.”

“Jedną z najtrudniejszych rzeczy do przyznania jest to, że nie kochano nas wtedy, kiedy najbardziej tego potrzebowaliśmy.”

“I think it’s time I let you go. And that’s so hard to do because a part of me will be in love with you for the rest of my life. But I can’t do it anymore.”

— Unknown

You kept saying “we’re gonna be okay”
And you’re right,
We were,
Just not together.
Because it’s come to a point
Where it’s much easier to put out our fire
Than to ignite it anymore.


“One of the hardest things you will ever have to do is grieve the loss of a person who is still alive.”

— Unknown

I don’t know how to get over you. How to erase you from my memory. How I’m going to move on. I know many people say that. But you were it for me, still are. I don’t want another person to heat my body, to wake up and go to sleep with, to marry, to have kids. To laugh with like we did. I don’t want any of it. I just want you. I want us. I’d do anything to go back in time to when we first met. I love you the whole world. The whole world.

I can’t explain how I feel right now, all I know is I have an ache in my chest that won’t go away

I’ve always had that ache in my chest..ever since I can remember. Now the one thing that dulled that ache disappeared out of my life and I don’t know how to handle it..it feels different..it feels worse somehow.

I'm listening to break up songs, but we haven't even broke up...yet
“The saddest feeling in the world is when you still love a person and miss them so much, but you realize you don’t want be with them anymore. And the realization just hits you, that if you can’t even be together with someone you love and miss, how can you ever be in a healthy relationship and it just breaks you and you feel so alone.”

“Piotr nie rozumiał czemu od niego odeszłam. A ja doszłam do wniosku, że mój dobrostan jest dla mnie ważniejszy od związku. W udanej relacji powinno być tak, że układamy nasze dwa egoizmy, a nie że ja cierpię. Nie chcę cierpieć. Rzadko kiedy jest idealnie, ale nie może być tak, żebyś czuła, że wolisz samotność.”
“The saddest end to a relationship is one where you have to break up with somebody when you’re still in love with them. It sounds bizarre but it happens, because the truth is, as powerfull and as thrilling as it may be, being in love doesn’t always mean you’re happy. You can continue to love someone even after they’ve hurt you, but you know deep inside that it won’t ever be the same again.”

Breaking up with someone you love because they are unhappy, and you know they care too much about you to let you go….

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