
A Lady and a Dragon

@ladynorbert / ladynorbert.tumblr.com

Author, photographer, certified Hufflepuff. Adoptive mother of the internet. Way, way over 21 years old. Constantly struggling with impostor syndrome. Notoriously difficult to kill.

“the writers didn’t listen to what the fans wanted!”

yeah that’s typically how it goes, writers tend to write what they want and not specifically what you want

Okay but they should take what the fanbase wants to see into consideration and lean into some of those things occasionally, especially if your show has aired for 5+ seasons. Writers do owe something to their fanbase who have contributed to their paycheck, if you say otherwise you’re wrong.

Writers probably should lean into some light things the fandom wants on occasion, but the keywords are ‘light’ and ‘occasion.’ And honestly even when writers do that, most of the time the fandom grows more and more entitled until they ask for something the writer can’t give (or the studio wont let them give) and everything explodes. 

Writers owe many thanks to their fanbase for supporting and loving their work, thanks that can be shown in tons of ways outside of the actual content. They do not owe you creative control. In the words of Neil Gaiman, writers are not your bitch. Unless you sat down at the very beginning and commissioned a writer to create a story according to your specifications, creative control belongs to the writer (shitty network execs aside). 

Imagine creating something, people loving it, and then one day the people go ‘now give us this thing or we’ll put you out of a job.’ That is not a healthy creator/fan relationship. An audience agrees to go along for a ride, not take the wheel. You may not like everything you see during the ride, you may wish some things looked a bit different, but that’s just how it goes when you’re not the writer.

And none of this has anything to do with the fundamental writing task of creating a satisfying story, which tends to get confused a lot of the time. ‘Satisfying’ in writing terms means it makes sense, it delivers on the writer’s intended narrative promises, it packs an appropriate emotional punch, all necessary questions are answered, the central dramatic questions are definitely answered, and so on. It does not mean personal (and therefore impossibly subjective) satisfaction, and that’s not the writer’s job because you literally cannot please everyone. All you can do is tell the story you want to tell and hope people like it.

The times when a writer could feasibly change something major to please the fanbase that would still more or less fall in line with the story they’re trying to tell are rare. And yes, that second part does, in fact, matter. They are telling you a story. Their job is to speak, yours is to listen. There are many ways this agreement can be broken on the writer’s side of things, to be sure. Just like fandom can break the agreement by trying to gain creative control (among other things). But the fundamental agreement stands firm until and unless one side breaks it. 

Being a fan of someone’s work should mean that you respect their creative judgment. If they start creating things you don’t like, then you disagree with their judgment and that’s fine. Sometimes you even stop consuming their art. But you have to have enough respect for them as a creator to simply leave, instead of sticking around and yelling at them until they somehow become a different creator.

And no, being a fan of something does not magically turn you into a writer or collaborator, regardless of how long you’ve been a fan. Fans don’t turn into writers with time unless they’re hired onto the writing staff. If you’re a fan who wants creative control, read and/or write fanfiction. That’s a space literally created for you to do whatever you want with someone else’s work.

Also, let’s not forget that half the time whatever idea fandom has gotten into its head is bad. Just bad. We’ve all seen fanon character interpretations bear no resemblance to the canon character in question, and then they start complaining when the canon character does something they consider OOC. (Don’t me ask how that even works because I do not know.) How do we determine which fandom ideas are good and which are bad? Find some experienced writers somewhere and ask them, probably.

TL;DR I guess: You can ask writers to work something you’d like to see into their story, but they are under no obligation to do it because they are the writers and you are the audience. 



I still get confused if it's "Ferelden" or "Fereldan". I'm sure I've seen it spelled both ways in games.


FereldEn is the country. A FereldAn is a person who lives there. You can remember it more easily if you remember that the name was invented from the phrase “feral den.”



I was replaying Dragon Age Origins during the quarantine/lockdown and my grandpa was hanging out and watching me play when all of the sudden he remarked "how that Guardians of the Galaxy fella" could play Alistair in a Dragon Age film. Of course I knew who he was talking about but considering my grandpa is in his 80s I hid my disgust and politely gave him an "uh-huh" while continuing with my game while internally screaming.

Mod Note: I could not muster the will to look for an image of the "Guardians of the Galaxy fella" so I used a disgusted Alistair screenshot instead.


I’m sure OP’s grandpa has no idea what kind of trash person “that Guardians of the Galaxy fella” really is.


"may this great plague pass by me and my friends, and restore us once more to joy and gladness"

Feeling a powerful kinship with this scribe from 1350 today.

OTD (Christmas Eve), 670 years ago

[For example, a note on p. 36 gives the text a definite fourteenth-century date and a Mac Aodhagain provenance to this manuscript:

It is one thousand three hundred and fifty years tonight since Jesus Christ was born, and in the second year of the coming of the plague to Ireland was this written and I myself am full twenty one years old....and let every reader in pity recite a ‘pater’ for my soul. It is Christmas Eve tonight, and under the protection of the King of Heaven and earth I am on this Eve tonight. May the end of my life be holy and may this great plague pass by me and my friends, and restore us once more to joy and gladness. Amen. Pater Noster. Aed, Mac Concubair mac Gilla na Naem, Mic Duinnslebe Mic Aodhagain wrote this on his father’s book the year of the great plague.

The following year he wrote at the top of the same page:

It is just a year tonight since I wrote the lines on the margin below; and, if it be God’s will, may I reach the anniversary of this night many times. Amen. Pater Noster.

Translation by R.I. Best.]

Thank you for transcribing the image! I always forget to do that.

It is just a year tonight since I shared this... may we reach the anniversary of this night many times.


Angst fics can help people come to terms with their own grief, begin healing, or give people that good cry that they need.

Smut fics can help people affirm and accept their sexuality. It can help them explore their sexuality in a safe way. They can also just be fun, and having fun is a drastically undervalued way to improve your mental health.

Dark fics can help people face their fears or process their trauma. It can make them feel safer and more secure. It can help them find their courage.

Fluff fics can give people rest and respite and comfort. It can give them hope that soft places exist and that maybe there is one out there for them. It can bring up their mood, which, if they have depression, can be a life saver.

And every fic people write makes someone feel less alone.

Point being, just because a particular thing doesn’t serve you, doesn’t mean it lacks value.

This is not to say that we have to consume all fic uncritically. Of course not. It is just to say that entire “genres” aren’t trash or lacking value just because they don’t serve you.


As of today, Skyrim is ten years old. And so is my Tumblr account.

I’m not sure which of these I find more vaguely alarming.


To any fic writers who worry they are wasting their time... I read a fic for a relatively small and inactive fandom about three years ago. And there was one specific scene where a character watched another dancing like an idiot to a beyonce song and it was so sweet and loving that even now years later I have that song on one of my spotify playlist so every once in a while it will play and remind me of that fic, and every time it does I smile and feel a little happier.

The stats on a fic will never really tell you if your writing touched someone. There's no numerical way to show you what impact you made. Maybe you are wasting time, or maybe you are writing something that someone will remember for a long time, something that will never fail to make them smile.

“At an early age I learned that people make mistakes, and you have to decide if their mistakes are bigger than your love for them.”

— Angie Thomas, The Hate U Give

Anonymous asked:

Hold up! The Dragonlady has a book!? Awesome!! Congrats! What's it called and what is it about? Hope your having a wonderful day!

Thank you, love! It’s a local history book which launched a year ago but has recently gained a bit of traction thanks to a signing at my area’s Barnes & Noble. I was in the store yesterday and they have copies on the shelf, which I knew would be there but it was still a thrill to see. 😁


Things that are never, ever, ever going to get old for me:

Today I walked into my local bookstore and saw my book on the shelves. My book. That I wrote. With a “Signed Edition” sticker on the front.

It feels just as good as I always imagined it would.


The chronicle of the monk Herbert of Reichenau for the year 1021 ends “My brother Werner was born on November 1.“ 

1021 was not an uneventful year. The emperor began a campaign into Italy. Illustrious abbots died. There was an earthquake. But Herbert took the time to note, at the end of the year, that his brother was born. 

Of such acts of tenderness is history made. 

This post broke through the shell of crustiness on my medievalist heart and made me go ‘aww’.

There was a medieval parenting manual that recommended parents smack pieces of furniture their toddlers bumped into and scold the furniture for being so naughty as to get in the way, so that the kids would laugh and forget about their bumps and bruises 

I read that and my heart melted

(source: Medieval Women by Deirdre Jackson. She cited the primary source but I cannot for the life of me find the book to check what it was called)

We should hold a thousandth birthday party for Werner in a couple of years.

thank you very much anon for finding this post. Happy birthday, Werner <3


Saw this screenshot on twitter

[Image description:

Twitter account @RobbieMacNiven posted:

I don’t think people appreciate how potentially ridiculous/hilarious the “people time travelling into the future to help with some sort of catastrophe” trope is. Imagine a band of medieval knights and scholars just turning up in 2020 and being like “we’re here to help!”

Twitter account @_rhubard posted:

we haff herd that Climate is Changyn and haff come to lende aide. we haff broughte a Longe Lance made of Hard, Fine Steel to Impale yon climate] 


Have we all forgotten the lessons of Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure? People coming from the past to help in the present is amazingly funny.


COVID is slowly becoming a “third world” disease. While first world countries are hoarding vaccines, having doses for populations many times their size, third world countries can’t get any because pharma companies want to sell to the first world countries first. Even then, first world countries will receive them first. While rich countries recover from COVID, they will forget about the pandemic while many other countries live the absolute worst moment of the pandemic without being able to vaccinate their population.

Watch also when some first world countries finish vaccinating their populations, they will turn to third world countries and “donate” or sell surplus vaccines. People in these countries will go “Oh how sweet! The government is donating vaccines to the poorer countries <3” when it was their hoarding that led to many, many third world citizens dying before they could even get vaccinated in the first place.

african and latin american countries are also pushed by pfizer to give up sovereign assets as part of their vaccine agreement


Yo europeans, sign the fucking petition, get the european commission to lift the patents

This is not a bullshit useless change dot org petition by the way this is an actual thing with legal consequences. If this petition gets to a million signatures, the european commission HAS to examine it.

They need not only a million signatures but to pass thresholds in at least seven member states - which only Belgium has done so so far. Especially if you have Italian, Irish, or Cypriot citizenship, please sign. Sign it in general, but try to circulate if you can to anyone with those nationalities specifically.

231,195 / 1,000,000 signatures as of 10/28/21


For anyone who might be writing fic in order to raise money/donations for a cause, please remember not to mention that anywhere on AO3. It is against the Terms of Service to charge money for fic, even if that money is not going to you, personally. Please don’t mention commissions or donations or fundraising or patreon or kofi etc etc in a fic or on your profile. ❤

I will boost this signal, mostly for myself because my brain is apparently a fucking colander and I can’t remember shit sometimes; and also add, if you’re the one who commissioned a fic, don’t mention that on ao3 either. Not even in your bookmarks! I forget other people can see my notes there. Please don’t get your writing friends in trouble, like I almost did a couple of times :( 

Just say ‘i asked for this pairing/trope/continuation/whatever’ Don’t say ‘i commissioned this’.

i’ve had “if you enjoy my writing, click here” with a link to my kofi in all of my end notes for a couple years and nothing’s happened, so maybe try that

Nope. You’re still breaking their TOS by having a site like ko-fi directly linked, and if anyone finds that out or someone reports you, you can lose your entire account. They have to enforce these rules in order to protect us from copyright laws. It’s why for decades individual fandom creators used to put “I do not own this work or profit from it” at the start of every fic/chapter.

What you can do, is say “follow me on tumblr” and promote your ko-fi on your tumblr. But I’ve seen people do the link to their ko-fi/patreon without explicitly mentioning them and still losing their accounts or getting hit by warnings cause someone reported them. (The one person I knew who outright lost their account just kept doing it repeatedly despite multiple warnings, like a doofus, so that was on them.)

(I think there may be exceptions for certain charity drives, but I don’t think ko-fi and patreon are protected by that)


Hi! Former AO3 Abuse team member here! It’s been a bit, so I’ll admit that my knowledge may be slightly out of date. But generally speaking you cannot:

Link Directly to:

  • Kofi
  • Patreon
  • Amazon
  • Your private book site where you sell your writing
  • Any other fundraising site such as gofundme etc

If you link and are reported your work is in danger of being deleted, but you will be given a warning and time to fix any issues.

You also cannot mention that a work was directly commissioned with $$, hide the rest of your work/novel/chapter/ or in any way paywall the remainder of your work. Things like “support my writing here!!” are usually no go.

General phrasings like trade, requested, asked for, etc are OK.

Joy is correct in saying linking to your tumblr which advertises your kofi or fundraiser is ok.

If you are reported, the AO3 team will do their best to let you know EXACTLY what works and what phrasing is not allowed. They do issue a blanket “responsible for the rest of your works” statement so be thorough.


Thank you for that 💖


I did not know this and I think it’s very important others as informed as well.

Let me underline again. THIS IS BECAUSE AO3 NEEDS TO STAY WITHIN THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK. Fanfic is only legal (and people who remember Anne Rice will remember that even that has been contested in the past), because no profit is generated. Because the profit is where the owner can argue copyright infringement and loss of revenue.

This used to be common knowledge but AO3 is not doing this out of spite but so they can continue the legal protection of your fan work!

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