
I visited Hell this summer and all I got was this stupid blog

@danceofchaos / danceofchaos.tumblr.com

Likely contents of blog: - Legend of Zelda - Final Fantasy, especially VIII and XIII - Saints Row - Other video game stuff I like - Bad humour and awful puns - Cute animals - Irony - Boring updates on my life and thought process - Very rare smatterings of social justice (I'm an advocate, not a warrior)

am I gonna try practicing drawing smut before April 30? mebbe.

it'll most likely be terrible and no one will ever see it


Astrology's weird bc if you've only ever had fun with it and come across someone w seething hatred for it you're understandably like, what the fuck is this person's problem? But also if you've seen someone take it Too Far, any mention of it understandably becomes a red flag

Like imagine if you really liked Pokemon and you're like, "I really don't see why people would hate this unless they're just assholes for no reason?" Like it's a totally normal opinion opinion to have. But also imagine if you took a quiz and learned you were a Bug type and people stopped talking to you because they were like "It's in your nature to be emotionally manipulative." It would also be totally normal to be like "Oh okay fuck Pokemon fans then."

Now you may be like, "But the latter situation doesn't happen!" and that tells me you are fortunate because you have not dealt with the worst that the west coast of America has to offer

All this is to say, I too was once a "Let people have fun" person, and then I met gay people from Portland and now I am not that person


new organs coming out soon

  • medium intestine
  • gallkidneys
  • inferior vena cava
  • table of contents
  • semi-colon
  • die-r (opposite of liver)
  • pancreas 2 

I showed my mom this (a genuine doctor) and she says that the inferior vena cava is real so I’m sorry but your post has been canceled op

yeah well this one is even more inferior

just a dogshit vena cava


Do we seriously have to skip both ads on YouTube now. Like we press skip on the first then we have to wait five more seconds to press skip on the second. Are you actually fucking kidding me

Before one of you chucklefucks says “get an adblocker” or “download this sketchy software to block ads on phones:” this sucks because companies are doing it, not because there are ways around it. Do not be stupid on my post where I complain.

I am complaining about ads being shoved into everything because it fucking sucks. Smarmy advice will help neither of us


I think any inanimate thing you regularly care for becomes a little alive.

Quick question: Have you ever heard of either animism or panentheism?

Cause this is kind of those.

I have heard of animism and pantheism yes.


more importantly have u ever heard of the velveteen rabbit?

cuz this is exactly that

I am aware of many things.


Have you heard the lone cricket cry in the cool, cool grass?

have you heard of armored core 6 that game fucking rules

Armorws core 6 so badass...

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