
I hate mornings


I'm so fucking sleepy I swear- 16. she/her.

Um I was really wondering why you don't like feyre because she's the one most concerned about nesta???? And see myself a lot in feyre so it hurts when is see ppl dragging her.


okay so there are a lot of reasons why i dont like feyre. the way she treated nesta is just one of them.

  • the way she treated nesta
  1. tore down nesta's home and insulted it as well
  2. imprisoned her in the house of wind
  3. did the same thing that tamlin did to her
  4. if she really wanted to help nesta why couldn't she have had that intervention without rhysand and amren
  5. the first thing she did after banishing nesta and tearing down her house was have sex with rhysand...

there's probably more but i can't remember them right now. acosf was horrid and i spent a lot of time trying to purge it from my head.

  • other reasons i dont like feyre

actually compared to everything else, the way she treated nesta is low on my list of reasons.

1. the way she ruined the spring court

she tore it all down because she wanted to get back at Tamlin..but what about all the other innocent people there? what about all the other people she left vulnerable to Hybern? she got a sentry whipped because she wanted to make Ianthe and Tamlin look bad.. she destroyed the faith Tamlin's people had in him in the middle of a fucking war. ( yet another reason why she shouldn't be high lady )

2. the way she ruined the summer court

when she crippled the spring court, it allowed Hybern to bring his forces in and we all know what happened after that. Summer suffered massively because of Feyre's actions. Then there's the way she treated Tarquin after the battle at Adriata, which i wont write about because it makes me too angry.

3. the way she treated lucien

she treated lucien like shit on numerous occasions. she used him to make tamlin jealous. as far as i can remember feyre knew of the SA lucien had suffered and still continued to use him.

when she learned about the BoE she made fun of him and insulted all three of them. she couldnt be happy that Lucien had made friends outside of the night court i guess. she belittled him and his friends even when all he wanted to do was wish her a happy solstice.



why just why.

6. after feysand happened practically everything was about rhysand

this is more on sjm's writing but made me dislike feyre.

7. behavior at the high lords meeting.

they called the meeting to show that they could be trusted and that they aren't working for the enemy but during the meeting the night court harmed ( or used magic on ) 4 people.

8. the way as high lady she treats the CoN

she is the high lady of the night court. the night court includes the court of nightmares. the way they continue to let the people of the CoN rot under that mountain is quite disgusting. The way feysand treats the entire population of the CoN like shit and doesn't consider that there are innocent people trapped there... yuck .

im sure there are many more people that have explained these better than i have

if you want a more comprehensive explanation on this stuff @worldsnotsaid has some great posts on the matter.

also very sorry it took me so long to answer this ask


Happiness Will Come To You.

when tho

When You Least Expect It. Probably Late March


reblog for happiness to come for you in late march!


I reblogged this last year and I hung out with blink-182 backstage on March 30. Reblogging again because it worked the first time.


honestly, last year one of the best days of my life happened in late March


Every couple months I just randomly get livid about ACOTAR again, post a million tumblr posts about it, and then disappear back into the abyss


"You can't judge and deem people good or bad based on what fictional character they stan"

Babes, but if that stanning includes justifying sexual fcking assualt then yeah imma judge the fck outta you. I literally cud not give two fcks you are a horrible person stay away from my page.


defending alina starkov on tumblr isn't enough i need a gun

why do people hate on her so much to this dayyyyy

what has she done!! “no personality” isn't a valid answer

just saw a post talking about how hard it is to believe leigh and holly [black] are friends because alina is completely bland while jude is “a queen” and all this bullshit

*nothing* against jude, but bro!!! so you think female characters need to be good with a sword and ruthless and """badass"""" and shit to be likeable. they can't, like, want a peaceful life with someone they love, what an absurd that would be. what a bland decision. where's the blood, where's the action!! not to be lana del rey but c'mon

alina spent three books making it clear she didn't want more blood nor war, she didn't want to be a queen nor a saint nor a general, and what's wrong with that!! that doesn't make her boring!! go read the books again without thinking about the darkling and the darkling only and obsessing over what you would've done in her place and try again



if you had been kidnapped from your lifelong companion by a war general who started to come on to you and make you feel special only to learn that he was CENTURIES older than you and trying to use you, and then a civil war broke out because said centuries old man wanted to take over the world and you wouldn’t let him abuse you for that, you might want a boring retirement too

Thank you!!!


describe acotar characters in three words or less go

feyre: gaslight warcrime girlboss

rhysand: its on sight

cassian: men to avoid

azriel: bat joe goldberg

mor: gays deserve better

tamlin: narrative punching bag

amren: ok boomer

lucien: only valid character

nesta: deserved much better

elain: the forgotten hemsworth

tarquin: sweet summer child

helion: literal bi disaster

amarantha: only vilified assaulter

emerie: token asian stereotype

gwyn: she can stay

this was so fun i wanna do more lol


'Antis have nothing better to do. Imagine being that mad about something fictional'

Girl, being an anti is fun. Roasting problematic (and poorly written) books are like watching bad movies. I enjoy complaining about it.

Also, when I am mad, it's probably because of something like racism, homophobia, sexism, sexualization of minors (just stating past examples)

Also I'm pretty sure we do other things too. For some people going through the anti tag is like idk watching a daily sitcom (that was a bad example). My point is, we do other things too.

Anonymous asked:

also if you dont mind, do you think rindou is longsighted or shortsighted or just wearing them for the aesthetic or something hhehee

I don’t mind at all!! I think that he is long sighted so he has to wear his glasses and if he “forgets” ran has threatened to tape or glue them to his face


I don't understand the concept of hating "like spamming" or "reblog spamming". As someone with ADHD and hyperfocus, if you go onto my blog and get lost in the sauce enough to practically reblog the last 5 days worth of stuff I reblogged then good on you my dude my friend my bean, please keep it up I'm glad you like it have a cookie fam, you deserve it cause we have the same taste and I feel like my blog is a public library of stuff I find entertaining so enjoy the browse.


If you were actually "just being lazy", then it wouldn't bother you this much that you're not doing what you're supposed to do. Being lazy is comfortable. Struggling to get something done is very different from not caring to do it.


a lot of stans invalidate legitimate criticisms of antis because we're writers, and this somehow means we're only critiquing janet's work bc we're 'jealous'. umm...

no. while it is certainly impressive that a writer who barely knows her own story and continues to blatantly publish harmful messages has such an enormous influence and audience, while many other genuinely quality writers don't get the recognition they deserve, the reason many antis are also writers is because we KNOW the craft. we know what makes a good story, we know how good stories are constructed and how characters should properly be developed.

dismissing antis as 'jealous writers' is like dismissing the opinion of a professional chef critiquing an amateur dish. or a vocal coach's opinion on someone's singing technique. we know what we're talking about, which is why we highlight the flaws in her writing because we can see them more clearly.

if you're a writer and love her work, that's great! everyone has their favourite stories and i'm not shitting on that. and everyone has their own opinions. but don't dismiss an anti's argument by pointing out they're a writer because you sound dumb. storytelling is an art, there's skill involved and techniques that need to be learned.

shitting out toxic books every year or so is not the same as spending years lovingly crafting a world you know inside out. it's an art form that requires practice and self awareness, and those of us who work in this field have every right to point out when we see this care not being taken in books that have such a large platform.

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