
His death sent shockwaves across the province as many mourn the life he lived.

The 19-year-old man was raised by his grandparents Ira and Maxwell when he was young. Growing up, the Cree language was all that was spoken at home.

“He was taught by his moshum (grandpa) about hunting, trapping and how to pick medicines in the bush,” said Delbert Wapass, who is the family spokesperson. “He snared his first rabbit at the age of four and had his first kill at the age of nine. His moshum Max taught him the way of the land.”

Davis’s grandma Ira taught him the values of life. Together, they made social media videos of their Cree dialogues, receiving many views and shares. Those videos were to show others that the Cree language is very much alive and spoken.

“He was not only fluent in Cree, he would also think in Cree,” said Wapass. “Today, those who are learning the Cree language are thinking in English … he was fortunate to have the teachings of the old Cree. He was an ambassador for his language.”


haha what if teru actually accidentally killed his parents with his powers when he was 11 and he just tells everyone that they’re overseas on a business trip as a coverup so they won’t know the truth because he’s so ashamed of the destruction his powers can bring and now he has a complex about having to handle things on his own and keeping others at a distance so he doesn’t hurt anyone else haha would that be fucked up or what lolllll

“my parents are overseas” is such a flimsy lie a 14 year old would make up to lessen the chances of anyone trying to contact his parents, like when you get a bad grade in class and your teacher wants to contact your parents so you tell them theyre at work so you wont face any repercussion LOL. in a 14 year old’s mind why would anyone try to contact someone whos busy overseas? someone whos on a business trip overseas is practically unreachable in the brain of a 14 year old; too far away to contact and too busy with work to talk

if teru hurt (or killed) someone with his powers like mob and serizawa did, whos to say he wouldnt cope with it differently? mob developed a complex over not using his powers and bottling up his emotions, serizawa locked himself in his room for years. pre-mob teru clearly had some sort of aversion to becoming close with others, he used his powers to intimidate others and manipulate them for his own gain, but he never formed any meaningful relationships with anyone before mob. he either didnt want to become close to anyone so he wouldnt hurt anyone, or so that if he did hurt them he wouldnt care. its possible that he doesnt care if he hurts people, he just doesnt want to hurt anyone he truly cares about

im not saying that he 100% concretely killed his parents but to me its definitely a plausibly theory, if not just fun to speculate about for pure angst reasons. i was just throwing the idea out there for a laff teehee

I’ve always wondered how claw even found out about teru and his powers to begin with before sending people after him. with the shiro t poison incident, they sent koyama out to check things out because there was quite the stir over whatever freak incident was happening there

maybe teru caused a stir too when he was 11-ish. maybe terus parents died in a seemingly mysterious way, and only another esper would be able to connect the dots and figure out that psychic powers were involved in their deaths. maybe claw saw the strange circumstances on the news, or it was the talk of the town, and they decided it was worth checking out. theyre met with a funny little blonde boy who sure does have powers, and he’s demonstrated that his powers are strong and that they can be used against others by killing his parents, so why not recruit him?

for what it’s worth, I don’t think he hurt his parents intentionally. I think that he was just bad at controlling his powers and something happened by pure accident. that’s why he’s so good at controlling his powers and copying other’s techniques and stuff NOW. he has to overcompensate for his past shortcomings


Daily life of the Indigenous peoples of the Northwest Territories, 1995. Photographs from NWT Archives, Dept. of Public Works and Services.




hello fren! my friend coined this term and i asked if they were okay with me submitting it to you, and they said yes, so i’m submitting it here to you :33


A label exclusive to Indigenous peoples who are transmasc. This is for Indigenous peoples who have unique experiences with being transmasculine. Indigenous peoples are diverse so there is no “correct” way to experience this gender/label.

[Image ID: A flag with seven equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are light pink, orange, tan, light blue, blue-grey, sky blue, and light pink. End ID.]

The oranges stand to symbolize visibility of Indigenous peoples and is inspired by Orange Shirt day. The pinks symbolize transitioning and the blues symbolize masculine alignment


hesci, ᎣᏏᏲ! i’m a lesbian, non-binary, Indigenous beadworker working to provide for myself. here’s some of my work:

i have an instagram page to sell earrings and other items such as these, and i’d appreciate if you could share this or even support me through these payment forms so i can purchase materials/supplies/etc. to support my way of living. mvto, ᏩᏙ!!


your reminder that dune is a racist orientalist story that appropriates heavily from SWANA and Islamic cultures, yet this new film has zero SWANA or Muslim creatives in significant roles in either the cast or crew and acting like having poc in the main cast makes up for that is clownery ✌🏼


Every single kid in soul eater could beat up any kid from boku no hero academia. Its bc of the Nevada tap water

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