

@creativefictionlover / creativefictionlover.tumblr.com

Animation major. 25 years old. She/they. Neurodivergent. INFJ. Tritype 4w5 5w6 1w2. Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). Melancholic. Capricorn Sun. Aries Moon. Sagittarius Rising/Ascendant. Life Path 6. Multi-Fandom.Thunderbird. Neutral Good. Geek. Nerd. Artist. I am a Lover of fiction, especially animation. I'm also a part of various fandoms. Team Instinct (Pokemon Go)

Earth Day History

Earth Day, first observed on 22 April 1970, is considered the beginning of the modern environmental movement.

As a response to increasing environmental concerns, like the oil spill in Santa Barbara in 1969, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson founded Earth Day to raise awareness about how to protect the environment.

Nelson and activist Denis Hayes organized teach-ins on college campuses that included various groups and organizations, drawing inspiration from protest teach-ins of the era.

With this massive mobilization, the U.S. developed key environmental laws and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was created.

Earth Day 2024 Theme

The theme of Earth Day 2024 is “Planet vs. Plastics.”

This is about fighting the big problem of plastic all over the world. Earth Day organization wants to bring people from different places together.

The goal is to make much less plastic, 60% less by 2040.

We want a future without so much plastic. This is not just about having less trash, but it is also about keeping us and the environment healthy.


Important rules/tips I've learned as an adult that helped with anxiety

  • If people are mad at you, it's their responsibility to tell you, not your responsibility to guess
  • If they're mad at you in secret anyways, they're the ones in the wrong, not you
  • If people don't like what you're doing, it's their responsibility to tell you
  • If they say it's fine when it's really not, they're the ones in the wrong, not you
  • People are allowed to be wrong about you
  • If they are wrong about you, wait for them to bring it up, because if you try to, you will inevitably overcorrect
  • Some people are committed to misunderstanding you. You will not win arguments against them. Yes, even if you explain your point of view. They do not care. Drop it
  • The worst thing that will happen from a first-time offense is being told not to do it again. Maybe with a replacement if you broke something
  • You can improve relationships and gauge willingness to talk to you by giving compliments. It's like a daily log-in bonus and nobody thinks twice about it
  • Most things are better after you sleep on them
  • Most things are better after you have a meal
  • Most things are better after you shower
  • Your brain makes up consequences that are irrational. If the worst DOES come to pass and someone acts like they do in your head, they are overreacting, and you are entitled to say "what the fuck"
  • If your chest hurts after you feel like you've made a social error, that's called rejection-sensitive dysphoria. It means your anxiety is so bad that it's causing you physical pain, which is a good indicator that you're overreacting. Tense yourself, hold it for 20 seconds, let it go, then find a distraction
  • If you're suddenly angry at someone after you feel like you made a social error, that's also rejection-sensitive dysphoria. You are going to feel annoyed about it for awhile, but being genuinely pissed off is your anxiety trying to find something to blame to take the responsibility off your shoulders, and getting scared because it can't justify itself. Deep breaths, ask yourself how much you ACTUALLY want to be angry at that person, then find a distraction
  • "Sour grapes" is more healthy for you than stewing. Deciding you don't like someone who's perpetually annoyed with you, won't talk to you, etc. makes letting go of anxiety over them easier
  • If people don't like you, they will find reasons to be annoyed with you when they otherwise wouldn't. If people do like you, they will find reasons NOT to be annoyed with you when they otherwise would. People do not ping-pong between the two
  • You DO have to make a conscious choice not to think about something. If you're having trouble circling back to it, say out loud that you're done thinking about it and why. Then find a distraction
  • When you're upset, part of you is going to want to make false bids for attention (suddenly texting differently, heavy sighs, etc. but when someone asks you about it, you tell them it's nothing). Do not listen to it. You gain nothing from it except more misery
  • People like to help people they care about. It makes them feel good about themselves
  • If you think you're insufferable for needing help, see above. Yes, really. They get a serotonin kick from it
  • If you think you're insufferable for mannerisms you have, you either have to consciously choose not to do them, or accept that they're part of the package that comes with you. Being apologetic about existing does nothing except make you more miserable
  • If you do things you don't like when you feel meh about it, it makes it easier to do them when you hate it
  • If you avoid things you don't like when you feel meh about it, it reinforces and magnifies how bad it feels when you hate it
  • Seriously. Read those last two points again. If you can make yourself make a phone call when you've got nothing to lose, you will slowly lose that panic you get when you have to make a phone call you haven't prepared for. You do have to CONSCIOUSLY take that step
  • Hobbies that make you care for something get rid of that nagging feeling that you're not doing enough. Go grow some rosemary
  • If you don't engage with your hobbies regularly, you will feel miserable, and anxiety will spike
  • Hobbies are things that give you a bit of happiness. They do not have to be organized or named to do that. Go be creative in something. Play with coins. Make up lists. Start a new WIP
  • No one cares what you look like
  • If people point out things they don't like about how you look unprompted, they are being rude. You are entitled to say "what the fuck"
  • People who like you will find you pretty to some degree. Minor things about your appearance go completely unnoticed. Literally, scars and dots and blemishes do not register to someone who likes your company
  • You looking at yourself in the mirror is 10x more closely than anyone is going to look at you
  • If you're anxious about your body type, and you're creatively inclined, make/write an oc with that same shape. Give them nice things and make other characters love them. Put them on adventures. You'll start to see yourself in the mirror more kindly
  • You care about wording and perfect lines/colors way more than anyone who views your work ever will
  • Sometimes when you're upset, you're going to feel like not eating. Do not do that. Not eating makes you more miserable
  • Same with things you normally enjoy. Denying yourself helps no one. You are punishing yourself for being sad. Stop it
  • Both of these will take conscious decision to break the habit of. Make yourself do it anyways, and it will slowly get easier
  • And again, to reiterate: If someone is mad at you, it is THEIR responsibility to tell you, not your responsibility to guess

Elaborating on two points:

  • Finding clothes you like that fit in a way you like will make you feel better about yourself, no matter how you look (same goes for haircut, accessories etc)
  • Regarding food and sleep: After a certain time in the evening, if you feel bad about your life/the world, don't trust it, go to bed. Similarly in the morning–get a real breakfast in you first.

Bonus life hack if doom-scrolling has got you down: Look at the fish doorbell.


“i feel like i have no purpose” You are not a fixed entity. You do not have one grand, singular, constant purpose. As long as you have genuine intent behind your actions, everything you do serves a purpose. As long as you are truly present, you notice that everything contributes to a greater whole. You do not need to dedicate yourself endlessly to one practice to achieve a purpose; allow yourself to oscillate freely between them all. Experiment. You are not one dimensional: treat yourself as such.


Random bee behavior fact for those who wish to read, just because I feel like it and because it’s late and I’m stalling on sleeping:

Bumblebees may seem like passive, cuddly, and docile creatures, but they won’t hesitate to defend themselves if they feel as if their warnings aren’t being read or taken seriously.

I.e. the photo and diagram below, when a bee feels threatened they will raise one or more of their legs into the air, signaling to whatever or whomever may be bothering them as a message essentiality saying: “hey, back off, too close!”

species pictured: bombus pascuorum, bombus impatiens

If their defensive posture goes unnoticed or ignored, they may be pushed into defending themselves by stinging (which is also a stressful experience for not only one such as yourself, but also for the bee.) If you ever find yourself getting close to a bumblebee while taking pictures, walking close to them, or just admiring them, remember this posture! If a bee does this, it is simply asking you to take a step back as it feels it is being threatened.

Now you can understand and use this knowledge to your advantage if you ever come across one in the future. (Of course, because it’s very hard not to anthropomorphize animals, I do have to admit that they do look pretty cute when doing it. Just remember to respect them though!)


I was chatting with a friend who has hearing aids about heard aid jewlery and they said "Omg that be so cool!" Would be?? Oh my friend,,, the rabbit holes I've gone down for the sake of writing!! I gotta find a proper diy guide but here- For those of you who might not have seen this wicked designs!!

Have them look like earings with dangling charms that fit your outfit!

Althought I personally like the ones that highlight the aid! Letting them be accessories and making ppl look at them and acknowledge them is very Startrek to me (which I love)

And who doesn't love elf ears???!!

Hope this inspires you. I am hunting down a diy tutorial on how to make it but given how expensive aids are I wouldn't feel comfy advocating for it quite yet until further research. Until then tho, start brainstorming and sketching ideas at least!


That post about 30 year old coming of age stories?

I’ve been thinking about it all morning. What would the plot points be for that? What makes a 30 year old coming of age story?

Old folks sound off in the comments

A few ideas:

  • Burying a parent that never encouraged independence
  • Acknowledging a trauma you've spent your life ignoring
  • Finally opening yourself up to a truly mutual, non-transactional relationship (platonic or romantic)
  • Leaving a community (religious or otherwise) that has kept you from growing

Obtaining a diagnosis for a health condition (mental or physical) and finally getting treatment and recontextualizing your life.

Student loan forgiveness kicking in, suddenly you can afford to live. That one small change snowballs into something big.

Starting over after the end of The Big Relationship you thought would define your life. Engaging in a new hobby/social group that adds context to how small life felt in that relationship.

You find yourself with a pet you have to care for, which teaches you to care for yourself.

You take a class somewhere that unlocks skills you didn't know you had.


In limbo between leaving the job that used your degree and finding the job you know you actually want—either your "calling" or something that pays well, is low-stress, and you will be treated well.

You've settled the wild and restless needs of your youth, as well as the mistakes you made or opportunities you missed, and you realize the first 30yrs were training wheels. Your real life is just starting.

  • getting sober and realizing that just because habitual drug use wasn't life-ruining, bankrupt-level addiction, it still controlled your life
  • realizing when you were the bad person; trying to make amends & dealing with the ramification that people aren't obligated to accept an apology for the way you hurt them
  • getting a diagnosis for a long-suspected neurodivergent brain & living with the duality that comes with a) recontextualizing each time you got grounded, punished or each failure at school or with social situations, and b) figuring out that even with medication, you aren't "fixed", learning that neurodivergence is something you have to counterbalance & work with. the hard, ugly road to self love vs figuring out that self love is a journey not a destination

yes I am talking about myself what of it

“Rejection doesn’t mean you aren’t good enough. It means the other person didn’t recognise what you have to offer.”


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