
Hogwarts Houses As...


Basically, like those astrology accounts, but based on Hogwarts Houses.

Hi everyone. If you're seeing this, please check if there are irregular posts on your account, I've been getting an extremely high number of rayban-hacked accounts tagging and messaging me. Many of them are from accounts that have followed this blog for years. If you have been hacked, you can shut down unfamiliar browsing sessions and change your password to try and solve the issue. Take care everyone, don't click any links you're sent.

Anonymous asked:


Oh? That's so sweet, thank you anon! 🥰💕

Anonymous asked:

hi!! I just wanted to say that you’re so sweet to everyone and that your assignments are weirdly accurate for me hahah! I am a ravenclaw and am constantly just nodding along to what you say :) it’s like you live in my brain!! love the blog, sending love x

This is really kind of you, thank you! I love hearing that I can make folks happy 😊


Hey folks.

So right off the bat: I do NOT agree with JK Rowling in any way. Her transphobia is poisonous and her pride in it is frankly embarassing. I say this now: if you align yourself with her beliefs, you are not welcome on my blog. Unfollow me. In fact, block me, so that maybe I won't have to see you.

I started this blog because I liked associating things with other things; and having grown up with Harry Potter, the Houses were a logical extension of that. In addition, I adored the 'tag yourself' and 'zodiac signs as' trends and wanted to do something along those lines. Eventually it became a committment, people liked the posts and I wanted to make people happy, but as I think you've all concluded by now, I burned out.

The combination of Rowling's shameful behaviour, a critical reexamination of the books I loved so much as a child, and the burnout have driven me away from writing for this blog for a pretty long time. I debated deleting it several times, often after Rowling would say yet another horrible, hurtful thing on Twitter. I stayed because of you all. You are some of the sweetest, most caring people I've ever had the pleasure of interacting with, and I didn't want to give that up. But I can't continue to play around in the Harry Potter universe when its creator has chosen to die on the hill of hatred.

As it stands, I'm thinking I'll retire this blog, but leave it up so that people can continue to enjoy the old posts if they want.

Transphobes are not welcome here.

Trans women are women, period. Trans men are men, period.

Non-binary and intersex people exist and they matter, period.

Trans rights.

- Amy

Could someone please tell me if when I block the transphobes in the comments, their hatred is deleted from my notes? I don't know whether it's gone or I just can't see it.


When you block someone they’re gone from your notes

Thank you! I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't accidentally letting them stay where they could hurt people.


Hey folks.

So right off the bat: I do NOT agree with JK Rowling in any way. Her transphobia is poisonous and her pride in it is frankly embarassing. I say this now: if you align yourself with her beliefs, you are not welcome on my blog. Unfollow me. In fact, block me, so that maybe I won't have to see you.

I started this blog because I liked associating things with other things; and having grown up with Harry Potter, the Houses were a logical extension of that. In addition, I adored the 'tag yourself' and 'zodiac signs as' trends and wanted to do something along those lines. Eventually it became a committment, people liked the posts and I wanted to make people happy, but as I think you've all concluded by now, I burned out.

The combination of Rowling's shameful behaviour, a critical reexamination of the books I loved so much as a child, and the burnout have driven me away from writing for this blog for a pretty long time. I debated deleting it several times, often after Rowling would say yet another horrible, hurtful thing on Twitter. I stayed because of you all. You are some of the sweetest, most caring people I've ever had the pleasure of interacting with, and I didn't want to give that up. But I can't continue to play around in the Harry Potter universe when its creator has chosen to die on the hill of hatred.

As it stands, I'm thinking I'll retire this blog, but leave it up so that people can continue to enjoy the old posts if they want.

Transphobes are not welcome here.

Trans women are women, period. Trans men are men, period.

Non-binary and intersex people exist and they matter, period.

Trans rights.

- Amy

Could someone please tell me if when I block the transphobes in the comments, their hatred is deleted from my notes? I don't know whether it's gone or I just can't see it.


Hey folks.

So right off the bat: I do NOT agree with JK Rowling in any way. Her transphobia is poisonous and her pride in it is frankly embarassing. I say this now: if you align yourself with her beliefs, you are not welcome on my blog. Unfollow me. In fact, block me, so that maybe I won't have to see you.

I started this blog because I liked associating things with other things; and having grown up with Harry Potter, the Houses were a logical extension of that. In addition, I adored the 'tag yourself' and 'zodiac signs as' trends and wanted to do something along those lines. Eventually it became a committment, people liked the posts and I wanted to make people happy, but as I think you've all concluded by now, I burned out.

The combination of Rowling's shameful behaviour, a critical reexamination of the books I loved so much as a child, and the burnout have driven me away from writing for this blog for a pretty long time. I debated deleting it several times, often after Rowling would say yet another horrible, hurtful thing on Twitter. I stayed because of you all. You are some of the sweetest, most caring people I've ever had the pleasure of interacting with, and I didn't want to give that up. But I can't continue to play around in the Harry Potter universe when its creator has chosen to die on the hill of hatred.

As it stands, I'm thinking I'll retire this blog, but leave it up so that people can continue to enjoy the old posts if they want.

Transphobes are not welcome here.

Trans women are women, period. Trans men are men, period.

Non-binary and intersex people exist and they matter, period.

Trans rights.

- Amy


Hogwarts Houses as Ways to Be Alone


Alone on a train station in the dark just after the rain, nobody but you and the neon lights reflected in the pavement


Alone in the big city, walking with purpose down the crowded streets, paying no mind to the noise of the other busy people around you


Alone in the wild, dwarfed by the ancient trees, picking your way through their roots to the sound of their rustling


Alone on the cliffs over the sea before a storm, the wind blowing through the long grass and into your face

Hogwarts Houses as Leading Ladies in Indiana Jones!

Slytherin: Irina Spalko.

She does what she wants. Had her own secret motive for pursuing the alien remains. Knew her way around dangerous weaponry. Loved being in charge and excelled at leadership.

Hufflepuff: Willie Scott.

Created a singing career for herself halfway around the world... because she wanted to. Also had the most rational reaction to people eating monkey brains. Has an eye for shiny/precious objects. Objectively, the best representation of being DONE with Indy’s bs.

Gryffindor: Marion Ravenwood.

Brave, no-bullshit type. Ran a business on charisma and good luck. Not afraid to jump into adventures. Very sassy.

Ravenclaw: Elsa Schneider.

She went and got a PhD. She was emotionally intelligent (and therefore manipulative). Smart and sophisticated.


Hey y'all! Sorry I've been gone for a while, life stuff, ya know? I see some really sweet messages and some really cool suggestions in my inbox. I wish I could go through them all today, but I'm a bit busy with both Mother's Day and a game scheduled for later today. Imma go through my inbox pretty soon!

Anonymous asked:

What happens if I submit you something but it's already done by you/anyone else? Do you still post it?

If I remember doing it, I put a link to it in my answer. If I did it and don't remember, sometimes I'll do it again, which is one of the reasons there are a couple duplicate posts on here haha


Hogwarts Houses as Fear Entities


Avatar of the Extinction (the apocalypse)- they would want to be part of ushering in a new, ‘better’ world

Fears the Slaughter (mindless violence)- pure, mindless violence is the opposite of honour and virtue, and they fear accidentally falling into it


Avatar of the Web (control)- they would like to manipulate situations so that they come out on top, and don’t look suspicious getting there

Fears the Hunt (endless pursuit)- constantly chasing something and always being close without ever being able to reach it is a nightmare for ambitious people


Avatar of the Beholding (constant watching)- they want to know everything, and are willing to stand by and watch even if others get hurt, just to see what happens

Fears the Dark (the unknown)- the deliberate obscuring of information, combined with the dangers that may be lurking and unseen, are unbearable


Avatar of the End (the inevitability of death)- they are patient and do not value anyone over anyone else, they know death comes for everyone eventually

Fears the Lonely (isolation)- being on the outside, unconnected to anyone around them, and knowing that they’re not wanted, is horrifying to them


Hogwarts Houses Playing Minecraft

Gryffindor: prefers combat and questing, likes to play in survival or hardcore mode and try to survive and beat the ender dragon without cheats.

Slytherin: tries to get every achievement (are they called goals now?)

Ravenclaw: learns to use redstone and builds complex devices and machines, or just builds cool houses/bases. Often works in creative mode.

Hufflepuff: builds huge structures with many details, the kind that people see in screenshots with captions like ‘three years in the making’.


Hogwarts Houses with Change

Gryffindor: Both embraces and champions change, as long as it’s in a direction that seems to be progress. The most friendly to change of all the houses, as they tend to be both idealistic and willing to face consequences.

Slytherin: Not a fan of change, but willing to make exceptions for upgrades to their current situation. Generally thinks that if something is working, there is no reason to potentially ruin it.

Ravenclaw: Change means unpredictability which can either be interesting or upsetting. Their opinion hinges on their ability to control the change and understand it.

Hufflepuff: Rarely initiates change without great cause, but are not opposed to the actual idea of change itself. They tend to be able to make do with most things, so change isn’t very important to them.

Anonymous asked:

I have a curiosity: On your hybrid houses post, why is there no Ravenrin? It’s the only hybrid not represented. 🙂

The ravenclaw-slytherin hybrid is represented as Slytherclaw, not ravenrin. The naming conventions are a little tricky but the rule I tend to follow is using the more memorable part of each name. I always use the 'slyther' from slytherin and the 'puff' from hufflepuff and the other two depend on that the combination is-- Ravenclaw and Gryffindor just take the more memorable part of the one they're being combined with.


Can I just- I love this blog. It’s so accurate to me as a Hufflepuff! I honestly wish I’d found you sooner! Thank you for existing to bless us with your posts!


This is so sweet! Thank you so much!!! 💛🖤


Hybrid Houses’  Good and Bad Traits

Gryffinclaw: Innovative, open minded, and willing to experiment but has no impulse control. Tends to rebel and try things without thinking of the consequences.

Gryffinpuff: Moral, friendly, and group oriented but trusts people too easily. Tends to form friendships quickly and be widely liked.

Slytherdor: Ambitious, independent and a good leader but overly competitive. Tends to be widely respected and admired but not grow close to people very quickly.

Slytherclaw: Clever, capable, and accomplished but can be too sharp-tongued. Tends to achieve whatever they want at any cost and know a lot of secrets.

Slytherpuff: Hardworking, loyal to friends, and goal oriented but prioritizes loyalty over morality. Tends to form clique-like groups, and to pursue goals without rest.

Ravenpuff: Good friend, honest, and skilled but is directionless/lacks ambition. Tends to study and create things for their own sake and not really make a career of it.

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