
Ninja Debris


I am debris. I am everywhere. I am your shadow. Ask anything but answers will be scattered, silent and likely deadly, but maybe just poetic and shaped like a star.

Random Facts

I was tagged by @definegodliness and @jgwrites2 to give 10 random facts about myself, and tag 15 people. Thanks, guys. Okay, let’s see…

1. I am not, in fact, a ninja (sorry if that’s a shock to anyone). 2. I am, in fact, a whole person and not debris, unfortunately. 3. I’m also absurdly proud of myself for coming up with that blog name. 4. I’m female. 5. My family owned a horse when I was a kid. 6. I once rode the horse with a kitten in my lap. 7. I’m American but was born in Europe. 8. I have never done drugs. 9. I am terrified of roller coasters. 10. I cannot walk in heels; it’s kind of sad how uncoordinated I am with heels on .

Okay, that’s it. I’m tagging @divineimpediment @apretentiouswriter @crimsonwolfmoon @teacup12 @stvash @hager2121 @maya-doolali @smakka–bagms @ajttk @infranaut

Play along if you like.

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