
Dana Scully


drugged Scully is like me everyday 👽X-Files and spooky stuff👽 The truth will save you, Scully... I think it'll save both of us.
A Witch Morning:
Many witches have their own personal morning routine to get ready for the day. This is my personal morning routine and tips for those who are yet to have, but want one.

1. Get up early, before the sun rises. Begin by stretching your sleepy limbs, followed by 5 to 10 minutes of meditation.

☀(Tip: If you’re bad at getting up early, set an alarm earlier each week until you reach your goal.)

2. Make your bed and tidy up your room. This gives a sense of organization and clarity. Opening your windows invites the cool morning air into your home.

☀(Tip: Do chores the night before. Tomorrow you will be grateful! You can clean your room the night or day before, so you’ll only have to make your bed in the morning.)

3. Eat a good breakfast. My favorite is greek yogurt with berries, homemade granola, and honey drizzled over the top.

4. Prepare some tea! Use a tea associated to your intention. I drink peppermint tea in the morning to clear my brain fog and give me the much-needed motivation for the day.

5. (Optional) Eat your breakfast and drink tea outside as the sun rises. Take time to practice mindfulness with the tastes, textures, and aromas of your meal. Feel the gentle warmth of the rising sun on your skin, smell the fresh morning air, and listen to the birds sing.

6. (Optional. If yoga isn’t your thing, exercise… Or not. Your choice.) Set up your yoga mat either in your personal yoga space, or outside. Light incense and place crystals associated with your intention around your mat. Personalize your yoga routine with correspondences of each pose. I begin with the sun salutation to welcome the rising sun. Yoga increases your vibration and further clears your mind for the day ahead.

7. Clean yourself up. EVEN IF YOU’RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE, DO IT. Take a shower, wash your face, get into some clean clothes, and anything else that you do to get ready such as makeup and color correspondences. You can listen to your favorite music or sing while doing this.

☀(Tip: Set out some clothes and take a shower the night before if you have to.)

8. Now that you’re cleansed and have your daily intention set, you can continue with any morning spells and divination that you may do!


May the day bring you much joy and prosperity!

Essential oil blends for witches

*please remember to dilute properly with a carrier oil

Sea witch blend🌊

-rosemary, lemon, jasmine

Air witch blend☁️

-lavender, sage, mint

Fire witch blend🔥

-cinnamon, clove, ginger

Water witch blend💧

-geranium, bergamot, eucalyptus

Earth/green witch blend🌳

-cederwood, patchouli, tea tree

Floral witch blend🌹

-ylang-ylang, lavender, chamomile

Herbal witch blend🌿

-sage, oregano, basil

Kitchen/hearth witch blend🏠

-rosemary, black pepper, cinnamon

Lunar witch blend🌙

-lemon, sandalwood, lavender

Solar witch blend☀️

-grapefruit, orange, frankincense

Love witch blend💖

-geranium, cinnamon, rose

Ice Witch blend❄

-pine, peppermint, eucalyptus

Cosmic witch blend🌟

-lemongrass, bergamot, thyme

Storm witch blend☔

- tea tree, lavender, black pepper


Self Love & Appreciation Spell Bottle

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

Lavender to bring love, peace, protection, happiness, healing, & for cleansing Rosemary to bring love, peace, happiness, protection, healing, mental clarity, & banish negativitySea saltfor protection, cleansing & purification Himalayan pink sea saltfor love, protection, healing, cleansing & purification Jasmine to bring love, calm, & appreciation for beauty Rose buds/petals for love, appreciation, beauty & healing Full moon rainwater for peace, healing, cleansing & purification Rose Quartzpeace, love, healing, cleansing, calms emotions, banishes negativity & amplifies loving energyAmethystpeace, protection, calming, stabilizes physical, mental & emotional being, banishes negativity Aura quartz calming, healing, releases negativity, balances emotions, brings mental clarity & lifts spirit

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

I added glitter for extra magicalness and tied a pink ribbon around the neck of the bottle ♡ charged & sealed with a kiss

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Mabon spell

🍃During September, collect some fallen tree leaves and write them down your wishes for the rest of the year.

🍂Do you promise yourself to study harder?

🍂Do you want to start exercising?

🍂Do you want to sign up to new courses?

🍂Maybe develop some skills?

(Use a black-ink pen to write on your leaves, you can also write sigils) Keep your leaves on your altar or on your bedside table, if you are a secret witch.

🍁Then, during the Mabon night, burn your leaves to release the energy of your wish. If the leaves can’t be burn, then bury them outside. 🍁


Circle casting 101

(Artist: kada-bura !)

A magickal circle is an energetic construct that you build or envision around yourself before working magick, doing a ritual, some like to cast a circle before meditating or reading tarots. For a solitary practitioner the circle is typically 5-6 ft in diameter, but the size expands based on the size of the group. It can be defined physically, energetically, or both.

Circles provide protection and serves as a container for your personal energy as well as the energy you conjure.

Please remember that this is just what i personally like to do when casting a circle, but that there are many methods.

Preparation for circle casting

1. Determine how much space you will need.

2. Cleanse your area. Vacuum, sweep, throw away any trash in the area.

3.Make sure you have everything you need for your ritual! Theres nothing more frustrating than having your circle casted and realizing you’ve forgotten an herb or any supplies you need for the work you’re about to do.

4. Purify your area. Light purifying incense, sage, sprinkle salt and holy 💧. Most importantly, Visualize the negative energy dispersing. If you don’t focus & visualize, your physical actions will have little effect. Visualization is hands down one of the most important things in any and all magickal workings!

5. Now its time to cast your circle!

Visualize protective energy coming from within you and direct it towards your casting arm. Focus it through a casting tool (Athame, wand, or ✋)  and visualize a beam of energy coming from it and settling on the ground. Trace your circle with this energy, 3 times in a clockwise direction. Once for protection, once for focus, and once for power.

Call the 4 quarters

  • Face North and say “I call to the North, to the element of 🌏. Grant me (us if not practicing alone) your endurance, your strength.”            Sprinkle salt onto your altar or crumble 🌏 into a bowl on your altar.
  • Face East and say “I call to the East, to the element of Air. Grant me your creativity and your intuition.”                                                                 Light incense, wave a fan,or drop feathers onto your altar.
  • Face south and say “I call to the South, to the element of 🔥. Grant me your passion and your energy.”                                                             Light candles.
  • Face west and say “I call to the West, to the element of 💧. Grant me your empathy and your emotion.”                                                         Pour blessed/storm/🌙/natural 💧 into a bowl or into your chalice.

Now would be the time to call on any deities you’d wish to work with. You can call any Goddess or Angel by personalizing this to them. I typically do not personally work with deities, but if you were to want to, Call to them similar to how the Elements are called. Ex. “I call to Gaia, Mother Goddess, Spirit of 🌏.” and then place an offering symbolizing them, so for Gaia you might place  grain on your altar as an offering.

If not solitary, now would be the time to invite others to the circle. The group leader typically invites others in by a series of phrases, although i know every coven has their own method fine tuned for themselves, This is just the method i’ve seen used and am familiar with.                                                                    Ex. Group leader:”Children of the Goddess, I now invite you to enter our circle.” Each member will be asked “How do you enter this circle?” The response should be “In perfect 😍 and perfect trust.”

Now its time to raise energy. This is the most important part of this process.

Here are a few ways! There is no wrong way to do this part, and there are SO MANY ways. You can fine tune this all to you.

Witches Rune Chant

“Darksome night and shining 🌙,

East, then South, then West, then North,

Hearken to the witches’ rune;

Here i come to call thee forth.

🌏 and 💧, Air and 🔥.

Wand and pentacle and 🗡️,

Work ye unto my desire,

Hearken ye into my word.

Cords and censer, scourge and 🔪,

Power of the witches blade waken all ye unto life,

Come ye as the charm is made.

👑 of Heaven, 👑 of Hell, Lend your power unto my spell,

and work my will by magic rite.

By all the power of Land and Sea, By all the might of 🌙 and ☀️,

As I do will, So mote it be;

Chant the spell, and be it done.

Eko, Eko Azarak

Eko, Eko Zamilak

Eko, Eko Karnayna

Eko, Eko Aradia”

Meditating to raise energy. Visualize energy building and building by 👀 by 👀 warm, yellow light fill your body until its expanding out of your body and filling the dome above your circle and visualize it filling with energy.

🎶 or Drumming, Dancing and Chanting.

Once you reach your desired energy level, it is time to get into whatever spellwork or ritual you desire to preform!


I like to walk the circle the opposite way of its casting three times, and voila!

Keep in mind that this is just my method! There are many methods and this is just one of them.


🌼 Little chamomile milk tea potion 🌼

I made this to relax before bed and bring in sweet dreams and happiness the next day. This is good after a stressful day or when you want a good nights sleep.

What you need

-3 chamomile tea bags - relaxing, peace, happiness

-water (I used normal water but you can use rain or moon water for more of an effect)


-honey - to sweeten your dreams

-cinnamon - to bring happiness into the next day and to remind you that the sun always rises the next day


I. Fill a mug ¼ full of water and pour it into a pot. Put the chamomile tea bags in and simmer the pot to let them seep

II. Let the tea get really strong. Maybe simmer it for about 10 minutes

III. Fill the mug about ¾ full of milk and pour it into the tea. Make sure to leave the tea bags in.

IV. Add in honey and stir until devolved. Once your milk tea is warm, pour it into the mug and sprinkle cinnamon one top

V. Hold the mug in your hand and change it with calm and happy energy

I hope you enjoy this delicious milk tea! Have a wonderful day 🌼

long term self-improvement spell 🌛

I’m 100% dedicating the next eight months to improve myself! I’m going to get fit & healthy, make some more money, have tons of fun, get really good grades, and be more positive/mindful!! I’m about to be my best self. I will be completely put together and happy!!

✨ like to charge, reblog to cast! ✨

(happy full moon btw!!)


💀What I’ve Learned About Curses💀

As the title states, this is what I’ve learned. It is all based on my experiences, opinions, and personal knowledge. Most of it comes from my grimoire.  Edited 6/24/2019 What Is A Curse?: A curse is a type of spell a person can cast on you. It can cause misfortune, health issues, financial issues, relationship issues, even in some cases death. What About Hexes & Jinxes?: I also want to define hexes & jinxes before we get too into this.  • Jinxes • Temporary, can last hours, are just meant to cause a bit of bad lack but nothing too serious, are for a bit of fun or to teach someone a simple lesson.  • Hexes • Also temporary, but have greater effects, they’re a lot more curse like in that they can teach more vital lessons and can cause things like sickness.  • Curses • Permanent, can cause death, they’re for the worst, nastiest people, and the most intense situations.  In other words, they’re all negative spells. Just 3 different levels of them. The main difference is curses are permanent, the others are not, and a jinx certainly wouldn’t cause death or permanently effect someones well-being.  Are They Okay?: I used to wonder this myself and have seen TONS of people ask it. It’s a matter of morality. I can’t tell you what to believe or think. It’s about you and your path.  How Do I Know If I’m Cursed?: There are symptoms, I’ll go over all the ones I’m aware of. • Bad Luck/Misfortune  • Lack of motivation  • Nightmares • Bad Omens • Personal items going missing  • Plants dying • Fatigue  • Health issues/sickness • Financial issues All and any of these things can happen, they will come along suddenly and have no other explanation other than a curse.  How To Test If You’re Cursed: Okay, you’ve identified you’ve got some of the symptoms, you can’t find any other reason or suspect someone specific has cursed you. The next step is testing to be sure. Here are my personal favorite ways to test for curses. The Egg Test:  Break an egg, what you find inside will give you insight.  • Blood  • You’re cursed  • • White clots/chunks • There is no curse, but there is something clotting you or your life up • • Broken yolk  • There is no curse, but you have inner turmoil and need to work on it • Divination Test: Ask whatever forms of divination you may have if you’re cursed.  Deity Test: I don’t do deity work, but I also imagine it’d be an option to ask your deities if you’re cursed.  What To Do Next?: Alright, so you’ve looked at the symptoms, they’re unusual for you. You did the tests, you’ve come to conclusion you’re cursed. Now what? • Cleansing  Cleansing is one of the foundations of witchcraft, use your favorite forms of cleansing to cleanse your space. This is a default for many witchy issues or situations anyways. But it’s a good reminder.  • Crystals  Use crystals as sources of positivity, luck, healing. To combat the symptoms of the curse. Also any crystals you can keep near you for protection will help too.  • Salt bath This a method of cleansing yourself, it may get the curse off of you. It may also help if you found something unusual in your egg (that is if you did the egg test).  • Warding  This is another thing that’s very common and simple, but effective, ward yourself and your space to make sure nothing else that’s bad or unwanted gets in. •  Deities  You could ask your deities to help remove the curse or ask them what you should do about it.  • Other witches Ask other more experienced witches what their experiences with curses are and they they recommend, get some feedback. Posts like this are nice but so is talking to someone and hearing their experiences!  Here’s some types of spells you could use to help you! Spells: • Return to sender spell • Protection spell • Remove curse spell (of course)  I’m sure I’ll add more to this in the future. I hope someone learned something! Enjoy! Have a lovely day (right after I just went on about curses and death for quite a while) 💖


How To Create Your Own Spells

Dedicated to @a–special–one​ Thank you so much for asking! I felt like this needed a post all it’s own ^u^

-from my grimoire

I’d like to say before anything else, and as I always say, this is not the only way to do this. There are many different ways to create your own spells, and this is simply the method that I find easiest when teaching beginners. And always remember that when it comes to crafting a spell, your intentions are whats most important.

Gathering Your Thoughts

The first step to creating any spell, is thinking about what kind of spell you want to perform, how you want to perform it, and how you want it to manifest.

Ask yourself some questions. “What kind of spell do I want to make?” “Does this need to be a very specific spell or a vague one?” “What method am I going to use to cast/create the spell?” “How do I want this spell to affect me or the person it’s aimed at?” “What kind of ingredients am I going to need?” “What time of day or moon phase would I like to perform this spell?” Anything along those lines are important questions to ask before you start working on your spell. Write the questions and answers down on paper that way you can keep track of everything!

Types of Spells

The next place you’re going to end up is choosing what kind of spell you want to do. Picking what type of spell you want to do is important because this is what decides how effective it is, how long it’s going to last, and when it’s effect will activate. This is not a list of all the types of spells out there, but simply the types that I do on a regular basis. And as another note, you can totally combine methods as well! This can easily enhance the power of your spells and make your intentions more clear and direct.

  • Prayer - This is the most simple form of a spell, and best to do if you’re only looking for a little aid rather than something major. A spell like this puts you in the universes hands completely.
  • Spoken Word - Differing from prayer because this has actual intentions in mind. This is usually a word, phrase, rhyme/lyric, or short paragraph spoken with energy. A spell like this can be very effective depending on how much energy you put into it and how much you actually believe in yourself. If you’re low on supplies and need something solid, spoken word is the way to go.
  • Incense Spell - An incense spell is usually directed at yourself rather than at another person, though that doesn’t mean it can’t work on another. But these are very temporary spells and only last as long as the burning incense. Usually this kind of spell is used to enhance focus.
  • Candle Spell - One of the most common types of spell you’re going to see are ones with candles. You can perform this spell on yourself or another person easily, and they’re very fast acting depending on the type of candle you use. When doing this kind of spell, take things like color and size in account.
  • Crystal Grid - A type of spell work that is done by placing specific crystals in a manner where their energies intermingle and work together to perform a task. This is a spell type that I use on a daily basis to set the mood for the day and keep me energies.
  • Sigil - A type of drawn magick that puts your intentions of paper. Usually these need to be charged and activated, but once that’s done, they have quite nice effects!
  • Bottle/Bag Spell - My personal favorite type of spell! These work well if you need a constant effect, and depending on the size of bag or bottle you use can easily be carried with you everywhere. These are very long lasting, don’t need to be charged often, and produce the best effect.
  • Energy Spell - Probably a more advanced technique, but this is the use of pure energy to put your will into motion. Doing energy spells takes lots of practice and in the early stages can be very unstable in whether they work or not, or whether they’ll completely backfire. This takes patience so don’t give up!

Picking Your Ingredients

Unless you’ve decided on spoken word or prayer alone, you’ll be looking for ingredients next. You don’t need expensive or fancy ingredients, and if you need to you can totally add spices and such from your kitchen ^u^ Think about correspondences carefully, and if you associate something with a feeling or ideal specifically then use it! Things that have personal meanings to yourself can be the most powerful ingredient in any spell.

Here are some of the correspondences I’ve posted about. (If tumblr wasn’t fiddly I would post links, but they’re on my blog in the “My Grimoire” and “My Tips” pages) Herbs and Spices Incense and Oils Common Crystals Colors Flowers Feathers (be mindful of the feathers you pick up, some could get you in legal trouble!)

When To Cast

Once you’ve got all your ingredients together, next thing you’re gonna wanna sit down and figure out when you want to cast your spell. This isn’t always a necessary part, and most spells can be done whenever you feel like, but taking things like Time of Day or the Current Moon Phase into account can really add to (or even take away from) the power of your spell

Here are some simple correspondences for Moon Phase and Time of Day. (I’ll go more in depth in a separate post if enough people show interest)

Moon Phases

  • New Moon (when there is only the tiniest sliver) - Good for sowing the seeds of new ideas
  • Waxing Moon - Good for healing, and growing ideas
  • Full Moon - Best time to perform any sort of spell
  • Waning Moon - Good for cutting things out of your life
  • Dark Moon (when the moon is not visible) - Take this time to rest and focus on yourself

Time of Day

  • 1am-3am - Good for communicating with spirits
  • 4am-6am - Good for planting new ideas and fertility
  • 7am-9am - Best time to make offerings to deities or local spirits
  • 10am-12pm - Best time for positivity and growth
  • 1pm-3pm - Good to focus on yourself and your studies
  • 4pm-6pm - Time to harvest and be with family
  • 7pm-9pm - Best time to cut things out of your life
  • 10pm-12am - Good for any magickal workings

Like I said earlier, this stuff isn’t necessary unless you really want that extra ‘umph’ in your magick, so don’t feel like you have to plan it down to a T especially if you’re in a hurry. Only plan if you want to and have the time to.

Organizing and Casting

How are you going to cast the spell? That’s probably one of the hardest parts you’re going to come across if you’re new to spell crafting. You want to think about this part carefully so you get maximum results. I can give some tips ^u^

  • If you’re combining methods, think about what order you want to put them in. Organize them in a way that flows naturally.
  • Practice your spell! Set up a play scenario and rehearse your spell a few times to make sure you get it right, and the whole process goes smoothly.
  • Don’t be afraid to make a mistake though, mistakes are part of life and they always tend to happen when you want them to the least. If your spell doesn’t go perfectly the way you imagined, that’s okay. Intention is what matters.
  • Keep all your spells in a file or in a book. Keeping records of spells is important if you ever intend to use them again, write everything down from ingredients to how you cast
  • Dont be afraid to experiment! Especially with random things, that’s how you make your own associations. Making your own associations is how you make a spell even stronger!
  • Lastly, don’t feel obligated to get fancy or over the top. Spoken word spells can be just as effective as a bottle spell, especially if it’s said every day.

How To Tell If You’ve Been Cursed

The Egg Test

Simply take an egg (obviously from your own chickens is best but uh, Im going to assume most of you dont have one so store is fine), and carefully pass the egg through the flame of a white or black candle to “draw out the bad” and set intent. Then crack into a white bowl.

If you find blood: You’re cursed! Blood is never ever a good thing to find in your eggs, but especially during The Egg Test.

If you find big white clots: The bigger the clot the bigger the problem. It usually means some kind of blockage or obstruction in your life. Sometimes from some form of bad energy. Note: white clots in eggs is very very normal. Only take notice if they are unusually large

If you find egg shell: (Now if you’re really bad at cracking eggs maybe ignore this one) but this is a sign of your generic brand Bad Luck.

If you find a broken yolk: Take notice of your internal and subconcious self. The root of your problems comes from a disturbance within.

If you find something unusual: Listed above or otherwise, cleansing methods (such as a salt bath) will usually clean up most problems. Do your own research for cleansing methods of choice. I would advise not to eat the egg, but rather to pass the egg one final time (in the bowl) over the white flame before disposing off it outside. If you do cook it (because hey, I get it) use protective herbs like basil or rosemary and don’t forget to salt!

If you find nothing unusual: chop onions, mushrooms, and spinach up while heating an oiled pan on medium low. Add the egg to the pan, when a yellow film forms around the side and the egg can be separated easily, fill the center with toppings and flip half over to form an omelet. Cook through, flipping as needed. Season with salt, pepper, fresh herbs, and tomato (salsa if you’re frisky). That’s my favorite way to cook an egg!

Money spell. Not asking for large lump sums I want growth of my income, I want stability and steadiness, I want prosperity continuously.
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