


They/Them | Non-binary | Ace | Goblins Welcome!

Why I love bees

So as we all know by now, I adore bees. But there a a very specific reason as to why. Here’s the story!

When I was quite young, I moved house constantly. Thus, I didn’t have friends. I became a loner and found comfort in animals and objects instead of humans. The one place that was always a stable environment was my grandmothers house. (Still is) There, she has a large back yard with a garden in the back. She taught me how to take care of the plants and harvest the food. I fell in love with the garden and all the plants. One day, my grandma was too tired to go out into the garden and play with me so I went alone. Slowly as the days went by, she stopped coming out for the most part and I’d garden and play alone.

A day in July, I was out picking strawberries and raspberries. I knelt down in the dirt by the barries and started talking about how I wish I wasn’t alone and that I had a friend to play with out here. While I was crying, a bee crawled on to my leg. I was scared because I was told they sting you if you move. So I stayed very still. But soon I realized the bee was just staying there to chill out on my thigh. I started talking to the bee and it felt like he was listening the whole time. He stayed there for what felt like hours! I felt like he was my very first friend.

My grandma soon called me in to the house and I had to say goodbye to my friend. I told him, “I have to go inside, Mr.Bee. I hope I see you again!” As I started to stand, I watched him fly off from my leg and I waved goodbye. I got into the house and told my grandma about the bee and she told me that if I were good to them, they would be good to me. I asked how I could be good to them and she suggested I plant flowers for them. And so we did the next day.

Fast forward to the next weekend I was at my grandmas house. I went out into the garden to water the plants and flowers and I see a TON of bees at work! So, I sat and watched them for a while and then something only out of Disney story happend.

A bee flew over, and sat on my leg once more.


John Mulaney, a true ADHD icon

I love how he gave this bit at an autism benefit because it is also a heavy Autism Mood™

This is the most relatable thing I’ve ever seen.


JOHN MULANEY: I normally don’t notice people. I zone out constantly. Have you ever zoned out for a few minutes? I’ve been zoned out since 2014.


MULANEY: I just - all day long, I wander into traffic walking like Charlie Chaplin, listening to a podcast while thinking about a different podcast. 


MULANEY: I can zone out anywhere - I was at the doctor’s office, he was reading me the results of a blood test, it was important I listened, and I zoned out! I was like, “nah, I’m gonna stare at the wall and think my thoughts”.


MULANEY: I was like, “huh. None of the Beatles had moustaches… but then one day, all of them had moustaches.”


MULANEY: “That’s weird, I can’t think of a time a group has done that”. Some people in my life don’t want me to zone out as much - they want me to focus, and they want me to be in the moment, and they want me to do this by meditating. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried meditating, but I’ve been trying it. This is how you meditate, okay? You sit on the floor with your back perfectly straight, which I hate more than ISIS -


MULANEY: I don’t like sitting up straight! Alright?! It’s never gonna happen! If meditating was sitting hunched over on the toilet with your elbow on your knee while kind of looking at your phone, I’d be the Dalai Lama.  


MULANEY: I don’t like sitting up straight. So you sit up straight, and you breathe, and this helps you stay in the moment. Don’t bother! The moment is mediocre at best!


MULANEY: I mean, it’s fine. Let’s all try right now - let’s all be in the moment, in silence, right now. [A HALF-SECOND PAUSE] Sucked, right? Not fun at all! 


MULANEY: That was boring! You gotta zone out! You have an imagination! You have a movie theatre in your brain that plays fake arguments that you win.


MULANEY: Have you ever just been sitting there thinking about something for twenty, twenty-five minutes, and all of a sudden you’re like “oh my god, I’m driving!” and you remember? You’re like -


MULANEY: “I’m going seventy-five miles an hour! I have been for a while! I could’ve changed so many lives!” Sometimes, my wife - I have this wife - she’ll be like, “are you watching the road?” and I’m always like, “I am looking through the windshield.”


MULANEY: “And I’m not gonna hit anyone, but no. I’m thinking about the Beatles.”


Hey @vulpeculavolans added a transcript to this AND THAT IS SO AWESOME THANK YOU SO MUCH!


it’s imoprtant to note that gay is not just a sexuality but a whole lifestyle

flannels, rolled up t-shirt sleeves, not being able to sit like a normal person, sitting on the floor or furniture that isn’t made for sitting on, not being able to drive or do math

All of this is so true.

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