
//Hey folks! So I know I’ve not been on here basically at all. There’s a lot of reasons for that, but the biggest is that I’m very seriously thinking of moving all of my X-Men muses to a multimuse so they’re easier to manage! I’ll update this with that information once I know for sure.

I’m definitely not abandoning this muse, but I’ve been struggling badly to keep up with my X-Men muses, and I just recently found out I’m one of these people that does super well with a multi when I started @theiirstoriies. So I’ll try to make sure I contact everyone waiting on replies, but I expect it’ll still be a bit before I can get to them.

Thanks for your patience, everyone, and I’m so sorry I’ve been so inactive!

He blinked, forgetting that he’d forgotten everything for a moment. “You can teleport? Damn that is so cool!” He actually grinned for a second. He looked confused again pretty quickly, though.
“So I live here? With you?” He looked around. “Are we rich?” He had more questions about his parents but those could wait he felt.

He smiled a little, maybe a touch shyly. “Ja, I can. Anyvhere I can see, or to vhere I have been to before. As long as I have enough energy.” He was doing better about that, but he still fainted occasionally if he wasn’t careful.


With you. He made it sound like... Kurt wished it was. But not right now. Not like that. “Ah... Nein. At least -- I am not. Zis is a school. For... people like us. Who can do things zat most people can’t, ja?”

❝ Well, you’re right. It is me. But more like a secret me, you know? Hidden identities and all that. ❞  With her family being kidnapped, she realized just how fortunate it would have been with her alter-ego having existed sooner.  

“I vill not tell anyvone,” he promised quickly. “I understand zat a lot of ze heroes are like zat. I just... cannot hide very vell like zis.” He smiled awkwardly. “You are amazing. Do you have spider powers? Like vebs and things??” He was excited again, always happy to meet another person with powers.


Stuff of Nightmares || Kurt & Warren

He finally looked at him, really looked. And the expression on Warren’s face made him look about ten years younger. He had such a longing in his heart and Kurt was pulling it out of him. He wanted to belong. To be forgiven. He was just a kid, even if he pretended otherwise. He was lost and didn’t know what to do when he’d fucked up so badly. His life was over. There was no redemption to be found after what he’d done. And yet… Nightcrawler was here, offering him a chance.

Something had just broken. Something here had finally shattered, and Kurt had just gotten through some kind of invisible glass wall that was keeping Angel locked up. Now Kurt just had to be careful to lead him through the shards without cutting him.


“You start slow,” he said carefully. “You... try to start feeling safe here. Sometimes you pretend zat you are vhen you are not. And zen vone day... You vill vake up and it vill be true. And you vill feel like anyzing is possible.” He swallowed back a lump in his throat.


Pilgrimage || Kurt & Haven

“Not at all, I’m sure it wasn’t,” she replied to him, “I apologize if I startled you as well.” When he told her his destination, her eyebrows rose in interest. “The valley? Incidentally yes. I’m a part of–” And she mentioned the name of the spiritual gathering event he had been on his way to. “Are you going there as well? If that’s your destination, would you care to walk together?” She couldn’t help thinking that his appearance might put him in a little danger—or more properly, other people’s reactions might put him in a little danger— and that might be somewhat deterred if he were not alone. “Oh, but of course you would not go with a stranger—my name is Radha Dastoor, or Haven, Whichever you prefer. May I ask yours?”

He smiled a little, watching her. His tail was waving lazily as she spoke, and he had the strangest feeling that he knew he could trust this kind woman. She was so tall and so beautiful. And something about her just felt... good. “Oh, zat is vere I am going!” he said, excited. “I did not know anyvone else vas coming from zis side.” He fell quiet again to let her finish.

His smile grew when she finished and he dipped his head a little, respectfully. “It is an honor to meet you,” he said brightly. “You have a beautiful name! Vhere I am from, zey call me ze Incredible Nightcrawler!” He sounded more enthusiastic for a moment, almost like he was announcing himself. But he almost immediately faded back into a gentle smile and a slightly shy expression. “But my name is Kurt Wagner.”

He looked further down the road a bit, tail waving. He absently reached for the rosary in his pocket in something of an automatic gesture. “I vould love to valk viz you,” he said. “If zat... is okay?” He turned to look at her again. “I have been alone a long time. I vould not mind ze company.” He smiled shyly. His travels were long and lonely. He was ready to have a friend now.


//Alright, that’s a start, at least! At the moment I’m just working from the top down, so oldest things I owe are going first. That may change the next time I come at this and I may start going for what I have most muse for.

I’m slowly in progress of coming back, so I hope I’ll be around a lot more soon!


Royal Babysitting || Kurt & Peter

He grinned, his whole face lighting up. “Yes! That’s perfect!” He smooched the kitten’s nose very delicately. “Hello, Jackie.”
“He’s so pretty~” He said fondly. “We’ll have to pick out some toys and beds and things.”

He smiled, trying to ignore how seeing the Prince light up like that made his heart feel. “He is beautiful,” he agreed, reaching over to scritch his ears gently.


“Vhat kinds of toys do kittens like to have?” he asked curiously. He’d never been the caretaker of a cat before.

Peter nodded, grateful for so many conversational threads to keep his mind occupied. “Yeah, I’m from New York I uh, I live in Queens with my Aunt May.” Oh god his aunt, what would happen to her if he never made it out of here? Shaking the morbid thoughts out of his head he tried to focus on Kurt’s endless questioning.
“I don’t know.” He laughed faintly. “I think being ‘just blue’ is pretty cool. It’s like….blue. Words are my strong suit can you tell? What is Berlin like? I’ve never been, well, yes I have but it was only the airport so it doesn’t count really. I’ve never really been outside the East Coast before.” Peter had always wanted to travel the world but had never found a way to do so that didn’t involve the use of air travel. Air travel was not fun.
Airplanes meant death the same way being stuck under crumbling buildings did.

He blushed a soft purple at being called cool. “Danke. It is -- I get a lot of looks on ze streets, but it is okay.” He smiled nervously. “I think... I think Vest Berlin is better,” he said. “East Berlin is not very nice. It is very... poor.” He licked his lips with a purple tongue. “But I could take you zere someday! Or to Munich!” It would be nice if he could just get out of here.


He heard something shift above them and sharply looked up, terrified everything was going to cave in. “Maybe... Maybe ve should look for a vay out?” he suggested nervously.


a dawn execution || peter & kurt

He nodded, grinning crookedly. “Yeah we do.” He stretched a little and got up, offering him a hand. “Let’s find that spell.”

He stood up and followed after him. “Vait, you do not have it?!” he exclaimed. “I thought zat you knew it already!” This was just adding more and more steps to their journey. He had no clue how they were supposed to make through all of this. At some point winter would come and it would slow them down quiet a lot. They were never going to find his parents!


What Lurks in the Dark || Kurt & Michelle

oh…   words died, voice became quiet as canary hues watched the other, gaze filled of sympath and ire. she still couldn’t understand how a mother could abondon her baby, it was cruel, even though her life was in danger. parents should protect their children at all cost. well, you will never know until you find out. perhaps, your mother is alive, but she thinks you’re dead. perhaps, you will meet her one day. destiny is a stranget thing, you know.
head moved from left to right. no, i don’t. i don’t even know his name. michelle only remembered fragments of her beloved mum’s rare histories about a strange, yet fascinating man who would make any gentleman jealous. ‘ not exactly. dimples appeared while sharp fangs showed slightly. she was a brilliant human with dark brown and long hair, the sweetest smile and kind eyes. she made angels green of envy. shoulders shrugged. though, i suppose we have a similiar face.

“Maybe. I hope someday I vill find her. I think... I think she must have loved me quite a lot, if she vas villing to give me avay so I vould be safe.” That was one way to look at it. But it didn’t stop him from wondering just as often if she had made up the story of danger just to get rid of him. The people who had him as a baby said she looked human when she came to them -- maybe she just didn’t want to raise someone who looked like Kurt.


“I vonder if ve could help each ozer look,” he said thoughtfully. “I have never really had ze chance to search for my family, ja? Ve could help each ozer.”

The last of her words caused him to smile softly. “You are beautiful,” he told her, serious and honest. “I think if I vas an angel I vould be jealous of you.” His smile grew a touch. He wasn’t trying to flirt with her, he just genuinely believed everything he said.




//Hey folks! I think I’m long overdue for an update, so here’s what’s up.

Long story short – this semester has been killing me. School itself has been harder than usual, and on top of that I’ve been having a ton of family emergencies on top of dealing with a major move. Because of this, I haven’t been writing almost anywhere. I’ve been most active on my Rafael Barba ( @thepeopleversus ), AKA my sassy lawyer man (who has an X-Men verse if anybody is interested), but even there my activity has been spotty at best.

I love my X-Men muses more than anything, and I’m not abandoning them. But let’s face it, this fandom is kind of – you know – dead. Which is fine, I still have the people I was writing with most. But they’re not as active as they used to be, and the fact of the matter is that my Barba just gets more attention, so when I don’t have much time for threads he gets priority.

That being said, I’m planning to come back for sure. I just need to get through Christmas, and I’m going to start working on cleaning up my X-Men blogs. I’m also moving a couple of the less popular muses to a multi, which I’m going to be working on through New Years. And then I hope to be more present once again.

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