
ibs rights champion

@glowpop / glowpop.tumblr.com

I’m Izzy I like video games and books and I’m 63 years old

tumblr being all adults nowadays is so funny because my mutuals are either unemployed chainsmokers or Ezra, Bioengineering PHD Candidate at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

one of the important lessons to learn about adult life is that the gap between an unemployed chainsmoker and a bioengineering phd candidate is actually not that large


I know you have all probably seen the esims for gaza posts circulating. Some of you have probably looked at them and thought maybe you should help out, but have weighed up the daunting process of signing up for something you're unfamiliar with vs. the gut-wrenching scale of the things people are going through on the ground right now, and you've put it off or questioned whether it will make enough of a difference vs. some other future kind of activism you could put that $6+ towards. I'm not calling you out or scolding you, it is natural to feel conflicted and ambivalent about the multiple calls for aid that you are seeing on social media.

but consider this: what would you do if you suddenly had to leave your home? how would you cope? how would you begin to plan where to go next, or figure out what to do to take care of yourself? most likely you would reach reflexively for your phone.

telecoms access is not a petty luxury in 2024. a loaded esim means the ability to call family members and find out where they are and whether they're safe, and whether they need anything you can provide for them. it means access to maps and regular updates on the situation unfolding around you. it means you can look up whether it's safe to drink rain water, or how to tie a type of knot you've never had to think about before, or how to treat an injury without medical supplies. it means the ability to tell people outside the situation what you are seeing, what you are feeling, what you are thinking. it is an absolutely crucial resource. and it starts at $6 for 7 days.

many many people have observed that internet access is changing the way the world understands genocide. internet access is life or death, and it is shaping modern history in front of you. and it starts at $6 for 7 days.

please, please visit gazaesims.com and spend 5 minutes and $6 to change the way this plays out for everyone.

this is a really critical material thing you can do for people right now, as palestinians including doctors, journalists, teachers and parents are in the midst of the longest telecoms blackout to date. phone and internet access in a humanitarian crisis is lifesaving.

Anonymous asked:

hi izzy i started college in fall. how do i make more friends. I mean I became pretty chummy with another cs major of co(ck)lor, but i need to broaden my social circle. i feel sososo bad constantly bothering them for attention by talking abt my shitting or smthg Orz. Must find other weirdass ppl to fuck around w idk.

hmmm....i dont know. i mean i wish i knew but your best bet really is clubs, bothering people, making them hang out with you enough times that you can hang out at their house. and thats it. good luck


there was a tiktok I made a while ago basically saying "your abusive ex boyfriend is more likely a misogynist than a narcissist" and while most people agreed some said I was victim blaming(?) and that I couldn't know what their ex is like, and while obviously I don't, every fucking person describing their narcissistic ex is describing a typical misogynist. ask yourself, is this behavior you associate with narcissism directed at women or does he treat his male friends the same way? is his general functioning in life impaired?

many people don't seem to know this, but a mental disorder is NOT based on symptoms alone, it's based on how much the symptoms actually impair you in daily life. most people could look at a list of mental disorder symptoms and identify either themselves or someone else with them. as far as a narcissistic personality, we all know people who appear more self absorbed than others, but this is typically subclinical narcissism (presence of narcissistic traits without significant impairment of functioning) which is not a disorder. there is also a misunderstanding of what npd is. a narcissist is not a supervillain invincible to emotion. npd is a defensive reaction to trauma that lead to deep insecurity and fear of being seen as weak or vulnerable. so narcissists aren't actually "in love with themselves" at all and often are diagnosed when seeking help for other issues such as substance abuse resulting from their struggles.

this focus a lot of abused women in online pop psychology have on narcissism is particularly concerning because it completely glosses over misogyny which is literally a huge factor in violence against women. people really only know misogyny as a surface level thing. they don't know it can lead to family annihilation, for example, and is one reason most family annihilations are committed by the husband. it's always "this man is a sociopath" "this man is a narcissist" when the man's behavior is driven by ideology. I am so fucking tired of everything being tied to mental illness and left at that. you know what this leads to? courts "fixing" abusive men by...giving them anger management therapy. guess what? it doesn't fucking do anything because the problem isn't mental instability leading to anger, it's targeted, purposeful abuse. we are getting nowhere

Anonymous asked:

the naruto fandom on here in 2018-2020 was so amazing and funny thank you so much to you and the ppl you were involved with at the time for the content 😊😊😊

Thank you…this is a really, really sweet thing to say. It was such a funny time

Anonymous asked:

Are you a lesbian top or a gay bottom?

I have no genitals or orifices


A report just came out from a Palestinian hostage saying he was strapped with bombs and sent into a Hamas tunnel, with Israel prepared to blow the tunnel up with his body if fighters were found inside and yet people are still making the “Hamas uses human shields” arguments that have been confirmed to be a myth with no supporting evidence

Every zionist accusation is a confession.

The Palestinian, who wished to be identified only by his first name and was released two days ago, said he was one of the dozens of men seen in photographs and video bound and stripped to their underwear by Israeli troops. One soldier, he recalled, told him he wanted to send him to his God, before taking him to a Hamas tunnel. “He made me wear a belt filled with explosives, and placed a GoPro camera on my head along with a rope around my waist,” Hakim told MEE. According to the Palestinian, he was then pushed into the tunnel and ordered to explore it to see if there were any fighters inside. “They were prepared to explode the tunnel using my body if the camera on my head showed any fighters inside,” he said. “I was 100 percent sure I was going to be killed at that moment, but then they pulled me out of the tunnel when they found nothing inside.” According to Hakim, a 15-year-old boy was subjected to the same treatment. The boy, who had been detained with Hakim, survived and was released three days later, he said.
Anonymous asked:

sry im not muslim or jewish but i stand w palestine. could u ask the last post u just reblogged? im a only barely/a little familiar w the branches of muslim

Salafist countries (Sunni majority) oppress Shias any chance they get basically and will fund wars and try to suppress Shiites


Someone told me yesterday that "hamas's pragmatism betrays islam because they are cooperative with shia"

And i had to sit listening like (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠)


i've seen this take so many times oh my god😭

this picture again...

Twenty years later after many Arab cities had fallen, the thoughts I was sharing in Hebrew with a friend at a restaurant did not please a man sitting there, and he set to defending Israeli oppression with what he considered an irrefutable argument. He said you don't know these Arabs, and if you knew them, you wouldn't speak about justice in this manner. I asked him to tell me more. He knit his brow and said, "Have you heard of a village called al-Birwa?" "No," I answered. "Where is it?" "You won't find it on this earth," he said. "We blew it up, raked the stones out of its earth, then plowed it until it disappeared under the trees." "To cover up the crime?" I asked. He corrected me, protesting, "No, it was to cover up its crime, that damned place." "And what was its crime?" I asked. "It resisted us," he answered. "They fought back, costing us many casualties, and we had to occupy it twice. The first time we were eating dinner, and the tea was hot. The villagers surprised us and took it back. How could we accept such an insult? You don't know the Arabs, and now I'm telling you." I told him I was Arab, and that it was my village. He apologized politely but awkwardly, talked of peace, then invited me to his shop, where he was auctioning off furnishings and household utensils plundered from the city of Quneitra.

— Mahmoud Darwish, Journal of an Ordinary Grief, translated from the Arabic by Ibrahim Muhawi

Hamas says Gaza mosque destroyed, urges UNESCO to save heritage The Great Omari Mosque has been reduced to rubble, with only its ancient minaret standing, according to images released by the Palestinian group.
The Othman bin Qashqar Mosque, also in Gaza City, was hit by air raids on Thursday, Hamas said. It also condemned the destruction of the Hammam al-Samara, the last Turkish-style bath in the territory, where Gaza Palestinians had bathed for more than 1,000 years. The Palestinian group, which has governed the Gaza Strip since 2007, said three churches had also been destroyed, including the 1,000-year-old Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius, the oldest still active in the territory.
This is the al-Umari Mosque, the oldest mosque in the Gaza Strip. It’s around 1400 years older than Israel. Israel bombed it. Since the beginning of its genocide of the Gaza Strip, Israel has knocked down mosques, churches, schools, universities, restaurants & hotels. — Maha Hussaini (@MahaGaza) December 8, 2023
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