



jealous texts || captain edition (f!reader)

feat. oikawa tooru, kuroo tetsurou, sawamura daichi, bokuto koutarou, ushijima wakatoshi
warnings : language, kinda nsfw
a/n : this was more fun than i thought it’d be >_> might fuck around and do different editions for this

Falling In Love

Aizawa x female!reader

You are a 3rd year in UA and you have fallen in love with Aizawa, while he is in his fourth year of teaching at UA. Mirio is helping you to confess to him before you graduate and maybe just maybe Aizawa feels the same about you. That is what Mirio always say to you. This is my version of the series so the characters will not be the same.

You, Mirio, Nejire and Amajiki are walking to the dorms so that you can relax after a day full of hero training.

But before that you wanted to quickly stop at the shops so that you can by snacks for the weekend when you are going to have a movie night with the Big Three. Your best friends since the beginning of your first year.

As you and Mirio walked into the shop you accidently bumped into Aizawa while walking to the sweets isle. 

“Oh sorry Mr. Aizawa.” you quickly said to the tired hero. “I did not see you there.” with a blush you turned to Mirio and pleaded him with your eyes to turn around and walk away.

Mirio being the best boy that he is apologized to Aizawa and then you guys went on your merry way to the sweets isle.

“Oh yeah before I forget you guys better study for the test you have tomorrow. Especially you Ms. Y/L/N. I expect good things from my best students of my first year classes.” 

Aizawa said that with a dull voice meaning he has been up for almost most of the day. Both you and Mirio nodded at your favourite teacher since you started at UA.

Mr. Aizawa walked away to pay for his stuff and you and Mirio just looked at his retreating form.

Mirio’s POV:

“Oh my shit.” Y/N said with a smaller blush that before. “I cannot believe I just bumped into him. My heart, my soul … they are so happy.” Y/N said with the biggest smile I have ever seen and I can’t help but be happy for her.

She has had the biggest crush on Mr. Aizawa since we started as first years. I think I am the only one of our friend group that knows of her crush.

“You know on this camp we are going on you have to confess to him Y/N. I want you to be happy and Aizawa makes you very happy.” I said to her causing her to blush again and that caused me to chuckle.

(AN ~ They have a camp for the Third Years to make sure they are ready to officially be heroes for their own companies and this is the camp they are going to be apart of along with a few of their homeroom teachers. In this imagine they get their pro hero licenses in their third years only.)

                                                ~ Time Skip ~ 

                                          ~ The Training Camp ~

Reader’s POV:

It was finally the day of the training camp and I am very excited. Mirio and Nejire are excited too but Amajiki is just shyly standing on the side being the cute cinnamon roll that he is. 

Nejire and Amajiki walked to the bus while Mirio and I stayed a bit behind because he wanted to talk to me.

“Okay Y/N. This is your change to get closer to him. You must stay later to get into the bus last so that you can sit next to him because he is going to be in our bus.” Mirio advised to do.

“When you sit next to him, pretend to fall asleep on his shoulder, but before you actually fall asleep you should confess to him because that would be so cute.” While he said that my face got very hot and extremely red because of what he said to me.   

“Oi c’mon guys we are just waiting for you.” We heard Mr. Aizawa say to us. Mirio and I quickly walked to the bus and got on. Like Mirio said the bus in full and there is only one seat open and he got to it faster than I did.

“Y/N just down we want to go.” Aizawa said in a tired voice and I turned red. “Uum … sir … there is nowhere to sit.” I said shyly. 

“Okay … uum just, just sit next to me I guess.” he said with the faintest blush visible. I just nodded and look to see Mirio with thumbs up and I stuck my tongue out at him.

Like 30 minutes into the ride I really felt tired. “Mr. Aizawa, why are you being so nice to me?” I asked him because with my tired mind I ask the weirdest question. “Oh, well you see … you are one of the … smartest students and you never like gave me problems like some of the other first years.

I blushed at that being said and looked down smiling softly. “Oh thank you sir.” my heart beat raised and it caused butterflies to flutter around in my stomach. He smiled on of his rare smiles and turned to look out of the window again.

He turned to me again. “Are you tired Ms. Y/L/N?” he asked causing me to just nod. “You know you can sleep right I will wake you if we get there.”

“Okay sir I know but I do not want to accidently fall asleep on you. And I don’t want to keep you up because I know you are also tired.” my cheeks heated up while I looked up into his eyes.

“You know that is fine. I do not want one of my favourite students to be tired once we get to the camp.” that being said my head fell on his shoulder and not even three minutes later I was out like a light.

(AN ~ The camp is over the weekend (Friday to Monday) so early Friday morning they go to the camp then they come back early Tuesday morning and just stay in school for the Tuesday to do other hero work if they got their pro hero licenses. Otherwise they stay till the next Tuesday to do the hero course over again.)

                                                   ~ Sunday ~

It was Sunday and the third day of the training camp. My time here is getting shorter to confess to Aizawa. I have been flirting with him over the past couple of days and he has been doing the same.

“I think I am going to confess today.” I said to Mirio quietly while preparing breakfast for my group of the camp. He nodded with a smile. “Yeah that is a good idea because I can definitely see he likes you too.” He said with a smile.

                                                 ~ Time Skip ~

                               ~ After Breakfast While Doing Dishes ~

I am alone with Mr. Aizawa now. During breakfast we kept looking at each other and smiling softly. Mirio and I discussed how I am going to confess and I think I have an idea of how I am going to do it.

“Uum Mr. Aizawa, can we please talk?” I asked the erasure hero while doing the dishes. The other people / students / heroes are doing something else now so that is why Eraserhead and I are alone right now.

He took ahold of my hands and nodded while walking us to the chairs in the kitchen. He release my hands when we sat down and I wished he still held them. “Of course you can talk to me that is what I am here for.” 

I nodded and began talking. “Sooo I have liked you for a while and the courage finally hit me to tell you.” My ears turned hot and my face turned red. “Well I like you too, you are a really good hero / student.” He said to me.

“Uuum no … not like that. I-I like you in a ro-romantic way.” I said stuttering a bit. I felt him grab one of my hands and I looked up shocked. 

“I know what you meant Y/N. I have known for a while cause it was quite obvious.” He said to me with a smirk on his face. I felt my face flush again which caused him to chuckle.

“Uuum like, what does that mean?” I asked unsure. My voice sounding worried and shaky because of what is gonna happen next.

“Y/N I have like you since your second year.” he said and then smiled at me. His face comes closer to mine and I blushed again. He also had a blush on his face but it did not seen to bother him very much.

“Ai-Aizawa…” I said softly as he got closer to me. “Yeah?” “Can I kiss you?” I asked quietly. He keeps coming closer and closer to my face and then he nodded his head.

I felt his lips connect with mine before I could even move my lips to his. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. His hands came in contact with my waist and he pulled me onto his lap. That caused me to squeak and he chuckled into my lips. 

You and Aizawa continued to make out and you guys did not hear the door open with your friends entering to see where you are. Along with Present Mic to see where his friend is.

“YESSSSSS.” I heard a screech. Aizawa and I pulled away from each other with blushes on our faces. “I told you guys.” Mirio said. I looked at my friends and then at Present Mic. 

“Uum hello sir.” I said quietly to the loud mouth teacher. “What do you want Mic?” Aizawa asked him impatiently because he interrupted your make out.

“Just wanted to see where you were. You can go back to what you were doing, just wanted to make sure you want through with what you were saying.” He said to the tired hero and he took Mirio, Nejire and Amajiki with him. 

Before they went out I could here Amajiki whisper to Nejire that she owes him Takoyaki and Clams because of a bet. But because they walked away I could not hear the rest of the bet.

Aizawa turned your head back to him and then kissed you again. “HAVE FUN YOU GUYS.” I heard Present Mic and Mirio scream outside by the window. “Sorry about that.” We whispered at the same time and then continued to make out.


Sitting on his lap

Todoroki x reader

You were standing very awkwardly in the dorm casual area. You were looking for a place to sit because the couch is full of your friends while they are watching a movie.

Before you could look for another place you felt hands wrap around your waist and then you fell into someone's lap.

You were not surprised when you saw your boyfriend Todoroki Shouto pull you onto his lap, while still talking to the adorable broccoli boy, Izuku.

You lean back against his chest while he wraps his arms around your waist more tightly than before.

After you rest you head on his shoulder you try to listen to their conversation while also watching the movie that is on.

You look up to him to find him already staring at you with a half smirk on his face, raising an eyebrow and his head is turned sideways.

Under your butt you could feel you icy hot boyfriend start to wiggle causing you to blush and Midoriya to begin to stutter after seeing what he is doing.

"Todoroki please stop." you whispered up to him so that the rest of the class cannot hear but Mineta and Kaminari being the perverts that they are snicker at the two of you.

You just rolled your eyes at their antics knowing full well this story is going to spread around the dorm rooms.

But you could live with it because of you red and white haired boyfriend.

But for the show you only slapped his arm because you know the night will be full of sexual jokes coming your way from the heroes in training.


Car Incident

Kageyama x male!reader.

“You guys are idiots. I told you there was no more room in here.” You complained.

Moving around on the seat to find a comfortable place in the tight packed car.

Daichi sat in the front seat while driving, along with Sugawara in the passenger seat. You Kageyama, Hinata, Yamaguchi and the tall ass middle blocker Tsukishima where all stuck on the backseat, struggling to find space bacause there are also picnic baskets and blankets there.

You have a window seat with Kageyama squishing besides you, Hinata in the middle and Yamaguchi on Tsukishima's lap. “I am fine.” Sugawara said with a small laugh.

You squinted your eyes at the mom of the group. “Well mr Setter that is because you are in the front. You have more space to move your ass around.” You sighed.

“Well not any of you have a licence so we can't take two cars. You know it’s hard taking two cars because Tanaka, Ennoshita, Narita, Kinoshita, Nishinoya and Asahi has the other one. If you are really that uncomfortable, just sit on someone’s lap” Daichi suggested to the outside hitter.

“No way in hell, I actually don’t plan on squashing one of my friends thank you very much.” You said back to the dad of the group.

“You can sit on my lap (Y/N)!” Hinata offered to his friend.

“No thank you it is really okay.”

“Why not? You are not that heavy.” the future tiny gaint smiled at you.

“Are you sure?” you asked hesitantly.

“Yes!” he laughed.

“Alright.” you said, beginning to moving onto his lap but was stopped by Kageyama who pulled you onto his lap on he then moved to the windown seat saying nothing to you.

You just shrugged it of and looked at Hinata giving the ball on sunshine a small smile. The other two just snickered. Daichi and Sugawara to busy in their own conversation to know what is up.

Throughout the ride, you could not stop moving because of the bumps in the road and fidgeting because you are sitting on your crush's lap. Kageyama cleared his throat readjusting in his seat.

Your eyes widened when you felt something hard beneath your bum. You swallowed and slowly turned to look at him with a blush on your face.

His cheeks were also red.

His eyes are pleading you not to say anything out loud. You just awkwardly stayed still not mentioning anything or wanting to move incase the incident gets bigger.

After about twenty minutes later, the car stops and you have arrived at your destination and everyone rushed out the car to set up the picnic because the second car is already there.

After setting up the scene and stretching the boys could not contain their laughter.

You turned to see Kageyama stading there awkwardly trying to cover his crotch.

“Well next time, he’ll sit on my lap.” Hinata laughed causing you to blush even more and Kags to shrug and giving you a small and rare smile of his.


↠ summary: Being a girl gamer has never been easy especially on a male dominated platform like twitch. Deemed as a mere e-thot by the masses, you never let the petty hate get to you. That was until the famous streamer, kodzuken, decided to call you another lazy, gamer wannabe. 

↠ pairing: kozume kenma x reader

↠ genre/warnings: social media au, timeskip au, angst, humor, streamer! kenma x egirl! reader, sexual themes, enemies to lovers, hate comments & death threats (ppl are mean), way too many sangwoo jokes

↠ posting schedule: every mon, wed & fri

↠ taglist is closed!!


↠ a/n: let the pettiness commence

🌈 part 1

🌈 part 2

🌈 part 3.1 | 3.2

🌈 part 4 

🌈 part 5 


Tips That Can Save Your Kid’s Life.


When I was a child, from the time I was about four and could understand things, my mom told me and my brother that we should have a secret word. That way, if we were ever in trouble or felt unsafe and we didn’t want the people around us to know we needed her to come get us, we could let her know. So she let us pick the word and my brother and I chose the phrase “peanut butter cups.” (I’m happy to share the phrase now since both my brother and I are adults now). 

I used the phrase twice in my life. Once, I was at a friends house when I eight years old. Her dad got really drunk and was throwing things against the wall. I was really scared and I didn’t want to draw attention to myself on the phone when I called my mom to come get me because I didn’t know if he would get more violent if I asked her to come get me. So I called her and was calm and after a couple minutes I asked “Hey mommy, did you get me those peanut butter cups from the store?” And she said “I’ll be right there.” And she came and got me within minutes. 

Second, I was a teenager spending the night at a friends house. Her brother and dad were drinking and they started talking about things that made me uncomfortable - ie: what they liked to do to women. My friend didn’t seem perturbed and said that was normal for them and that I shouldn’t worry. But I was worried because they were really drunk and I was 15 and the only ‘woman’ around that wasn’t related to them. I went in my friends room, told her I needed to call my mom and say goodnight. Before I hung up with her I asked “Next time we go to the store, can we get some peanut butters cups? I’ve been craving them.” And she came and got me, just like that. 

Two incidents, one as a young child, one years later as a teen. Don’t discredit this stuff, it fucking works. My brother used it a few times too. Let your child pick the word and no never, ever, ever, ever get mad at them for using it no matter what it is. 



Off topic, but very important! I was taught to yell “this is not my mom/dad.” A young kid freaking out in public is likely to be ignored out of embarrassment, but a kid telling you right out that they don’t know who is messing with them? That will turn heads.

Reblog this.💯🗣💋

rEBlOg nOw

I feel like this should be said too if you see a child yelling things like “this isn’t my mum, or I don’t know you” or something don’t ignore them! This system relies on people actually helping the child! It dosent matter how rude you’ll seem or how anxious you are you could be saving a child’s life!

Even if you just ask the child “Do you know this person” if the adult butt’s in make sure to ASK THE CHILD! Even a shy kid will tell you they don’t know this person or just met them or something!









— You’re at a theme park when Kaminari dares you to AirDrop memes to the first device that pops up and reluctantly, you give in. But never would you have thought they’d send you memes back… Nor could you have guessed the person you were feeling a meme-connection with was your first love and first heartbreak, Shinsou Hitoshi.

pairing: shinsou hitoshi x fem!reader

genre: crack, fluff, a wee bit of angst 

status: ongoing

updates: mon, wed, fri @ 8pm pst

asks: 😈 | memes: 🍆

a/n: AHHHH I’M SO HYPED FOR THIS,, it’s inspired by the time i went to disneyland and got memes airdropped to me on mickey’s fun wheel ahdjjd there was no love story irl but there def will be in this smau ;) rated 17+ for VERY suggestive content and alc/weed !! i really hope y’all enjoy as much as i do :D xx sof

💌 part 1 - now we wait


Masterlist (multi-fandom)

FOLLOW ME ON AO3 at the same username oliverwxod xx


Small series masterlist

Bucky Barnes


Protector (part 2) 

Protector (part 3)

Protector (part 4)

Protector (part 5) - Complete

Steve Rogers

You are my sunshine - *endgame spoiler?*


Trust in you (Part 1)

Trust in you (Part 3) - Complete

Whatever it takes - work in progress

Peter Parker

Tom Holland

Dr Strange

Lay me down - Infinity war

Loki Laufeyson

I fall apart - Infinity war


My Star- Lord - Infinity war

Thor Odinson

Peaky Blinders 

Thomas Shelby

Harry Potter / Hogwarts

Oliver Wood

Neville Longbottom

Draco Malfoy

Stranger things 

Billy Hargrove

Teen wolf

Isaac Lahey

Derek Hale

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