

@stardust-pendragon-blog / stardust-pendragon-blog.tumblr.com

affiliated howl pendragon of howl's moving castle

The steps to the apartment complex were taken two at a time. His boots were shined to perfection, obviously. There wasn’t a hint of travel on them or his garb, though he's only just returned from his globe-trotting. Well, 'globe' being a relative, exaggerated term. There were unfortunate limits to how far he could travel in this world. Blocks, barriers, blockades...It was all very infuriating, really. Infuriating and fascinating.

He'd kept in touch with Sophie, of course. His darling, dear, perfect Sophie. It had been necessary for him to go. Information-gathering, they'd called it. As much as it was that, it was also the fact that Howl was terribly bad at staying in one given place for any length of time.

Like a bird, he needed to flit about. But, of course, he would always return home to his Sophie. Girlfriend?  Beau? Fiance?

Well, the latter wasn't quite appropriate yet, but he had plans. Great, grandiose plans... (plans that, between you and me, readers, would fall flat, but let us allow Howl a chance to pretend, no?) for a great grandiose proposal.

But that was neither here nor there. Yet, of course.

The key slid into the lock - how quaint that they still locked their doors as such, he'd very easily be able to ward the door but there was such charm to doing things the traditional way - and he turned it. He didn't bother to silence his entrance, the rustle of fabric or the stomp of heels as he passed the threshold. Sophie should still be out and, quite literally, setting up shop.


Only she wasn't and Howl entered the sitting room to pause and cock his head to the side contemplatively. "My darling, you ought still be out," he chided. "Now you've ruined the surprise."

The surprise being him, of course.


starter call;


Hello! I’m looking to pick up some threads for Howl here. Please like this post for a starter from this frivilous, extra af, vain, flighty, fickle, mercurial crow-mage. Capping at five for now!

-- Fox <3

She was about to protest the idea of a flower shop – after all, wouldn’t it be difficult to acquire them while they resided here? In Ingary, they’d had the advantage of Howl’s portal to the fields of flowers bordering the Waste. Here, they were practically confined to the city limits. But before she could, Howl jumped into his own trail of ideas.
And while Sophie could usually find something to complain about when it came to Howl’s plans, this time she was swept up in his train of thoughts. He had that tendency, the ability to catch her up in whatever he was planning until she found herself nodding in agreement despite her own misgivings.
The flower shop had been her desire, and it had gone well enough. Howl had had little need to remain there over the course of the day, unless there was some particularly magical upkeep which needed performing, and it had been largely Sophie’s project. But this idea of a book store, which Howl had proposed, maybe it would serve to give him purpose once more in a world where he really…well, he had none save her wellbeing.
“And you fail to mention your skill in finding them,” she added. “After all, didn’t you have a whole collection of oddities and magical books at your sister’s home in Wales? I can’t imagine you had an easy time acquiring them in your world, largely devoid of magic as it was. Is.” She refused to think about their home as though it were gone forever. Because it wasn’t.
If she had been sitting right beside him, this would have been a moment of pure contentment. She probably would have put her head on his shoulder, perhaps closed her eyes as she begun to plan just how they would go about obtaining such a dream. As it was, she reached out and placed her thin hand over Howl’s ring-encrusted one. “I think that would be nice. A lovely little book store, where wizards and witches of other times and places could come and continue to learn and share their craft.”

Well that was a lot more pure-intentioned than what Howl had in mind, never mind actually helpful. Somehow he'd imagined a place spilled with books...one that was somehow only theirs, and yet, at once, a shop.

Indeed, shop implied selling things which meant letting them go. Howl reevaluated his plans a bit and then nodded. "Yes, a place where everyone could go. A meeting of the minds..."

Well he wasn't so much concerned with minds meeting so much as he was with keeping tabs on all things magical happening in Utopia. Howl didn't want to be involved in the war necessarily - it put himself and Sophie in too much danger - but he didn't not want to know what was going on in the world.

This would be convenient in all ways.

Howl beamed, that end to end smile that would always give girls weak knees and charm his way into even the coldest hearts. (Though, against Sophie it was just a normal smile, he supposed.)

He downed the rest of the cooling coffee from his cup and stood, sweeping over to Sophie's side of the table in a swirl of shimmery fabric glittering finery. "Well then, my dear, we need to go searching for these fragments, don't we? I don't suppose I could cast a location spell high enough over the city...it'll illuminate for us where the nearest shards would be."

Heedless of the other patrons and what they may be thinking, Howl tugged Sophie to her feet and spun her around. He bit back a comment about proper attire for shard-hunting and just dipped her in a neat dance, allowing her space (and decorum) once he'd taken a step back. "Shall we, then? There's no reason to waste time."


“And if we win – we could get help to open up a shop here in town!” Sophie leaned in close towards Howl, eyes aglow with both excitement and the light from the Triplicata she held in her lap.

This was the closest she would ever get to asking permission from him for anything. This was an opportunity she desperately wanted, and if she had to do it on her own, she would. But at the same time, wouldn’t it be so much better to know she had Howl on her side? “I know we agreed to stay out of the – the war or whatever’s going on for the most part, but wouldn’t it be nice? Winning? I can’t stop thinking about our flower shop back home.”

She was so pretty, his Sophie, when she had a goal in mind. Well, she was pretty without one too, but there was something truly special about the way that her eyes lit up as she described something or other. And there was this spectacular quality of hers whenever she was truly, animatedly involved in an idea.

"A shop would be nice," he agreed. He didn't want anything to do with a war. He still didn't. But one war was bad enough. Howl's courage only lasted quite so long. Provided that Sophie wasn't in any immediate danger for doing so, he was staying out of it.

But rewards like this had their obvious benefits. A shop...a little taste of home, something consistent for them to do, someplace that was theirs...

Yes, that was immensely appealing.

"What sort of shop would it be?" he asked, leaning forward and mimicking her pose in a way that suggested that he'd agreed in all but in the form of a spoken admission. "Another flower shop? Certainly not a hat shop. Never a hat shop. A book store? Something quaint. We could serve tea..." He wrinkled his nose at the thought of serving anything to anyone. "Perhaps not the tea. But the books, yes! I am fond of them..."

The kiss placed on her forehead serves to stun Sophie and keep her entirely oblivious as to the changed state of her gown. “I won’t be long,” she calls after him as she finally leaves and closes the door behind her, her suspicion temporarily abated and replaced by an odd sort of fondness for the even odder man.
A scant hour later, and the door to their residence slams open with the force of Sophie’s boot. Howl had had a fortunate oversight and allowed her to keep those, a small blessing in this day of horrors.
“Howl! You self-absorbed, inconsiderate bamboozler!” Lucky for Howl, she sheds the basket full of her purchases at the table closest to the door. “Do you have any clue the trouble you’ve caused me?”
A stupid question. Of course he does – he wouldn’t have done it otherwise!
Sophie rushes to the mirror she’d only just left to purvey the damage. A strangled cry escapes her at the sight of her adornment, and she curses herself for not noticing sooner. If she had, then she could have stained and ruined the perfect silk simply to spite him!  
With a huff, she storms to the bottom of the staircase to bellow again, Howl!”
Considering her luck, he’s probably left the house by now, without any intention to return until long after she’s gone to bed.

Ah, he should have known that she'd be upset. And really, deep down, Howl did know. He just didn't care.

Though, upon hearing the crash of the door opening, he starts to wonder if he shouldn't have given a bit more thought into his gift. (For indeed, it was intended to be a gift, not a mere prank.)

He sits in his (their) bedroom for a moment, contemplating. He could escape out the window and make himself scarce until she calms down...but then that would be proving his guilt now, wouldn't it?

Howl refuses to feel guilty about things in general, and he especially refuses to feel guilty about this.

And so, after much thought given to the matter, he creeps confidently to the top of the stairs. "Yes, Sophie dear?" he pokes his head out from around the corner, fixing his features into as innocent a mask as he can. "Trouble? What trouble? Oh! My, that's a lovely gown. Where did you get it?"

Oh, the shoes. He'd forgotten the shoes. That completely throws off the entire look.

Ah well. Next time.


Never before had the red insignia she’d been granted upon arrival started burning so. She had been told that it was somehow connected to her status in this new world as a Master, but as of yet, there hadn’t been any matching companion (none of this Servant nonsense) to back it up.

The pain shot up her arm like some sort of poison racing for her heart. She was too stubborn to let something so simple as searing pain to force her to stop the errands she had set for herself, however. It wouldn’t be until a previously unseen man appeared in the middle of her path that Sophie stopped and let out a strangled gasp.

No words could defeat the way her breath was entirely knocked out of her chest, nor was there time for her to simply walk up and try to talk to him like a normal person. The artistically beautiful black hair, the mauve satin suit, there was only one person across all the worlds who put those disgustingly handsome things together in the same fashion as her Howl.

Sophie dropped the cloth bags holding her purchases from the market straight on the ground, completely ignored the squash and cheese that rolled onto the walkway, picked up her skirts, and bolted towards him like her life depended on it.

Once close enough, she launched herself towards him, towards the almondy, flowery scent of his perfume, and wrapped her arms securely around his neck. “You came,” she said, certainly not tearfully, as she buried her face in the collar of his shirt. “I called for you, and you actually came.

One month, three days, six hours and fifty-seven minutes.

That was the amount of time Sophie had been missing and, likewise, the amount of time Howl had spent losing his damn mind.

It was that old proverb come true. 'You don't quite know how good you have it until it's gone.'

In this case the good was Sophie and with her gone, everything had quickly unraveled. The Castle quickly became a mess, Calcifer was short-tempered, Michael was anxious and Howl became a single-minded force of nature, hell-bent on finding his lost love and rain terror down on whomever was stupid enough to take her from him.

Locating spells didn't work. Scrying didn't work. No one had seen her go and no one had seen her sense. Had it gone on longer, Ingary might've been in serious danger thanks to one, angry wizard with too much power and nothing to lose.

And then he heard her voice.

Softly, at first, then louder. "Sophie?"

He followed it. Of course he did. It was Sophie. As he followed it he felt it, felt the transition between worlds, felt new information clicking into place, new understanding, new tasks and new rules.

He ignored the latter two entirely.

From a forest in Ingary to a street. If he hadn't felt the very fabric of the world to be different, he might've suspected that he was in Wales once again. But no matter. Sophie.

Where was Sophie?

Sophie. Sophie. Sophie.

He felt her presence before he saw her and turned in time to see her - his love, his light, his true guiding star - sprinting towards him. Howl caught her about the waist and pulled her in, wrapping her tight. She smelled like safety and warmth.

It didn't matter where this was. GRAIL or no.

Howl was home.

"Of course I did," he croaked, when he finally regained his voice long enough to speak. Silly thing, it'd gotten clogged up with emotion. "You really ought to have called sooner...or louder. I only heard you now."

He set Sophie down, still keeping close. A hand rose to brush down her hair. "My Sophie."

Her breath hitches. Her free hand scrabbles against the door, searching for the handle even as she’s all but chest-to-chest with Howl. Trying to pull it open gives her no purchase, there’s not enough space for her to turn the knob even if she could overpower Howl’s physical strength.
For a man so concerned with his hair, he is remarkably strong. It’s just as well that when backed into a corner – or against the door in this case - the only way out is to fight fire with fire.
“You don’t need a kiss goodbye if I’m just going to market, Howl” she replies, looking up at him with a saccharine smile to match. The look in his eyes tells her that he’s about to be up to something, but breaking eye contact to see just what he’s up to would feel like some sort of concession. Which is exactly what she is not about to do. “But I can’t exactly go to market if I’m stuck here. Let me go.”

Howl studies her for a long moment, his expression having gone inscrutable yet again. Unreadable, save for the sparkle glinting in his bright eyes. He's most definitely Up To Something in a way that only Howl Pendragon could be.

A smile pulls at his lips and he looks normal once more. "I don't recall that being a rule," he says, smoothly, bending just enough to drop a kiss onto Sophie's forehead instead of fighting her to get to her mouth.

(They've been there before. The battle can last to upwards of half an hour.)

"There. Just...my blessings for a good shopping trip," he says, sweeping away without looking back. "Off you go. Be safe," he adds, dismissively, making his way back up the stairs.

Up the stairs to be safe and out of throwing range, that is.

Sophie's clothes have been transformed. Gone is the gray dress, replaced by one of shiny blue silk. It's cinched in at the waist, the high bodice crusted with sparkling stones. The edge of the bodice is trimmed in lace, as is the hem of the dress. A strip of lace wraps around Sophie's throat as well, tying the look together.

Her hair's been swept into an elaborate updo and, to top it off, like the cherry on a cake, is a tiara, glimmering star-bright, standing out even against Sophie’s silver-spun hair.

She looks the perfect princess...and certainly not someone who’s popping out to buy potatoes.


Hello all!

The name’s Fox and I’m new to the Fate universe so bear with me as I get my bearings! I’m still getting myself together with these new blogs and organized, but feel free to contact me for plotting via tumblr IM if you so wish! I’d love to meet all of you and hopefully make some new friends!

If by chance you’d like to get to know me better, feel free to follow me at my twitter, or DM me for my Discord info!

Hope to write with you all soon, mwah~!

<3 Fox

Already, she regrets asking him. Sophie doesn’t have any paper on her, but commits the list to memory. It’s a simple enough list, nothing more than the basics for any well-stocked kitchen. With one exception.
“I’m not buying silk,” she informs him, tugging at the hem of her sleeve to bring the fabric down just a tiny bit further. “Asking me to buy silk means that you have a plan for it, and when I inevitably come back with the wrong color or thread count, I’ll just be sent out to buy it again.”
Experience in the hat world does an expert in silk flowers make, but even her knowledge won’t be enough to satisfy Howl’s particular tastes.
Her basket is set by the door. Even if Howl hadn’t suggested it, she would have brought it, but she stalks over to scoop it up as if the jaggedness of her motions is just to spite him. There’s no need to take the money-purse from its hiding place in the hearth, the one she has left in the basket is enchanted to scream and yell should Howl deign to try and take it up himself.
The sun shines into the room as the door opens, but it’s early morning yet, negating the need for a hat. Leaning on the handle of the door, Sophie looks back at Howl for a final, scathingly delivered, “And it’s a dress. For all of your fascination with the world of fashion, I would expect you to know that.”

The tirade about silk earns Sophie a slight concession. Howl tilts his head, which is admittance enough that, yes, he would send her out for a second trip to get the right kind - though he's not certain what counts as the 'right kind' at this moment...he'll know when he sees it - which would result in having a skein of the stuff pitched at his head before all's said and done.

Sophie has a strong throwing arm. Must be all that cleaning.

The beginnings of a smirk grow briefly before Howl tamps it down into something more innocent. "That ting hardly counts as fashion, my dear Sophie. I know well enough to know that," he says, sweeping over to the door. He takes advantage of the top step and his natural height to lean over, pressing against the top of the door with the flat of his palm. He leans his weight against it and the door swings shut.

The end result is Howl leaned over Sophie, and Sophie trapped between the door and a wizard who is most certainly plotting something.

"Aren't you going to give me a kiss goodbye?" he asks, all sugar-sweet and as guileless as can be.


It’s a dying habit, the surreptitious side-glances into one of the mirrors Howl has set up in various, dusty corners here and there all around the house. It hadn’t been a habit at all until she’d broken the curse, but every so often, there’s a feeling of agedness that enters her body and grasps her heart itself like a curse of its own and she can’t help but catch a glance.

It’s one of those feelings that washes over Sophie now and makes her hesitate by the window, just as she’s about to leave the castle for Market Chipping. The dusty blue dress she’s wearing is similar in cut and design to the grey one she’d worn upon first entering the castle, the dove-grey shawl settled around her shoulders firmly cementing the silhouette. Only the touch of decidedly not-wrinkled fingers against also not-wrinkled cheeks reminds her that she’s her own age again, and no one – not even the Witch of the Waste – can take that away from her without her consent.

A rustle from behind, and she turns to see Howl with some unexpected expression on his face. Sophie lowers her hand in shame and uses it to clutch the edges of her shawl together, her own slack face swiftly contorting defensively. “I’m going to Market Chipping,” she announces, hoping to bluster her way through whatever it is Howl might accuse her of following a moment of heightened perception. “For potatoes, and whatever else strikes my fancy. Is there anything you want?”

As is his wont, Howl ignores the question entirely, choosing instead to focus on his interests and whatever's going on in his head. His expression is inscrutable, though the word to best describe it would be 'intense'. To be fair, he isn't staring. Not at Sophie herself, anyway. As far as he's aware, a protracted gaze such as this can only be considered ‘staring’ - and therefore rude - if it's directed at a person herself and not at her dress.

Finally whatever stroke of concentration he's found himself in breaks and he blinks once, looking up at Sophie as though seeing her for the first time. In his world, dresses can indeed be held up by themselves so it isn't entirely an unreasonable thought process.

"What are you wearing?" he asks, finally, blunt as ever. Another blink and his ears catch up to the rest of his brain. "Butter, if they have it. The good kind, of course. Eggs as well. Bacon. And silk. You may want to bring a basket."

Of course he doesn't offer to accompany her and carry the extra load himself, nor does it strike him necessary for him to do his own shopping. It's a matter of efficiency, really. Sophie's going out and she offered, so she may as well get it done at once.

He isn't so much inconsiderate as he is thoughtless. But then, he's still Howl, despite the flaunt and flair and fame.

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