



20 questions for fic writers!

Thank you @artsyunderstudy for the tag!

1. How many works do you have on AO3?

28, though one was a round robin where I only wrote one of the chapters.

2. What’s your total AO3 word count?

838, 380. Subtracting Birthday Man (the round robin fic), I've written, by myself, 799, 248. I'm not surprised. I'm not good at brevity. (And I have over a hundred thousand words in unpublished fics right now 😅)

3. What fandoms do you write for?

Only Carry On, though I've made a habit of sticking Simon and Baz into fandom loves of my youth.

4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?

  1. Oh, Have You Seen The Fairies Dance, my CORB from two years ago, writing to art by @krisrix. 562 Kudos
  2. Playing With Fire, Treading Thin Ice, my pinch-hit CORB, also from two years ago (I sense a trend), writing to art by @steppjes. 453 kudos
  3. Back To Start, my Simon youthens Baz into a baby fic, 447 kudos
  4. A Fucked Up Cinderella Story, a Simon as escort fic, and my first collaboration with my dear friend (and a brilliant artist), @frjsti. 339 kudos.
  5. A Real Doll, my first real PWP (ok, it sort of has a plot) (a very thin one), written for @captain-aralias's Monster Under the Bed Fest, 331 kudos.

5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?

Yes! It means a lot to me to hear how folk enjoyed my work, and I appreciate how much effort it takes to reach out sometimes, so I want to show my appreciation. I should be better at commenting myself!

6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?

Readers nearly burned me at the stake over my ending to The Blue and The Gray, where Simon rides away with his Union troop, leaving Baz behind at his plantation home. Even the 'happy ending' epilogue I wrote, to get them back together, is bittersweet, because Simon is damaged from the war and it will be a long road to recovery (or at least the length of the Oregon Trail 😉) (If you know, you know).

7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?

I only do happy endings, but, like Ashton, I tend towards angst a lot of the time. So I think that my most meaningful happy ending is in New Year, New Me, which takes Simon and Baz literal to the end, of their long lives together (with a gorgeous song written by @moodandmist and @cutestkilla!)

8. Do you get hate on fics?

Not yet! I've gotten a few corrections, which I honestly don't mind. I'd rather be corrected than leave a glaring error in a fic. I agree with Ashton, this is an incredibly kind fandom.

9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?

Uh <looks side to side shiftily> yes? Like, a lot? It's funny, because I'm ace, but I find all the ways humans can relate to one another through sex fascinating, even if I don't need those things for myself. I'd say I write mostly bonding through sex? Occasional fucking just 'cause it's fun, but mostly soulful, loving sex.

10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?

Not crossovers precisely, (I don't mix in characters from other fandoms) but I'm extremely guilty of throwing SnowBaz into any story, show, or movie I've loved and putting them through their paces:

The Watford Games: Simon and Baz in a Hunger Games Scenario

The White Chapel: Simon replacing Olivia Newton John in the movie Xanadu

The Snow Fox: (unfinished) Simon as the Francis Marion Character in the old Disney TV show, the Swamp Fox.

Episode 2: The Naked Next, (gift fic for @raenestee) (I blame this one on @facewithoutheart), Simon and Baz in the Star Trek Universe.

and, Stars, Flowers, and Children, an unpublished (part done) fic set in the universe of the movie the Blue Lagoon, and To Heal a Broken Mind, an unpublished (nearly finished) fic set in a scenario similar to the TV show House MD.

11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?

Fingers crossed, but no, I don't think so. Probably hard to pass off a seventy thousand word fic as your own that you just popped up with out of nowhere.

12. Have you ever had a fic translated?


13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?

Only the round robin fic, Birthday Man, where each of several fic writers wrote a chapter for Simon's birthday celebration, and the Star Trek Universe fic, The Naked Next (linked above). But I'd definitely give co-writer credit to many of the fandom artists I've worked with, because their work either inspired my words, or they even helped guide the evolution of the fic in the background. I especially have to give credit to @krisrix, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @frjsti, and @artsyunderstudy for being brilliant at helping me flesh out the fics they did art for!

14. What’s your all time favorite ship?

Gee. Bet you can't guess.

15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?

This is a tough one because I've (so far) never not finished a fic I've committed to (I've got a few paragraphs of a few random ideas in my files, but nothing I ever advertised or put much effort into). But I'm also perpetually in the middle of at least five or six fics, so leaving one dangling remains possible, even if I desperately hope it won't happen. I guess I'll mention Westward Son here, because though it ought to be finished in the next couple of weeks, it took me two fucking years to get there!

16. What are your writing strengths?

I don't get writer's block. I think my habit of fic jumping helps with this; if one fic is dragging, I can spend more time on another until words start to flow for the first one again. I do force myself to write at least a sentence every couple of days, even on the draggy fics, though. I think I'm decent at characterization? Especially Simon, because I identify with his way of thinking a lot. I also think I'm decent at giving the reader a strong visual of what's going on in a scene (hopefully).

17. What are your writing weaknesses?

Plot and tech. I can write plot, but not snappy, quickly resolved ones. For me to find my way to the end of a plot usually takes several thousand words. And that's a weakness, not being able to write short. I don't know how to be interesting in small bites, I guess. And tech: I'm intimidated by incorporating modern tech like social media, etc. in my fics. I always feel like I can't format it correctly or make it look/sound realistic enough, so I tend to avoid fic ideas that are tech based, like text fics or social media fics. Aaaaand now I'm writing a fic based in Tiktok, a platform I do NOT know well. Pray for me.

18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?

I've done it once (in The Blue and The Gray), but I'm nervous about it. I think I'm afraid of misinterpreting a connotation of a word or phrase. I researched extensively for the Spanish lullaby in The Blue and the Gray, and even the Greek and Latin phrases in Back to Start and The Watford Games. I don't mind it in fics, so long as the meaning isn't integral to the scene (like using French swears in a fic set in French Canada) (@bazzybelle, I'm looking at you!). If the meaning is integral, I tend to prefer the translations be not far away (like at the end of the fic), but rather just a few lines down (like at the end of a chapter), because it's frustrating having to jump back and forth to get meaning from what I'm reading.

19. First fandom you wrote for?

CSI, on fanfic.net. But I only wrote one fic. Don't look for it. I didn't have this username and I'm not interested in reliving that part of my life 😆

20. Favorite fic you’ve written?

I think it will always be Back to Start (linked above). I still love the premise and it was the first fic that made me feel like a real writer. You don't forget that feeling. It's my baby.

How about, instead of tagging folk, you consider yourself tagged if you're one of the many people I mentioned above? 😂


Hi all! Thank you @rimeswithpurple, @cutestkilla, @thewholelemon, and @forabeatofadrum for the recent tags! I can’t believe it’s already this late in the year. It’s not Sunday yet, but I’m working tomorrow so I’m just going ahead and posting early so I can feel like I did something. I know tomorrow can be a hard day for some, but here’s wishing a very Happy Mother’s Day to those of you to whom it applies, and a peaceful day to those for whom it’s a little more difficult ❤️

I’ve been relatively busy with my writing this week (GASP) so I have a couple of things to share. First, some Baz POV from the second chapter of The Field Trap—things are looking up at last:

Eight snakes and a dragon. I knew he would be wet when he came blustering in—it’s why I unpacked his rucksack and laid his spare clothes out by the lit stove—but I still wasn’t prepared for the sight of Simon Snow’s ridiculously thin t-shirt and uniform pants cleaving to his body as though they’d become part of his skin. His chest is heaving, his curls are dripping in his eyes, and he’s holding aloft a brace of four large rabbits that he’s already cleaned.
Honey, I’m home, he’d said, and I know it was a joke, but if I wasn’t dead before, I certainly am now.
“Wipe your feet before you come in any farther,” I say shortly. “Dry clothes are by the fire.” I turn my back and hear him laying down the rabbits and his bow and arrows. Two loud thumps signal his shoes coming off, and then there’s the slushy sound of wet cloth rubbing against itself as Simon makes his way over to the fire.
“You laid my clothes out for me,” he says, like he’s awestruck. I bite the inside of my cheek and stare up at the ceiling, trying not to visualize what’s going on behind me as I hear his sodden clothes hitting the floor. “Baz?”
“What.” Who am I kidding, I’m very much visualizing all of it.
“You can look.” His throat sounds dry. I shake my head, eyes squeezed shut now with the effort of holding my fangs in. “Do you not want to?”
I try to think about everything I told him earlier. He’s going to end up following the Mage to the end of our world someday, and I’ll have to stand with my family. I think about my fangs, ready to burst from my gums at just a hair’s more provocation. I think about how inexperienced with all this I am, and I feel hopeless. And yet…
I turn around.

My second share is from the piece I’m doing for COBB, which I’m really happy to say that the first 5000 word chapter is completely written for. I feel strangely…competent? LOL. Here’s a bit of Dev POV:

And he did. I watched with a cold sort of horror as my cousin, always the more powerful magician of the two of us, stood on our balcony and asked the universe for a handsome man with blue eyes, golden skin dusted with stars, and curls that were neither fully blond nor brown. He would be strong, brave of heart, and make the best sour cherry scones in the world (sour cherry? That’s not even a real type of scone, I wanted to say). Instead I’d said, “That doesn’t sound impossible,” in spite of the sparkly-sounding skin. Baz had given me stink-eye as only he could and can, before adding the coup de grace: “He will have the blood-red wings of a dragon, and a tail.”
It had taken all I had not to burst into laughter at that, but my headstrong cousin was already pressing rose petals into the potion and blowing his breath onto them as he tossed them out into the night air. “Baz,” I’d admonished, but the spell was cast, his heartbroken wish already caught by the breeze and curling up, up, towards where the full moon hung heavy and silent in the sky.


WIP Wednesday

Thank you for tagging me today, @monbons!

I'm still scribbling away on my COBB fic. Last night I spent a few hours updating my playlist and figuring out which scenes I still need to write for chapter 2. Bouncing back and forth between "this is so good" and "literally no one except me wants to read this." Oh, and I squeezed in another Twilight joke.

Tags and a potentially intriguing bit of Penny and Simon under the cut:


Hello and thank you for the tags @roomwithanopenfire @facewithoutheart @thehoneyedhufflepuff @monbons @rimeswithpurple. I'm excited to look back through today at your WIPs. There's so much good stuff coming out right now!

It feels like the spring is flying by and I'm running out of runway on Basil Pitch's Diary. I'd written part of the next chapter before I started posting the fic at all--but oh well.

Chapter 8 is still going up May 11, but there's literally nothing I can share that isn't a spoiler, so here's some Chapter 10 instead. Our hero is breakfasting with his minions.

Dev speared a sausage on his fork and bit off the tip. “I thought Mystery Man was just a fling.” “His name is [REDACTED],” I snipped. “And things ... escalated.”  My cousin grinned. “How’s his escalating?” “A gentleman never tells.” Especially if gentleman is rank virgin and too panicked to improvise. Would wind up telling them [REDACTED] had found my prostate up my nose.

Tags below the cut.


WIP Wednesday

Thanks for the tag @rimeswithpurple. Baby Baz and Dev are so cute I want to pinch their little cheeks! (And that little skating outfit is perfect!)

I have no real progress to report on the new WIP. I started a chapter. It is a mess, but first drafts are supposed to be terrible, yes?

Instead, let’s play a game. For those who've kept up with The Eternal Life of Baz Pitch, you can find a snippet of Chapter 7 past Baz under the cut. Can you fill in the blanks correctly?


Thanks for tagging me today @monbons @roomwithanopenfire @forabeatofadrum @run-for-chamo-miles @emeryhall and @thewholelemon! I haven't read them yet because I was out in the garden weeding all afternoon (two full bags of weeds and two giant blisters from my postage stamp of a yard FML), but I cannot wait to devour your snips. Made some big progress on Chapter 5 of Hiding Out in the Open this weekend too--might be ready to post it soon!--so I figured I'd share some of that for once. And with zero context for why this is happening, have some Simon POV:

If I want him to fight me I’ll have to do it myself. “It’s not!” I roar, and I slam into him. Hard, both hands digging into his chest, wings beating behind me, and this time he goes where I want him to.  Down in the grass, and I follow, and we’re a tangle of limbs, wings, tails, scrabbling at each other, rolling around in the cold dirt. I’m pushing and he’s holding.  He's holding me back, flipping me over, crushing me into the lawn, into the roses and the petals, and they’re probably making red stains in my nice white shirt and I don’t care, I don’t fucking care anymore.

Tags and hellos under ye olde cut.


Thank you @monbons @roomwithanopenfire @run-for-chamo-miles @emeryhall! I need to catch up on some of y’all’s fics, but I did want to shout out a couple—even though I’ve already read The Eternal Life of Baz Pitch, it’s just as good on reread. I love it. And you should check out Only Creatures, about Baz’s beard (character), and some other people too.

We’re at the point where I haven’t written enough to remember what I’ve shared already. So sorry for inevitably sharing something twice. Eventually I’ll have to stop editing the same 6000 words over and over and will hopefully have more to pick from. But not today!

Trixie, tampering, terrible technology, and tags under the cut.


Thank you to @monbons for the tag! This post is dedicated to @thewholelemon.

CW: gratuitous beard content

Remember, Simon? I want to say. We’ve been here before. We’ve done this. You can do it again.  He seems glassy and loose from his performance, and he touches my beard.  “It looks… Did you…?”  “I went to a barbershop.”  That is an understatement. I paid an absurd amount of money to have a man in a very dapper hat address my “beard goals,” ponder the shape of my jaw, offer me a complimentary glass of whiskey, trim and perform a “complete conditioning of the beard,” wrap my face in a hot towel, and then sell me something called “beard oil,” which smells faintly of oranges. 

Six Sentence Sunday

Happy Sunday all!

It's super rainy here, which means I've been trying to entertain kids who've been trapped inside for two days. I've made very little progress on writing, but I tricked them into "arts and crafts" yesterday and used it as an excuse to draw up a few things for my new WIP. Here's a little preview...

(Disclaimer: I am not an artist, nor am I an architect. My sister IS an architect and she had lots of opinions about the practicality of my floorplan. I assured her that this is fiction and I can do whatever I want...)

As for The Eternal Life of Baz Pitch, this week's chapter is one of my top three favorites and also the second longest of the whole fic! If you haven't started reading yet, you should! I know I keep saying it, but really, you should.

Six sentences isn't enough to capture the deliciousness of Chapter 7. The theme? I believe @raenestee's comment on Chapter 6 captures it best: Baz is shooting so many shots, it’s a massacre. Have more flirty Simon and Baz as a treat, under the cut.


WIP Wednesday

I was informed by one of my students today that there are 20 days of school left, which---quite frankly---is still too many for how checked out I am. Summer is so close and still so far!

In better news, I finally found a new WIP I am SOOOO excited about! It's looking like another multi-chapter AU. I cannot say too much yet because it is still very much in the outlining/planning phase, but huge shout out to @hushed-chorus for helping me start wrapping my mind around another plotty-plotty story that will feature our favorite topic: vamp angst!

In the meantime, lest you think sad Baz is gone now that Simon is here, have a snippet of past Baz from Chapter 6. Enjoy!


WIP Wendesday

2024.04.25 - 2024.04.30

A collection of the WIP fics that have posted in the last week.*

*Only including WIPs with a defined chapter count.

Creator tags under the cut.


Hey y'all! It's been a busy few weeks, but thank you all who kept tagging me since I last surfaced : @Iamamythologicalcreature, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @monbons, @thewholelemon, @cutestkilla, @hushed-chorus, @whatevertheweather, @prettygoododds, @blackberrysummerblog, @thehoneyedhufflepuff, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @mooncello, @rimeswithpurple, @emeryhall, @wellbelesbian, @bookish-bogwitch, @ic3-que3n, @shrekgogurt, and @cosmicalart 

I've got a bit from everything to share today. Though the snippet from Cupid's Shield has technically been posted now, as of this morning.

And yes, I can count, I know some of these are more than six sentences. Do I care?


Lol, I hope you enjoy!

From Saving Simon Snow: 

Baz is dead to the world when I wake up. The clock on the dresser reads ten a.m., which surprises me a little—I can’t remember the last time I slept past seven (other than in my jail cell, where there were no clocks and sleeping was pretty much the only thing to do). It doesn’t surprise me, however, that Baz is still asleep. He’s always been sluggish and cranky in the morning. Besides, yesterday was…well, yesterday was a lot. 

I’m still processing everything that happened, but my stomach tells me firmly that processing is far less important than eating, so I slip out of bed as quietly as I can, and dig through our suitcases for something to wear that isn’t sweated–through or jizz covered. 

From the Heart in the Well

“Who are you?” I shout, and if there’s a faint tremor in my voice, it’s not enough for Baz or the unknown above to tell. (I hope).

The creature above doesn’t respond, at least not in words. Instead, it shakes its head and lets out a ringing neigh. It’s a horse! I stare, bemused for a second, before I realise that what I’m hearing isn’t a typical animal sound. Instead, the neighing takes on the clearly recognisable tone of…laughter. The fucking thing is laughing at us!

From Snow Fox

Fiona’s radiating pride. “Brave as a lion, just like his mum,” she says. “You’ll show that mangy Snow Fox what it means to take on a Pitch.”

I can’t help but imagine my aunt's reaction to finding out that Simon knows quite well how to take on a Pitch. 

On my knees, whenever possible.

The thought prompts an unholy burst of laughter to try to fight past my lips, but I’m a master at containing my emotions. Even so, my lips twitch, but I manage to turn it into a polite cough. 

From TikTok Dancer: 

Snow paces at my side in silence with a pensive expression on his face, his hands clasped behind his back. 

My curiosity about this man is burning inside me, and it churns sickeningly in my gut with feelings of betrayal and animal lust. I want him. I hate him. And I don’t understand him. 

But the one thing I won’t do is be the first to break the silence. 

From Stars, Flowers, and Children,

He starts breathing again, but doesn’t speak to me. Not at first. Instead, he rushes to pile wood on the fire and then fumbles desperately for his own fire starting kit in the pouch he carries tied ‘round his waist. I’ve turned to watch him, morbidly curious about how he’s going to react to my betrayal. And it was a betrayal, I’m not fooling myself about that. I knew that Simon desperately wanted a ship to come. I knew how much getting off this island meant to him.

And I denied him that. 

From Cupid’s Shield:

I would have known something was wrong regardless from the way his smiles disappeared (even if he’d never smile at me, he smiles constantly at most anyone else, and I soak his happiness up vicariously every chance I get). 

I was so disturbed by his misery that I was tempted to invite him home with me. I didn’t—my family would have eaten him alive—but I wanted to. 

That early winter afternoon, we were all roused from the torpor of pre-holiday ennui by screams coming from the great lawn. I was in our tower room when it happened, and when I looked out to see a dragon strafing the lawn and Simon Snow running to face him…well, I didn’t think, I just acted. 

I raced out of Mummers and climbed to the ramparts.

From my COBB project:

“Snow, what the fuck,” he says, his voice coming out as a wheeze because of the way I’ve got him squeezed under my own bulk. 

“Shut up!” I snap. “You idiot! You nearly broke [redacted]!”

Baz stiffens under me when I call him an idiot, but when I accuse him, his muscles go slack, meaning I sink into him before I can stop myself. I swallow hard at how nice he feels against me, but then I tense up. This is beyond inappropriate. 

Tags and : @chen-chen-chen-again-chen, @bazzybelle, @dragoneggos, @erzbethluna, @palimpsessed, @frjsti, @fatalfangirl, @letraspal, @martsonmars, @melodysmash, @moments-au-crayon22, @moodandmist, @mostlymaudlin, @onepintobean, @raenestee, @tea-brigade, @upuntil6am, @whogaveyoupermission, @messofthejess, @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @krisrix, @shemakesmeforget, @larkral, @confused-bi-queer, @theearlgreymage, @j-nipper-95, @facewithoutheart, @best--dress, @nightimedreamersghost,  @thewholelemon, @youarenevertooold, @nausikaaa, @artsyunderstudy, @ileadacharmedlife, @angelsfalling16, @noblecorgi, @alexalexinii,


6 more days till posting day. To say I'm chomping at the bit is an understatement but hopefully I will survive!

In the meantime I have been chipping away at chapter 27 (the chapter after the one I'll be posting on Saturday). Here's a bit from that.



It’s Sunday! How’d that happen again so soon?

Here’s a little more from my Time Travel WIP, Back and Back and Back. Keeping the name, since I got a lot of positive feedback on it. As a reminder, this story features an older Simon who travels back in time and visits with a young Baz throughout his childhood. At some point, I might start worrying about sharing all the good bits on Tumblr before I’ve actually started posting this thing. Then again, I always love seeing tons of snippets in advance as a reader. Gets me hyped for when the thing finally gets published. So here you go!

“So,” he says, folding his legs in and scooting around to sit cross legged to face me. “Catch me up. What’s been going on lately?”
“Well, I’ve been taking tennis lessons at the club this summer. And Father gave me a violin for my eleventh birthday,” I remind him. “So I’ve been taking lessons for that, too. I’ve only been playing for six months but I quite like it.”
“Wait,” he puts his hands up. “You’re eleven now?”
I nod.
“So you’re starting at Watford soon?”
“I leave tomorrow,” I say quietly, pulling my knees up and hugging them to my chest.
It’s how I knew he’d come. He always comes when something important is happening. I prepared the [redacted] three days ago, and have been out here everyday, waiting.
He starts to smile, though it falters a bit. He forces it back in place, though it looks strained.
“That’s great, Baz.”
I feel the corners of my mouth tweak up. I’ve gotten quite used to his nickname for me over the years. I think I might even start using it with other people, when I get to school.

I’m loving writing these past bits. I’ve yet to find the rhythm of the parts in the present, though. Setting things up and having to wait for the conflict or character connections is always the least fun part of writing though. At least for me. Hopefully, I’ll hit my stride soon. Wish me luck!


Some Six Sentence Sunday

Thanks for the tag @hushed-chorus! I can’t wait to dive into the new chapter. I am not mad at all at a potential 300k new words when they are so gooooood.

If you've been keeping up with The Eternal Life of Baz Pitch, I hope you enjoyed your first peek at Simon! He'll feature heavily in every chapter moving forward.

If you've been holding out on reading, now might be a good time to start. I can't promise it won't hurt--sad Baz will still be sad Baz--but Simon will be a welcome balm each chapter. (I've also been informed by @bookish-bogwitch that my fic slaps so hard it can be read in any order...so feel free to jump in wherever you want 😆.)

For those who've kept up to speed, you deserve a little more comfort for putting up with angst-fest, so have a snippet from chapter 6 under the cut, featuring some Penny and Shep!


Hi folks! I hope you've all had a grand week! I just ate a bowl of crunchy nut cornflakes. It was pretty epic.

Chapter three of Those Glowing, Magickal Years went live today. Sorry for the wait, and hopefully the 8k word count makes up for the delay. That means the fic is 21k words so far, and we've only just come to the close of Year One. @erzbethluna keeps telling me this fic will end up at least 300k, and I fear she may be right.

In the spirit of Wednesday's rec post, please accept six sentences from TGMY that feature the word 'blood'.

Every bag of blood I sup on, every morsel I learn, I do so because he’s given it to me.  Today he’s a particularly unruly barrage of bangs and bravado, but at least he doesn’t smell like blood. “That bloody sword answered only to Pitches for generations!”  Hot blood splashed across my hands, face, clothes, and the carpet.  I want to lap up his insolent blood, let it thread all its heady warmth into me, let his heart coil around mine and bring it to life, just for a few precious, strong beats.  What the bloody hell is he up to? 

Tags below the cut, as well as some thoughts on another WIP I may pick up


Here's the next chapter...one maybe two chapters away from the good stuff.


Baz has a vital task to finish down in the catacombs.

Maybe it’s perverse that I come to my mother’s tomb to make Snow’s valentine. But, since he found me down here in our fifth year, this is the one place I can be certain he won’t follow me. I think I freaked him out with my little drunken show. .


At any rate, I can count on privacy here. And even if he did follow me down, he’s always been so unnerved by the abundant darkness and dead things down here that he tends to make plenty of noise. To dispel the shadows, I think. So I’ll hear him coming.

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