I am all in a sea of wonders

@gellavonhamster / gellavonhamster.tumblr.com

natalia, 30, dracula (1897) enthusiast in her one piece era. the world is quiet here.

Georgians are stronger than me, because if protests in my country were constantly confused with the state in USA, I would throw hands

And here we go again. Some account posted this picture from Georgian protests (and didn't mentioned it's from Georgia) on twitter and replies and quotes are filled with american activists assuming it's from american protests shaming her for being a performative white woman, who doesn't care that students are arrested. GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES! YOU'RE NOT THE CENTRE OF THE WORLD!

Imagine the fucking audacity to see a picture from a protest and your first thought is "yeah, of course that's America, there's no world outside US, so I'm gonna get riled up calling her performative white woman" when in reality it's a Georgian woman protesting in her own country.

Oh and when they see EU flag on pictures they ask "why is there EU flag??", because in their universe they think there's a EU flag in an american protest for some reason before they think "hey, this is probably not in US!"

American internet activists talk non-stop about americentrism while still participating in it. Maybe reflect on that?


I have also seen people calling her an iconic queen, but still assuming she is USAmerican. I wonder how many of those exact same people would call her a puppet taking part in a CIA-staged coup / colour revolution upon finding out where this photo is actually from.

Because that's one more feature in their thinking - they assume that every protest outside of the US is a CIA staged coup, because there is no way those other people can have agency.


Must admit that one thing that changed the way I see fandom discourse is realizing that a lot of fandom is just… playing with dolls. We're playing with dolls. Shipping? Playing with dolls. AUs? Dolls. Darkfic? Dolls.

Lotta people very agitated about the other kids playing with dolls wrong.

I love play as a part of life. I love how animals all play. That out of everything we do- we do so much for the basic need to survive, but if we're rested and fed and safe, we play. I love that we play even when we're not rested and fed and safe! Play is a feature of so many of my favorite things. We make music as play. So much of philosophy is playing with ideas. Art is play. Need may be the mother of invention but play is too. Play is in the scientific process. Play is in study, real study, not just learning by rote. Babies learn through play. To play is to love. To play is to live. I play therefore I am. I believe in play.

So when I say we are playing with dolls, I do not mean it dismissively.


What do I do with the rush that comes from writing two fics in such a short (for me) period. Do I continue The Musketeers WIP from the last year, or do I translate my old Turn fics into English? The latter is much more doable because they're short and that WIP fic is supposed to be long (it's already twice as long as most fics I've written, and that's only the first chapter and a half), but them not being translated doesn't weigh on my mind the way that WIP being unfinished does



One Piece || Smoker/Tashigi || set during the timeskip ao3 link rus || ao3 link eng

Halfway there, he realized that if he didn’t stop then, soon he’d fall down and wouldn’t get up anymore. So he had to rest against the wall and spend some time standing there, inhaling and exhaling steadily. It was unclear what made it harder to breathe, dizziness or fury.

The two petty officers that were passing by slowed down the pace.

“Hello, sir!”

Usually a nod is response was enough. This time, however, he must’ve looked as shitty as he felt, because the petty officers exchanged hesitant glances.

“Do they let you get up already?” one of them asked.

Smoker summoned up all the strength he had left, straightened his back, and stared at the speaker.

“They do,” he said forcefully. “Are you a doctor now, Burke?”


i wish i was a noble living in medieval camelot

i would go a-maying with queen guinevere. i would enter tournaments in which my head would be smitten from from shoulders. i would have an affair. i would not feast until something of great marvel happened in my court. i would commit atrocities with sir gawain and his brothers. i would be condemned for my actions and burned at the stake

“I don’t belong either to women who chase after, nor to women who are being chased after.”

— Marina Tsvetaeva (1892-1941), from notebooks “ Я не принадлежу ни к женщинам, которые бегают, ни к женщинам, за которыми бегают. “ (via finita–la–commedia)

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