

@salemfrogtrials / salemfrogtrials.tumblr.com

They/Them, He/Him, Aspiring writer who is fucking exhausted but otherwise having a good time. Terfs dni.

A mob of Zionists corner and beat Palestinian journalist Saif Al Qawasmi in the Arab quarter of Jerusalem (June 5, 2024). These pictures are worth a million words on their own, but do consider that this was in East Jerusalem, where the same Zionist mob chanted "death to Arabs" as they paraded through the area on the same day. Saif was also arrested by the Israeli police soon after he was assaulted, his equipment confiscated. Is the state protecting and coddling its unhinged far right citizen mobs? Of course, after all they share the same genocidal values.


saw this on twitter and though tumblr folks would appreciate it

edit: realized I forgot to add alt text to the image! updated now. i don't have much experience with alt text so if I inadvertently made it harder for a screen reader let me know and I'll try to fix it!


The difference between my family and other people is that my family thinks I'm manipulative and fake to everyone else in the world because they've never seen me act like a huge cunt like family has. The thing is, when I'm thrown off the loop and need like 30 minutes of silence to sit down on the floor an let the gunk in my brain settle back down to the bottom sediment layer without stirring them back up again, other people just let me do that.

Most people have never seen me become a huge cunt because they don't consider "please just let me sit down in silence for like 30 minutes so I don't turn into a huge cunt" to be an unreasonable request.

This was a favorite tactic of my mother's: insinuating that the version of me known to friends, teachers, and everyone else in my life was phony and that the angry, reactive version of me she saw was the "real me."

(She conveniently omitted the part where she and no one else went out of her way to bait me into a fight basically every day. Wonder why!)

Nobody knows you like family does because nobody treats you like family does.


Hob just killed a prince in one hit, poured MAGIC into the portal via tokens, gave up his court, and proposed to his love fully naked

He has truly upheld the values of rumpus and ruin


Nothing can happen to you.

It’s so sweet how adamant both Binx and Andhera are about protecting each other! They’re not only in the same court, but a perfect team. 

Reminder: If you have no voter ID, apply for a postal vote.


Signal boost for UK followers.

Sneaky though that looks (and IMO it IS sneaky, surfacing now as it has) the reason is legit: issue of 60+ cards require a passport or other "strong" ID, issue 18+ cards do not.

So register to vote...

...and get correct ID with which to do it.

This might mean getting a Voter Authority Certificate, for which the deadline is 5:00pm on 26 June 2024.

However the Registration To Vote deadline is 11:59pm on 18 June 2024.

That means 19 days as of this post, and the clock is ticking.


Northern Ireland's equivalent to the Voter Authority Certificate is an Electoral Identity Card, for which the deadline is midnight on 26 June 2024.


When will I receive my card? It takes time to process your application. If your application is successful you should allow up to six weeks to receive your Electoral Identity Card.

I wonder how an application for one of these made right now - or indeed made the instant the General Election was announced - will play out come 4th June.


So, if you’re like me and work in a place with public bathrooms, you most likely have seen this shit before. Some racist fuck graffiti’d up your bathroom with nazi bullshit with a permanent marker.

Tired of this bullshit? Me too, so I’m gonna show you how to get rid of it nice and quick! 

The tools you need: A cleaner appropriate for the surface, the appropriate tool to to wipe said surfaces, and the crucial piece: A dry erase marker.

It’s embarrassingly easy to get rid of and is gonna make those nazi fucks upset that we don’t tolerate their bullshit. 

Just grab your marker…

…and draw over it

then you spray it with your cleaner and then… wipe


now you too can use your new-found hack to get rid of sharpie graffiti

remember kids: fuck fascists, fuck nazis and racists, and fuck white supremacy 

Permanent markers and most pen inks are alcohol-soluble, so if you don’t work there or otherwise don’t have access to Cleaning Product then rubbing alcohol/hand sanitizer will do.

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