

@theofficialtweakernation / theofficialtweakernation.tumblr.com

High! Welcome to The Official Tweaker Nation! Circa May 2014
We are about love, curiosity, discovery, learning, support, shattering stigmas and stereotypes. Learning how to accept ourselves as we are, and that it Is okay to not be okay, is what we strive to achieve. It’s our main goal and focus. Youll see that not all of our members are tweakers, but clearly understand what we are all about. Positive reinforcement and good vibes.
To join the Nation, please send a message to our ASK BOX (Or if youre on the desktop site, link provided at top of page) that you would like to apply and why you want to join. Any/all requests sent via fan mail will be deleted/ignored.We will reply and post publicly if you were accepted. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT REQUESTS THROUGH FAN MAIL OR FROM ANONS . PLEASE TAG ALL TN RELATED POSTS AS #TWEAKER NATION. (That doesn’t mean dick pics or negativity of any sort.) . If you would like to submit to theofficialtweakernation's tumblr blog, please email your submission to theofficialtweakernation@gmail.com
*** If you are from the press or would like to interview theofficialtweakernation, please email theofficialtweakernation@gmail.com *** REQUIREMENTS
1. Must have positive vibes.
2. Be chill as fuck.
3. Be open minded, but still fight for your cause.
4. Respect everyone and everything.
5. There is NO age limit.
7. Non-tweakers welcome. =D
8. Shadow people are friends, too.
9. On Wednesdays, we wear meth.
10. Carpet surfing is never worth it.
THE OWNER/CREATOR OF TWEAKER NATION. (& the moderators of this blog)
methicalunicorn - Creator/Moderator
** xtragicallybeautifulxMother of Nation DEACTIVATED
** um-is-meth-a-carb President DEACTIVATED
SOME TAGS WE FOLLOW/MONITOR Click them; they work.
#tweaker nation - [Everything]
#nationslocations - [Where is TN?]

It’s actually hilarious to me how much people hate on tweaked like if you don’t like meth don’t do it. Why do my choices that don’t effect you bother you so much? Is your life so borin that your so concerned with what other people are doing? There are bad people wether your high or have never even tried a cigarette. Drug use doesn’t make you a piece of shit, being a bad person makes you a piece of shit so mind your own god damn business and educate yourself on the shit the government approves as “healthy” before attacking my life style.


Tweaker nation is back! As the if we ever left...Haha. How is everyone? I know I keep saying we'll be caught up.. But shit happens. If anyone wants to help out and get us some WiFi that would be great! Moved into a new apartment and haven't got around to doing the WiFi thing. Help is greatly appreciated! Love you, nation !


Salutations Members and Tweakers! 

  Im finally putting my fingers to the grind. I feel like I’ve been neglecting ya’ll.  I will soon be letting you guys know about a co-moderator that I’ve chosen that I think will be a great fit for the job. Can’t give out too much information just yet. But soon I will leak some of whats going on there.  Anyway, my main goal right now is to have things set up for the co-moderator so getting started on the job a little easier. It’s definitely a lot of work and theres so many demands. Especially from you guys. I have turned of “asks/messaging” during this process so I’m not overwhelmed with more applications (of people who have asked over a million times if they’ve been approved.) WIth that I say, EVERYONE IS APPROVED UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. Please stop asking if youve been approved, or why you havent been approved. Please stop. You will be notified or somehow notified of your new membership.  Another thing I wanna touch on is, nudity in the #tweaker nation tag. NOBODY WANTS TO SEE IT. Please keep it clean or by all means necessary, I will revoke your membership. Trust me. I have already with a few members and wont hesitate to do it again to others. Btw, if youve submitted anything to the submission email “theofficialtweakernation@gmail.com” It has been seen and it will be submitted. Sorry for the slowness.  Anyway, let me get things going on with gettings things organized. <3 you guys!  p.s. the OFFICIAL tweaker nation tag is “#tweaker nation”  anything other than that is not affiliated with tweaker nation. 

Alright guys, here's the deal. I'm slowly getting back into the gist of things. Moved to California. Got a job. Finally things are moving forward. As my Christmas gift to you guys, I'll be updating tweaked nation. To the best of my ability.... Lol.
I am taking applications for a moderator to help up keep this thing when I can't. We can't let the dream die!
Just a short update while I'm thinking about it.
Safe flying!
- theofficialtweakernation

Hello Tweaker Nation! 

Long time no talk. How are ya? Hows ya momma and them? Good, good. 

Now lets get down to business.

I was recently interview on behalf of Tweaker Nation by a pretty well known(as far as I could tell)  radio station in California. The questions were very in depth and specific. But I didn't break so easy. For the most part. I spoke of truth and honesty the best I could. Please don’t heckle me too bad. I'm working out a way to get the podcast or sound clip of said interview for all you to hear with your super sonic hearing.  Dont you worry youre pretty little heads. I’m also in the works for another interview with another journalist.  Again, don’t worry. I will do us all justice!  No need to fear, your creator and unicorn is here! Also, I will be updated the member list. PLEASE DO NOT! I REPEAT DO NOT message me about you not being on the list. You will be ignored. If you applied on my personal blog way back when, youll need to re-apply on this blog. If youve had a URL change and have not been approved with your new URL, you must re-apply. More on that stuff later.

If you messaged me in the past 6 months, I havent been on to read your messages. No, I havent been ignoring you. Living life, ya know? Who knew? But I will be getting to those ASAP. 

Anyway, just wantedto update ya’ll on the haps and touch base. Thanks for sticking with me on this jourey.  Oh! And to all the members who are now in recovery or clean (etc), you’ll always be a member at heart. You can take the tweak out of the girl/boyr but you cant take the boy/girl out of the tweak. Or something liek that . Im proud of you guys the most for deciding to tell the devilish tina no. Youre all doing a wonderful job. You can make it! Go you! (Just dont forget about us little people on your way to success!) Sincerely and spunderful,    -  The Official Tweaker Nation  methicalunicorn P.S. the official tag for the nation IS IN FACT #tweaker nation. WITH A SPACE! 


Spacecadet Dyl’s incoming message from space: “This is current view - so far, so good! I’ll be reporting back shortly! Over and Spun;” How is everybody’s summer night going? theofficialtweakernation


I find Pupils the size of Dimes attractive, is that weird? Anyways always remember to tell somebody if you feel more unusual than normal! Something could go wrong, just don’t over do it people! Use and Abuse with some moderation.. Other than that have a blast like me! theofficialtweakernation

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