
You Gotta

@secret-swifty / secret-swifty.tumblr.com

anime sucks

unfollowing basically anyone who isnt an aesthetic blog sorry


okay but

fuck your stereotypes

long hair is not “girly”

the same way short hair is not “manly”

hair has no gender

hair is just hair

&as long as you’re not disrespecting a culture with the way you do it

you keep on doing you

Its like someone looked into my brain and decided to make a photo set based on men I would find so overwhelmingly attractive I couldn’t look directly at them if I met them in person

Source: actionables

hey truscum the creator of the trans flag made a specific place for nonbinary people so…….

I never knew the white stripe was for nonbinary people!!

Not only is this fantastic information that I wish I’d known about sooner but Helms seems like a hilarious and fantastic woman and ilhsm


Sing me the song of your people SOUP! meow! Sing me the song of your friends SOUP! meow! Sing me a song for the good times SOUP! meow! Sing me a song, a song. HEY SOUP! meeeeoooow!

Is…is this cat’s name soup?

His full name is “Soupy Bonjour”.

We call him “Soup” for short.


wow i scrolled for like 20 minutes and i feel physically sick. i feel like ive just taken a drug that ive finally weaned my addiction to. i remember why i stopped using this site, tag your drama for those who havnt been able to escape


these Bird Kids are all ive drawn this week : > (that me smiling with a beak) (also click for captions)


fun personality quiz here  :) don’t take it if you’re paranoid but you agree with the results let me know!

okay so the paranoia thing was definitely a useful warning because I was a stubborn little dick and took it anyway, and now my heart’s racing BUT the results were honestly freakishly accurate how the fuck did you get that much about me from weird blurry shape preferences

anyway so this post is a psychological horror game.

I didn’t come to be called out like this

That’s creepy

holy shit


Justin and Griffin McElroy’s Best Polygon Game Overviews

[not “best” in terms of giving good game overviews, “best” in terms of McElroy hilarity]

Who’s Your Daddy? - it’s a game where one player is a baby trying to kill themselves by drinking bleach, drowning in bathtubs, etc. while the dad tries to baby proof the house and keep the baby alive. hilarity ensues.

I Expect You To Die - Griffin is a little tipsy and he makes Justin tell him how to play the game, while occasionally actively working against him (Justin is frustrated and charmed by turns).

Car Mechanic Simulator 2015 - Griffin tries to do some car maintenance with Justin on commentary. Griffin doesn’t know how cars work and after a while they stop caring about repairing the cars and it becomes a small mob operation? it’s very fun.

American Truck Simulator - Griffin is bad at being a truck driver. the way they play this one reminds me of monster factory. “Wow, it only costs you $250 to drive the wrong way down the highway! I think for that kind of thrill it’s a-worth it!”

Rust - Griffin and Justin wander around Rust and have some great interactions with other people in the game

Girl’s Club - Griffin is very distressed by the game’s sexism, Justin has a great time picking his dream dates, and dream boys.

Catlateral Damage - this one…is a trip. it’s 23 minutes long and over the course of the video Justin realizes that Griffin is attempting to hold him hostage by refusing to end the video and it becomes a wild battle of wills.

Spooky’s House of Jumpscares - Justin isn’t in this one, but you get to hear Griffin get a little spooked. it involves scared laughter and many distressed “alright. so- alright”s

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