
My Mom Thinks I'm Cool

@badndngirl / badndngirl.tumblr.com

"They used to say the only good Indians were dead Indians." Muscogee/white, she/they. Thirty-something. Married. Mom.

Want one of those jobs with wfh privileges and lots of pto. A job that lets me work ~as little~ as possible


“We aren’t genetically programmed for monogamy” *yawn*


man some of the seven deadly sins aren’t even that bad. sorry I’m angry n wanna fuck? Sorry I ate a lot? shut up


I cannot and will not tell my Twitter mutuals to follow me here. You have to be grandfathered in to this space


scrolling twitter today and then coming over here is like walking out of a burning building and then walking into the calm remains of a building that burnt down 5 years ago and has been reclaimed by nature.


tubi is one of our greatest warriors in the fight against streaming services costing a fortune for mediocre content. tubi has the most insane collection of movies you will ever encounter all for free. it has cult classics and questionable lifetime movies and movies that nobody except like three people on the planet have ever seen. tubi has movies that doesn’t exist. like if you just thought of a movie one day but never made it and no one ever made it it would somehow still exist on tubi. one day i will log onto tubitv dot com and i will see terribly inappropriate, overly complex, and strange on there. and i won’t even be surprised.

Tubi is where I found this gem:

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