
“Find what you love and let it kill you.”

@ooc-miqojak / ooc-miqojak.tumblr.com

(she/her) Bi demigirl 30+ Gamer/nerd --- Now an OOC blog - WoW content will be moved to @musee-de-muse. (No minors pls!)


that purple in the middle is not the right saturation, it doesn't fit with the other two colors and it drives me crazy.

all right, I think I got this, I've got dual citizenship and I have another flag we can borrow from:

step 1

step 2

step 3

This is true bi/ace solidarity.


holy shit


This is the only correct way


  1. swapped purple in bisexual and asexual flags for better saturation matching and color theory

i hate when i send someone a meme in another language and they're like "uhm... translate? 😒" fucker i sent you a meme where 90% of the words have an english cognate and/or you don't need to know what they're saying to find it funny. can you at least TRY

i sent this meme to 7 people, and 4 of them asked me to translate for them. i legitimately do not think that was necessary.


The phrase 'no pain, no gain' has rung most true to me during bouts of physical therapy. Healing is hurting. Mending is teaching your muscles how to work again. Showing your bones where they belong.

I literally laid on a table and had a wrap around my waist, with a machine attached to it, pulling the lower half of my body away from the upper half, today. Like...you know, the rack - the medieval torture table - except that part felt kinda nice! ...it was the bridges and the walking a short distance afterwards that were hell.

The pain isn't exactly enjoyable, but...you've got to endure it. You endure it, you push through it, and at the end of it all? You heal. You hurt less over all.

Sometimes you have to hurt, to heal - and it isn't always physical hurting and healing that go hand in hand, either. There is, however, a light at the end of the tunnel.


you ever have “cry and scream yourself awake” level nightmares that are immediately the stupidest premises imaginable the moment you actually wake up


The last time I wailed “help, please, help me, heeelp” loud enough to have the whole house come running, it was because I was having a nightmare that I was in my laundry room, and out of the corner of my eye I witnessed a Snoopy stuffed animal slowly rise up on two legs, as if being manipulated by a ghost or perhaps made animate by a possessing spirit, and slowly start to dance the Macarena.

I can’t stop thinking about this


The whole "the brain isn't fully mature until age 25" bit is actually a fairly impressive bit of psuedoscience for how incredibly stupid the way it misinterprets the data it's based on is.

Okay, so: there's a part of the human brain called the "prefrontal cortex" which is, among other things, responsible for executive function and impulse control. Like most parts of the brain, it undergoes active "rewiring" over time (i.e., pruning unused neural connections and establishing new ones), and in the case of the prefrontal cortex in particular, this rewiring sharply accelerates during puberty.

Because the pace of rewiring in the prefrontal cortex is linked to specific developmental milestones, it was hypothesised that it would slow down and eventually stop in adulthood. However, the process can't be directly observed; the only way to tell how much neural rewiring is taking place in a particular part of the brain is to compare multiple brain scans of the same individual performed over a period of time.

Thus, something called a "longitudinal study" was commissioned: the same individuals would undergo regular brain scans over a period of mayn years, beginning in early childhood, so that their prefrontal development could accurately be tracked.

The longitudinal study was originally planned to follow its subjects up to age 21. However, when the predicted cessation of prefrontal rewiring was not observed by age 21, additional funding was obtained, and the study period was extended to age 25. The predicted cessation of prefrontal development wasn't observed by age 25, either, at which point the study was terminated.

When the mainstream press got hold of these results, the conclusion that prefrontal rewiring continues at least until age 25 was reported as prefrontal development finishing at age 25. Critically, this is the exact opposite of what the study actually concluded. The study was unable to identify a stopping point for prefrontal development because no such stopping point was observed for any subject during the study period. The only significance of the age 25 is that no subjects were tracked beyond this age because the study ran out of funding!

It gets me when people try to argue against the neuroscience-proves-everybody-under-25-is-a-child talking point by claiming that it's merely an average, or that prefrontal development doesn't tell the whole story. Like, no, it's not an average – it's just bullshit. There's no evidence that the cited phenomenon exists at all; if there is an age where prefrontal rewiring levels off and stops (and it's not clear that there is), we don't know what age that is; we merely know that it must be older than 25.


Anyone else think the “phantom cat shaver” might be an inside cat vigilante trying to send a message? This is already making some Brits say they’ll keep their cats indoors.

the fact that the threat of an unsightly cat is worse to these people than the threat of their cat dying or the ecological damage

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