
I claim this tumblr in the name of SCIENCE!

@voodooseason-blog / voodooseason-blog.tumblr.com

Wherein I document my Femshep's amazing derpfaces, among other things.

He's all yours, Kasumi.

Okay, well, I'm in the middle of another series playthrough, and this happened:

Liv kinda made a perfect Condescending Wonka face, and since it was during one of those ridiculous Femshep conversations with Jacob...

I mean...she's so ridiculously paragon she barely had scars left by the time Dr. Chakwas told her she could have them surgically fixed, and even the renegade responses I had her give him were just as professionally polite as the paragon lines she has with any other squaddie. Anything 'nicer' than renegade made her go into Creepy Cougar mode.





This Week In Derp

So I started another playthrough to A) see if I could get Liv looking reasonably similar in the previous games, and if my texmods would look decent ported over to ME1/2, and B) actually take screenshots of the first two games this time.

A) I (mostly) did, and they do! Yay!

    Other than the impossible-to-match mouth, I think it turned out pretty okay! What I wouldn't give for an ME1 Gibbed though...her mouth is far too wide sometimes, and I didn't realize how much I would regret not picking the high bun hairstyle until I was halfway through Feros. Oh well, still pretty happy with her overall.


        Eeeeheeheeheehee... XD


Me, indecisive? Psh.

Pardon me while I blather on about things only I am concerned about...

So you know how I said I'd gotten my Shep exactly how I wanted her? lolwatno

Nothing huge--the biggest change was that I decided I preferred the sad-eyed look you get with the doe eyes, rather than the sort of...glam(?) looking Ashley eyes I had before. So! Now we have this:


I was playing around in Gibbed and thought I'd see what ol' Liv looks like with freaky Illusive Man eyes...


Don't know if I'm going to keep them, but yeah...I like. 

Also, can I say how much I love Eva's normal map? Except for those weird jaggies around the nostrils, it's smooth and defined and looks SO much better than the 3rd complexion's norm. (WHY THE HELL DID SHE GROW 3D FRECKLES??? Ugh.) The part I really like about it though is those exaggerated hollows under the eyes. With the otherwise heavy makeup it makes it look like, despite all her effort to hide it, (My Shep, bless her, is Vain. As. Fuck.) she just can't cover up how exhausted saving the entire galaxy has made her. Normal maps validating headcanon FTW!



I think...I think I may have gotten my Shep to look exactly how I want her. SHE'S JUST SO DANGED CUTE NOW I CAN'T EVEN STAND IT. \o/

(Now! On to fixing the ME1-2 versions and tweaking the makeup maps so they match the modified lip borders! I love the feeling of making progress. ^_^)


She is a sharpshooter with the durability of wet tissue paper. Her friend is a cyborg space ninja with the most deadly tech Cerberus money can buy.

Together they are… ANNOYING AS HELL.


i r tumblrdumb

I can’t find your ask box on your new theme! LOL! But I just wanted to say THANK YOU & I will be sure to take shots as soon as I can <3

(Batmuffins here, replying from my fandomy tumblr...I haven't quite mastered the art of separating "Main Tumblr" from "Prevent IRL-Friend Followers From Realizing The True Extent of My Geekery Tumblr" yet, heh, sorry about that. This one's got an Ask though, at least! :D Yay!)

You're VERY WELCOME, and I can't wait to see! BTW if I ever get around to porting it over to 1 and 2 like you mentioned I'll be sure to let you know!


My Femshep Face Mods, AWWW YISSS

I've been playing entirely too much just enough Mass Effect lately, to the point where I'm practicing texmodding. Mostly for Femshep, as you can see here. It's fun! (The one up top is the one I use most often, but I'm really pleased with how Jack's came out as well. Ashley, well...Ashley's being difficult.) There's a few more I've been wanting to try (Kasumi, Diana, cannibalizing textures from other games so I can have, say, Alyx Vance saving the galaxy, etc.), and since I FINALLY found a way to get the normal maps working without seams or loss of detail, these should be coming along a lot quicker. Yay! Stay tuned, yo.


This tumblr is what happens when you don't want your obsession du jour taking over your main Pretty Pictures Yay! tumblr. So to start, here's a picture of my Shep making a sweet, sweet derpface. Because that's what she does. She derps across the stars.

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