

@culture-cafe / culture-cafe.tumblr.com

closed! go to @ankathi-a

Welcome to the Café! 

This is a network for NCT writers [OT23], to display their work in our coffee shop menu. Would you like an expresso (angst)? No problem. Caramel machiatto (fluff)? We have that in abundance. Craving some hot chocolate? (Crack) We have it all!

The stories we reblog have been carefully crafted and brewed by our writers, the members and baristas. 

We do not reblog SMUT! (Both admins are minors)

We track from #neoculturecafe

Would you like to apply? Read the rules here: rules

Reblog this post

Read the rules? Apply here: barista application

For any questions, you may contact our admins:

Thank you for stopping by the Café ! 



the network is moving to @ankathi-a ! With a new concept and different team of admins/staff, it will function much more smoothly than this one!


  • as the head admin and creator of @culture-cafe, i am simply not happy with it anymore. i want a network that has the ability to do much more than just a ‘cafe’ theme.
  • the co-admin; xing yi; is not active on tumblr that much, which makes it difficult for me to manage this network alone. I’d much rather change it to something I am motivated to work for
  • the new net is a shared sideblog!! this makes it easier to actually do the net work, without having to log out of my main blog


  • like it is mentioned above, the new net functions on a shared sideblog, with the queue moderators and co admins alike. This makes the functioning of the net much smoother
  • @ankathi-a has much more scope for activities such as events and even broadening of the groups we facilitate!
  • it has a concept that i am motivated and willing to work for. I wasn’t fully satisfied with the ‘cafe’ theme, and this is just an upgrade


what about the existing members? existing members of this network have been directly transferred to the new one! the members list will be out shortly. all current members tagged in this post have been added, please go and follow the rules of the new network! 

what about those writers who have applied during the current application period? there hasn’t been an application post since the acceptance of our third batch; the fourth batch of applicants will be announced with the first batch of members from the new network! don’t worry, you do not have to reapply. this application and now been closed.

is there a change in the tracking tags? yes! the new tracking tag is #ankathia; all the information is up on the new network so make sure to check it out.


tagging our current applicants! these are the blogs who have only applied to THIS NETWORK but haven’t been accepted yet!

you do not have to apply again! all your applications have been taken into consideration; but please reblog the new official post of the new network and follow it! and of course, read this post too!



the network is moving to @ankathi-a ! With a new concept and different team of admins/staff, it will function much more smoothly than this one!


  • as the head admin and creator of @culture-cafe, i am simply not happy with it anymore. i want a network that has the ability to do much more than just a ‘cafe’ theme.
  • the co-admin; xing yi; is not active on tumblr that much, which makes it difficult for me to manage this network alone. I’d much rather change it to something I am motivated to work for
  • the new net is a shared sideblog!! this makes it easier to actually do the net work, without having to log out of my main blog


  • like it is mentioned above, the new net functions on a shared sideblog, with the queue moderators and co admins alike. This makes the functioning of the net much smoother
  • @ankathi-a has much more scope for activities such as events and even broadening of the groups we facilitate!
  • it has a concept that i am motivated and willing to work for. I wasn’t fully satisfied with the ‘cafe’ theme, and this is just an upgrade


what about the existing members? existing members of this network have been directly transferred to the new one! the members list will be out shortly. all current members tagged in this post have been added, please go and follow the rules of the new network! 

what about those writers who have applied during the current application period? there hasn’t been an application post since the acceptance of our third batch; the fourth batch of applicants will be announced with the first batch of members from the new network! don’t worry, you do not have to reapply. this application and now been closed.

is there a change in the tracking tags? yes! the new tracking tag is #ankathia; all the information is up on the new network so make sure to check it out.



𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐬 | 𝐳𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐞

·°` listen to my youth by nct dream `°·
p : chenle × fem!reader | g : angst, fluff in the end (?), lovers to strangers!au | w : bittersweet ending, alcohol consumption + mention, crying (?)
a/n : I love this boy with all my heart also PLEASE listen to the song while reading for the best experience!

Y/n sighed. Her fingers fiddled with her dress pants as she stared up at the dark sky. The night was quiet outside. She overheard the familiar chatter inside, a loud pop followed by laughter and cheers. She tilted her head and heard a bit, and then looked back up to the twinkling sky and sighed.

She looked down at the ground from the balcony she stood at. That ground, that grass. She took so many steps on there with him, she saw him grow up, she saw him fall there and stand up to his feet. Those trees are where they hid as kids. And now she’s here, standing tall on the balcony, rewatching those memories as if it were a film. Maybe it was just her fogging eyes playing tricks on her, but the fireflies shaped into figures, chasing each other, and the distant laughter blended into the background. So distant, she felt like she was standing in a completely different world.

And this house, this place, is now her other home.

She snapped out of her daze when she heard the door snap open a bit, followed by sharp footsteps. She turned a bit to see Chenle, well dressed in a suit, with two glasses of champagne in his hands. He offered one to Y/n with his natural warm smile, and leaned on the railing, looking at the sky with her. They took a sip together.

“Looking for something?” He asked, squinting his eyes at the stars. His features seemed sharper under the moonlight. His lips were slightly wet from the champagne. His cologne roamed the air.

Y/n sighed. “Just looking at how far we’ve come.”

He looked down at her, a small smile tugging on the corner of his lips. “Don’t get emotional, you dork.”

“Don’t act like you’re not,” she took another sip, looking down at the garden. There were small fairy lights decorating the walls, and confetti littered around from the previous surprise.

“Congrats for getting accepted,” she smiled at him.

He elbowed her and inched closer, “Thanks for being there.”


He looked at her again, tilting his head. His silky hair shifted with the slow breeze. Was his eyes wetter than usual?

“Thanks for being there when dad wasn’t.”

“Zhong Chenle,” she rolled her eyes to distract from her shaking voice, “You’d never get rid of me even if you tried.”

His glass was almost empty now. “Maybe so.”

She sighed, licking her lips. Her chest was getting tighter. Finally, she mustered the courage to speak. “I guess this is goodbye, then.”

He only stared at the sky, tears brimming in his eyes. “Seems so.”

The breeze blew her hair into her eyes. From the corner of his eye, Chenle watched her tuck them behind her ears, but the breeze was too strong. He hummed and pushed his glass towards her hands, pulling out the hair tie he stole from her as kids from his pocket and held her hair. He pulled the hair away from her face and tied them into a low ponytail. Parts of her loose hair fell in front of her face. Slowly, he tucked them behind her ears, and smiled.

“You look prettier like this.”

Y/n watched him let his fingers linger around her cheeks before inching closer, placing his lips on her own. Her lips trembled against his, the soft taste of her drink lingered on his tongue. The breeze curled around them as Chenle felt her muffle a sob in her throat, and his other hand wrapped around her waist. He pulled away with a soft peck, and placed his forehead against hers.

“I’m sorry that this is the end.”

She sniffed, closing her eyes. He continued, “And I’m sorry I was too late.”

Her trembling lips curled into a smile, “That’s alright, Lele. We all make mistakes.”

There was silence. Chenle saw her tears stream down her cheeks, trickle down her neck and onto the collar of her dress shirt. His finger wiped it away.

“I’ll come back,” he said finally, “I’ll come for you.”

“You can’t,” she whispered.

“Of course I can,” he whispered softly, “Why can’t I?”

She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. “I’ll come,” he held her hand, “Okay?”

She only nodded. There was nothing she could say. The people inside started growing wary of his disappearance, and a commotion started. But Chenle didn’t move. Even he knew that part of him was only hopelessly muttering nonsense for the comfort of their hearts.

Yet he still continued firmly. “For the sake of our youths.”

She smiled a bit, and looked up at him, her beautiful eyes glittering, stars dancing in her pupils. “You dream too much.”

“Maybe that’s why I’m standing here now. And if my dream could bring me here.”

He took in a breath, and continued.

“Then my dream can bring us together. One day.”

She ran her tongue over her lips. “Why would you?”

“For you.”


He nodded, wiping her tears with his thumb, smiling for her.


main taglist (hmu to get added!) : @koishua @allegxdly @stayctday @yunntext @neotism @jungwon-luv-bot-pt3 @bluejaem @leetaeyonglover @radiorenjun @sleepylixie @oifelixcmerebrou

Finale: Glitter and Gold

Pairing: princess!y/n x prince!Chenle

Themes: royalty au, fluff, angst

Warnings: arranged marriage, violence, war, character death, injury, descriptions of injury and blood

Words: 11.5k


Note: This is it! The final chapter of Royal Blooded! I want to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who has read and supported this story. The first chapter of this story was published before I had 100 followers on here, and now, as we celebrate the finale, we have over 1500. I have grown so much throughout the 9 months of my life that I spent creating this world, and every word of support, every message, every ask about it means so much to me. I’m a little emotional that it’s ending because of how long I spent on it and how much I put into it, but I am so excited to look forwards at everything that’s coming next. Thank you for the love on this, and enjoy the finale!

Felix xox


~ 6 months later ~

You held your head high as you walked towards the throne room. You had your main servant walking behind you and two guards escorting you on either side. Your shoes made small tapping noises on the stone floor with every step you took and your clothes and hair gently flowed in time to the repetitive movement. Your lady in waiting was smoothing out your dress as you moved, trying to make everything look perfect. You paused as she quickly adjusted one final piece of hair before giving you a loving smile and hug and wishing you well.

Your chest felt tight with nerves and you took a deep breath. Your dress was beautiful, the most expensive one you owned and you were made up to look more beautiful than you think you ever had before. Your mother had bought this dress for you and, as soon as you had seen it your jaw had dropped, the scarlet red colour complimented your skin tone perfectly and the gold details that swirled around to form the shape of dragons were captivating.

You knew that a dress like this would only be wearable on a day like today, the most important day of your life.

You approached the grand doors, nodding at the two knights guarding the entrance with a smile, both of whom bowed back before moving their spears and opening the grand doors for you.

The throne room appeared in all its glory. The metal chandelier hung from the ceiling, dangling above the engraved stone floors that were currently stood on by the entire court. The court and knights of your kingdom were all in neat rows on the left of the room, framed by the sculpted columns that ran up the walls, engraved with detailed patterns. On the right side of the great hall stood another court entirely. One which you had met once and had recently had the pleasure of getting to know better. Their red and gold emblems were proudly on display on their cloaks, letting everyone who saw them know that they were the court of the royal kingdom of Shanghai.

You remembered doing this over a year and a half ago, only then you had been meeting Chenle for the first time. If someone had told you just how much he would come to mean to you in such a short amount of time, you would never have believed them. You had thought it would take you years to fall for the boy you were arranged to marry, but life is funny like that. You look back now and you don’t see him as the boy you were arranged to love, but rather the boy you were destined to.

`′。.゚ listen to blue by taeyong blue side by jhope `′。.゚
p : na jaemin × fem!reader | g : angst, fluff in the end | warnings : reader has a breakdown, unsatisfaction? Is that a word?, frustration
a/n : oof I literally feel reader rn bc of my history grade and I went "uknow what, kai? Take advantage of your distress and write a timestamp." *taps head* seize the opportunity, boys.
also this sucks btw

— [03 : 02 HRS] "Honey, it's been three hours and-"

Jaemin walked out from behind the hallway, rubbing his eyes and speaking in a low and hazy voice, with a pretty pout on his lips. He took a seat near Y/n, who ignored what he was saying and continued to write something on a piece of paper.

Her laptop was open in front of her, presenting a powerpoint slideshow, crumbled balls of paper and a few broken pencils were scattered all over the table. There were pencil sharpenings in her hair, her eyes blinked repeatedly as she kept scribbling, and she held her wrist as she wrote, as if it hurt, but she couldn't afford to stop. Down her cheeks were the wet streaks of air-dried tears. They were glowing from the light of the screen.

"Are you even listening to me?"

He asked, a little more awake now, watching her carefully.

She hummed in response, practically ignoring him. He clicked his tongue and sighed, getting up and fixing a glass of water for her. He kept it on the table next to her and began taking the pencil sharpenings out of her hair, flicking them away and muttering under his breath. She sighed and looked up, angry eyes red with newly brewing tears and eyebrows furrowed. Her pale lips held a scowl.

"Not now, Jaemin. Go back to sleep."

"It's three fucking AM. I'm not leaving you."

"Oh, come on, I just have ten more minutes left. I'll be right there."

"That's what you said 3 hours ago."

She sighed, and grabbed the glass of water, her hand shaking, and took a sip. He slowly extended his hand and picked the pen out from her hand, throwing it further away and curling his fingers in hers, massaging her hands. She watched him, but didn't stop him. She sighed quietly, and looked down, her head hanging low in defeat. She sniffled a bit, and slowly those sniffles turned into sobs.

Jaemin watched calmly, tears brimming in his own eyes as she broke down desperately in front of him. She ripped her hand away from his and held it in front of her face, hiding her crying features.

He pursed his lips and sighed, bending forward and pulling her into his embrace. He ran his fingers through her hair as she sobbed into his neck, clutching him for dear life. He didn't really say anything. He couldn't say anything. What could he say?

He rubbed her back as she slowly calmed down, shaking as her chest rose and fell to steady her breathing. He reached out to the halfway full glass and held it in front of her. Slowly, she let go of the tight grip on his waist and took it in her hand, finishing the glass.

The audible twinkle of the chimes hanging near the window echoed throughout the room, curling with the cold breeze that enveloped them. Jaemin bent below and placed a lingering kiss on her forehead, blinking as his eyes burned.

"What's wrong? Can I help?"

She only tightening her grip around him, pushing herself further into his warm body. "I didn't get the grade I studied for, I wanted to study for what I missed..."


"I don't get the marks no matter how hard I work. What's even the fucking point? No one would see how hard I work at home, no one lives with me to watch my effort. In the end, it's just my good memory. And it's never good enough."

He hummed, feeling her sigh against his skin. "Did you pass the grade?"

"Well, yeah I passed. If this wasn't an exam, I'd be satisfied with it. But, I worked harder than what I actually got."

"Yeah, that's a problem."

There was silence. Then, he felt her smiling a bit against his neck. "But, I didn't know that I had so much bottled inside."

He leaned his cheek against her head, smiling a bit too. "Does it feel better?"

"Yeah. Much better."

He chuckled a bit, there was a husky rattle from his chest, and rubbed her arm. "You got me emotional too, you know."

She looked up a bit, her eyes were still bloodshot and her lips were still red, but she was smiling. She peered closer at his eyes, and then gasped. "No, don't cry!"

He laughed at her. "Why not?"

"If you do, I'll cry all over again."

He slid his fingers in hers, and placed his forehead against hers. "At least we'll be crying together."

She slapped his arm, clicking her tongue as he looked into her glassy eyes.

"So cheesy, Jaemie."

main taglist (hmu to be added) : @koishua @kisshim @allegxdly @stayctday  @yunntext  @neotism  @jungwon-luv-bot-pt3  @bluejaem  @leetaeyonglover  @radiorenjun  @sleepylixie

play; l.ty

Pairing: Lee Taeyong x reader

Themes: making out, sexual tension, they kiss for like five hundred words straight lord help me

Wc: 1.3k

Taglist: (requested by @sleepylixie​) 

Authors Note: LOOK HOW PRETTY HE IS okay so i think a taeyong makeout scene is very much overdue for me ;-; but i swore i was going to write this for another member but then pinterest gave me this pic and his eyes oh my god and his piercings and ill shut up now I hope you enjoy this!

‘I’ll play you on repeat’


You licked your lips, eyes trained onto him. Even in the dim lighting of the room, his eyes shone with a glint you couldn’t quite decipher. He was leaning against the wall, fingers curled around the stem of the flute he held, the liquid inside it glimmering golden .


The Promiscuity Papers ; Ep 1: The Kissing Booth Boy

Pairing: Mark Lee x reader

Themes: college! au, best friends to lovers, best friend! mark lee, journallist! Huang Renjun, romcom, fuckgirl! reader, suggestive, kissing, etc, angst, crack, fluff

Warnings: swearing, kissing, food, mentions of sex, mentions of one night stands

Wc: 3k

  • Summary: A gossip column reveals an ongoing web of people and lies, as our group of students struggle to find love and happiness​

Send an ask/message to be added to the taglist! 

Authors Note: My first series! This is the first episode of TPP and I’m so excited for it! Thank you to @peach-custard-pie​ for helping me plan and execute this series, and I hope you enjoy! Feedback is always appreciated ;)


All was well and good at the Generic University (or GNU, for short) except in the student editor’s office, where a happy (questionably) couple was having a little argument.

p : jeno × fem!reader | g : action, fluff, humor, bestie!jeno, street racer!reader | w : running away from the police, illegal shit like drifting and literally breaking the law, cursing,
extra note : also my entire knowledge of driving comes from a) observing and b) playing race car games so if you see any inaccuracies it's because I can't drive yet <3
a/n : if I wasn't a student I would dip to become a street racer literally the passion is fucking running in my veins and yes if you're wondering I'm learning to drive but this is horribly inaccurate

— [00 : 07 HRS] "What the fuck are you doing! Pull over!"

Jeno was strapped to his seat like some toddler in his highchair, patting Y/n's shoulder aggressively. The other hand clutched on the safety bar. He was also screeching on the top of his lungs as Y/n swerved into the direction of the main road. Behind them, some black and white car chased them, red and blue lights creeping into the car.

The car windows started being decorated with dots of water as polkadots, and Jeno cursed under his breath.

"Y/n," he said as calm as he could manage, "You're gonna get us arrested."

"Fuck that," she was grinning like a madman as she zipped onto the highway. The police car behind them switched lanes besides them, and Jeno made eye contact with the officer. "Pull over!" He mouthed.

Jeno's fingers slowly reached to Y/n's arm, "The officer."

She glanced to the side and rolled her eyes, gripping the steering wheel, "Hang on."

Jeno stared at her. "H-Hang on—"

And then he screamed as Y/n accelerated, and the cars around seemed to blur. The police car was long gone lost in the traffic, and the car's engine boomed as Y/n stepped on the brake and drifted, exiting off the main road and into a small, dark street. She drove silently for a while before she pulled the keys out, glancing behind and unbuckled Jeno's seatbelt, and tugging his shirt as she crouched down.

"Keep your head low," she whispered.

Soon, the familiar red and blue lights bounced off the walls in the alley. They stood there for a couple of seconds before finally fading down the corner. Jeno sighed as Y/n peeked.

"We are never doing that again," he spoke as Y/n started the engine, a smirk curling on her lips.

"Why, aren't you a real ray of sunshine?"

"Y/n! You almost got me and yourself in jail!

"Fun, wasn't it?"

He stared at her face in silence.

"And then you ask me why my mom hates you."

Y/n smiled, pinching his cheeks. "But you don't."

"And fuck me for that," he sighed in defeat, crossing his arms and staring out the window as the car hummed, the noise oddly comforting now.

"I love you too, asshole."

main taglist (hmu to get added!) : @koishua @kisshim @allegxdly @stayctday @yunntext @neotism @jungwon-luv-bot-pt3 @bluejaem @leetaeyonglover @radiorenjun @sleepylixie @oifelixcmerebrou

close to you | jaehyun (teaser)

[RELEASE DATE]: Mid-May 2021

SUMMARY. You and Jaehyun have been dancing around each other for years, never finding the courage to speak up on your feelings. But here’s the problem: you and Jaehyun aren’t friends nor acquaintances, you’re two complete strangers who share nothing but several undergraduate classes and a strong, drawn connection. 

— you’re both strangers until you’re not. 

GENRE. fluff | angst | orange!au | strangers to lovers!au | college!au | lots of… pining 

WORD COUNT. roughly 15k

warnings. mentions of death, blood, and lots of swearing

Anonymous asked:

Johnny + “I am intimidating!” “You are adorable.” (100)

requested // johnny x reader (g. slice of life)
100. "I am intimidating!" "You are adorable"

when people bump into you, it is often you who apologise for being in the way despite not being. it didn't matter whether they were older, younger, taller, smaller or even pets, you apologise and you were getting goddamn tired of feeling like a pushover.

taking a deep breath, you rub your hands together and determinedly exited your lecture hall, almost immediately being overwhelmed by the gushing of other students leaving the class.

"excuse me," you said respectfully smiling, keeping your shoulders to yourself. "excuse me," you repeat, making your way to the exit of the building.

"what are you doing?" you hear as he bumped into you and you curl your shoulders in and squinting your eyes into a glare, "you're not very scary, bro," he said, a teasing smile on his face.

scoffing at him, you roll your eyes at johnny and felt someone push past you again, causing you to groan and they turn around as you glared again, making eye contact as they shifted their eyes from you to johnny, "uh, sorry" they said, "i am... in a hurry," as they walked away, you watched frozen.

"i am intimidating!" you cheered, realizing you didn't need to say anything for someone to apologise and johnny chuckled, his shoulder bouncing as you were taken a back as he breaks into a fit. "you are adorable," he coaxes, ruffling your hair and pressing your cheeks.

"did you not see what just happened?" you choked out as he continued to press your cheeks in, still laughing and he thinks, whether to tell you that it was him that was intimidating or to let you keep your joy.

"if i can see that happen again, maybe i'll believe it," he said breathlessly and you nod, determinedly pushing his hands away and said, "lets find someone to scare!"




four years later

Pairing: Ten Lee x female reader

Themes: angst, ex! best friends to strangers, strangers to lovers, imagery, post college au, slight humour, slowish-burn, star crossed lovers, college reunion

Warnings: heavy ansgt, swearing, confusion, regret, food, alcohol consumption, The Fault In Our Stars, kissing, pg 15

four years one night + four years later playlist (pls i worked really hard on it okay)

Wc: 11.5k

  • Summary: Four years later, a college reunion and an old best friend. Collared shirts and button ups, time separated the two of you, but have the years changed you?

Authors Note: hello! Okay so my fic, Four Years One Night, hit 400 notes! And as a thank you, I wrote this NON CANON sequel. You do not have to read fyon to understand this fic, it works as a one shot as well. (however if you do read fyon ill be very happy and a lot of things will make even more sense)

Have we met before? Maybe in another time I loved you, maybe you’re the one I would run to


The streets were the same.

You got out of the cab, paying the driver and pulling your suitcases behind you. The first thing you notice is the way it all looks the same. You stand on the sidewalk, taking it in. 


t: this is the story of how we fell in love, apparently.

pairing | lee donghyuck x reader (female)

genre | fluff, humor, youtuber!au, roommates!au, friends-to-lovers!au

synopsis | running a youtube channel with your best friend isn’t easy, not when he’s like a ticking time bomb that’s constantly bubbling up something new. what’s worse is that you’ve had a crush on him for the past three years.

warnings (not all included in teaser) | swearing, suggestive, sexual innuendos/jokes, a few descriptions of food, mentions of covid-19 and quarantine, some personal negativity

projected word count | 13k+ (teaser: 2k)

expected release date | 6 june 2021 est

notes from vee | hi, welcome to my blog and thanks for taking the time to read this post at that. i’ve finished one of the most important exams i’ve ever taken in my life and i decided, why not celebrate that ending by releasing a teaser to a fic i’ve been dying to share? this is one entire snippet of the fic in entirety and it may or may not be mildly inspired (read: absolutely 100% inspired) by the way brooke (@lebrookestore) and i dm each other. also!!! just a brief introduction that this entire fic takes place during the corona age! meaning there are mentions of masks and covid and etc., no character gets it but just a psa for mentions! also, i did mention that hyuck and y/n are roommates, but they also live with mark and jaemin in this fic! :) anyway, please enjoy and let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist!

iii. we bought matching leather jackets!

“Hello and welcome back to doing dumb shit with Y/N and Haechan!” You announce cheerily as you press down on the record button, settling the camera in front of your seat to capture Donghyuck in the driver’s seat as well. He looks half wasted—if that was even possible—with his hair absolutely tousled and his lips just a bit swollen from earlier sleep, but he waves to the device at your voice. At the sight of him, you reach over to fix his hair, patting his head softly as you finish.

He watches you with parted lips as you take charge with the usual introduction, clapping your hands in excitement as you urge everyone to subscribe to the channel. Your eyes seem to shine more than usual—perhaps because today’s video was 100% your idea, not his, Renjun’s, or even Mark’s—with the light reflecting from them making it very easy for him to grow addicted to your look. Your look? You weren’t wearing anything grand, just a hoodie and sweatpants to keep you warm, but it appears like much more against your skin. 

“—and well, Mark and I used to come here a lot around like junior year in uni, so I thought I’d visit by again.” You continue on, glancing over at your friend as he hurls back into reality. “Plus I convinced Haechan to come with me so we could pick out something together. You know, like a couple sort of thing? But for best friends.”

Your smile radiates when you face him, and he nearly loses his breath. Best friendship charms were a thing of a past—maybe perhaps expressed through matching ice cream necklaces that spell out ‘BFF’ in mellow yellow and bright pink, or small custom-made keychains that have names written in cursive hearts—something that children in elementary school treasured for years. Donghyuck doesn’t remember ever having matching blue neckties with Mark Lee, or matching knitted socks with Huang Renjun, but he also doesn’t resist when you explain your plan for the day. If anything, he’d love to match with you. 

“Most of the clothing here is handmade and really good quality too. I think the jacket I bought for Jun as a gift like two years ago is still in pretty good shape.” You explain, gesturing towards the shop entrance as if the device was pointing that way. “Anyway! I’ll link the store’s website in the description below as well as Renjun’s channel! You guys should definitely check—”

Your heart gives away as Donghyuck reaches an arm over your shoulders, quietly resting his hand on your arm before squeezing it gently in acknowledgment. He shoots you a questioning look as you stumble over your words, raising an eyebrow as if to ask ‘what’s wrong?’ You only shake your head in return, trying to calm down the intense beats, and proceed. 

“Uh,” you smile lightly, having forgotten what you were going on about. “Well, yeah! Let’s go now!”

The interior of the store smells strongly of cologne when you immediately enter—and it throws you off for a bit—making you hum at the scent. The scent is almost addictive in a way that makes you want to enter the shop further and explore everything it has in store for you. Donghyuck notices your reaction, chuckling under his breath before snatching the camera from your hands.

“It smells like good cologne in here,” he mentions, keeping his voice low in respect to the non-existent other customers. “And you guys already know Y/N gets addicted to that shit, right? Yeah, she’d marry anything that wears cologne.”

“Stop overreacting,” you say, curling your fingers into his shirt and tugging him towards a specific section of the store. His eyes fall upon racks filled with dark colored leather jackets, varying from black to blue to red. Turning the camera towards you, he follows you as you stroll down the aisle in intrigue. 

After a few more steps, you turn around abruptly to face your best friend, holding out your hands. Even though the dark mask covers your excited expression, he can still imagine you glowing in his head. 

“Hyuck. We should get matching leather jackets.” 


NCT Dream Reaction: You being cuddly when sleepy


  • is always taken aback by this
  • he will never forget the first time you got really sleepy around him
  • you were both watching tv together, and you just gradually moved closed and closer to him until you were basically wrapped around his arm with your head on his shoulder
  • he just stared down at you, his expression similar to that of a deer caught in headlights
  • was absolutely terrified of waking you so he did not move
  • like… at all
  • seriously jaehyun walked past and was worried that mark was barely breathing
  • now, even though it’s happened a few times
  • he still gets nervous
  • not just because you’re very close to him
  • but because you trust him enough to fall asleep on him
  • and that you seek comfort in him
  • this is one time where mark won’t let anything or anyone come near you
  • seriously he will do everything he can to make sure that you aren’t woken up
  • like hyuck jokingly pretended to try and wake you and mark just sent him a look that had hyuck walking backwards out of the door
  • it surprised the members how protective he was when you were sleeping
  • like almost corners off half the dorm protective
  • but no one could deny it was the sweetest thing they had ever seen

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