
Whatever Crap I Feel Like (re)Blogging

@kdkorz10211 / kdkorz10211.tumblr.com

The Laundry List: white American, Californian, financially dependent on upper-middle class parents, college student, mentally ill / mad / psychologically disabled / crazy / neurodivergent (Avoidant Traits, Persistent Depressive Disorder with Intermittent Major Depressive Episodes, Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder, Atypical Anorexia Nervosa, Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior Disorder, Alcohol Use Disorder, Delayed Sleep-Phase Syndrome, Restless Legs Syndrome aka Hell), physically abled, pansexual, quoiromantic, femme, salmacian, genderqueer/nonbinary/androgyne/trans/boygirl/gentlelady (ze/hir, but they/them is okay), polyamorous (currently single), submissive, masochist, exhibitionist, pervert, ecclectic solitary pagan/buddhist/heretic/witch, future nurse (hopefully), nerd, anti-kyriarchal feminist, sex-neutral, anticapitalist (fuck the system), humanist (in that I believe humans are capable of living moral, ethical, fulfilling, and meaningful lives without religion), vegetarian (vegan when I can), animal, hippie, human. That's all I can think of right now.

I know… I hate that I can’t have meaningful conversations with my friends about Barbra Streisand anymore

old ass cartoonists hate youth so much they will reach at great lengths to look like they’ve made a point it’s truly fascinating

i honestly thought at first that this was supposed to portray how smartphones have given us the ability to look up information we don’t know at a moment’s notice

I fixed it

the edit forgot the hour long argument over who’s right and the lost friendships when nobody could agree on trivia before smartphones. one time my dad and i fought over the name of an actor for three hours because we’re both stubborn as hell. smartphones are a godsend.


A reminder that turning in assignments for partial credit is better than not turning them in at all. It is. Even if you think you’ve done a bad job and are ashamed of your work, or it’s way overdue, you take whatever you can get. Partial credit dramatically improves your grade over a zero, and I’m always astounded by how often even the smartest kids don’t really comprehend that. 60% is worlds better than 0%. Even 10% is going to help you. Letter grades are misleading and are not created equal. “F"s are mathematically valuable. Turn that late assignment in.


This goes for so many things in life tbh.

Can’t pay the full amount you owe on a bill? Pay as much as you can each month. Most places just wanna know you’re making a good faith effort. You can usually even call and ask for a smaller minimum monthly payment plan until you catch up, so that maybe you won’t be getting late fees added on to your balance. It’s worth calling to see. 

Third time you’ve had to reschedule that doctor’s appointment? Oh well. Your doc probably just wants to make sure you make it in to their office at all. Keep trying.

Half-assing is always better than no-assing folks. I know lots of us are anxiety-ridden perfectionists and it feels like if we can’t do everything exactly right on the first try we just shouldn’t bother. But that’s not true. 

My mom likes to say “anything worth doing is worth doing poorly” to emphasize that it’s okay to enjoy doing things even if you’re not good at them. The point is doing them. Make that shitty art project that makes you happy. Learn that new skill even if you suck at it at first. Make it to under half of the events of that club or organization you want to be a part of but can’t fully commit to. It’s okay. You don’t have to do it perfectly to do it at all. 

anything worth doing is worth doing poorly.

God i wish someone told me this in middle school


Productivity culture will deceive you (especially if you are particularly high-functioning or a former Gifted Kid) into thinking that any use of your time that can’t be monetized or leveraged for your personal advancement is worthless, and I’m here to tell you that’s the devil talking. Do shit because you like it.


first u have black cats drawn like 


and now i bring u


white dogs drawn like this

they are best friends


id love for someone to please explain to me how i ended up terrified of any kind of intimacy while craving it constantly all at the same time


Native cultures are not interchangeable.

Every single Native culture is distinct and unique, though many share similarities, and lumping them together is ridiculous. And while some practices are pan-Indian, the vast majority are not.

Kokopelli isn’t “Native American,” He’s Hopi.

Dreamcatchers aren’t “Native American,” they’re Ojibwe.

War bonnets aren’t “Native American,” they’re Plains Indian.

Wendigoag aren’t “Native American,” they’re Algonquian.

Totem poles aren’t “Native American,” they’re Northwest Coastal Indian.

Skinwalkers aren’t “Native American,” they’re Navajo.

Stop homogenizing our cultures. Every Native culture is beautiful and unique and deserves to be treated that way.

the monty hall saga

please watch brooklyn nine-nine

hoooOw dare you detective diaz i am your supIORIOR OFFICER! (BONE!!!!)whathappensinmybedroomdetectiveis none of your business (!boOoOoNE?!) dont, ever, speak to me like that again.

I’ve already reblogged this scene but the last comment is a masterclass in punctuation and vocal emphasis.


I spent a good half day being boggled over the fact that Uncle Iroh from A:TLA’s title was (and probably continued to officially be, among several others) Prince Iroh. Like, no, his official title is “Uncle”. Uncle of the Fire Nation. 

Zuko ghostwrote this.


well, ‘Uncle’ was the title Iroh was most proud of


me: immune system why do i have a fever

immune system: well the bacteria can’t survive outside 37 degrees for long so i thought i’d raise the temperature to kill them off!


immune system:


immune system:

me: we also can’t survive outside 37 degrees for long

immune system:

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